Am i holding the game hostage?
I had a guy trapped in the basement with leatherfaces chainsaw. had bbq and bloodwarden so wanted to get the last guy but i was put off by threats of being reported.
ended up hooking the guy before the gate opened and let him escape because i thought i was hostage taking
No, you're fine, but can we talk about how hilarious Bubbas squeals sound when they're sped up? Lol
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Sounds like a child, lol
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No, the Kate could have just left or the Nea could have actually tried to leave the basement. They had many opportunities to end the game themselves.
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Only way to hold the game hostage is if you body block someone in a corner and never hit them.
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Its kind of a bad stalemate tbh.That just comes with a reason why SOME game mechanics need a bit of work on this game ;-)
Id lose BBQ. When you start facing SWF. That perk becomes a bad placeholder perk. I'd put something more powerhouse such as Monsterous shrine if you plan to play reclusive killer style. Makes for some REALLY good plays! I've ranked clear up on a season playing as a Reclusive trapper. it was "trappers basement build". and made for some interesting matches. But the point generation and pips aren't so great.
What makes it great is. The aultruism that players naturally have, are their own trap and demise.
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No you need bbq for bp
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Here’s what I’ve gathered in my short time playing killer, and being a long time survivor main. As killer, it’s best to do what you want and ignore the handbook guide survivors created. Don’t be a tool, but do what you need to do to get kills as that is your objective. Don’t taunt or play unfair, but recognize survivors who lose will always be salty regardless, because they lost. There’s no tactic available in game at the moment that’s bannable outside of dcs, so screw what they threaten you with.
As survivor the games got a steep learning curve and long grind to get good. It’s frustrating and at ranks 15-20 there are a ton of toxic killers who face camp or tunnel as they don’t know how else to play. It can be very unfun and I get the frustration. I do encourage every survivor main to try killer for a week and vice versa. It helps to see the others point of view, which I think the community needs right now.
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camping and tunnel is the main tool a killer has. the game is built around that.
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Not at all. It wasn't a smart play since you were giving the other guy time to do gens, but you weren't holding hostage. If you body block someone into a corner or a room, like the bathroom on the game, or the upstairs gen on Haddonfield, then just hold them there, that's a hostage situation.
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how was it not a smart play? i had one dead bloodwarden on the last guy and two in the basement
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Because you had one guy in the basement and one gen left. You could have downed him, found the last guy with bbq, and closed it out.
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If I downed the guy in the basement, the last guy could have done one of three gens opened a gate and the other guy could've crawled away. now THAT is a bad play. blood warden and bbq would have closed it out. only reason it didn't is because i was put off by them saying they'd report me for camping/hostage taking.
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If you have to ask- you probably aren't lol.
If you are holding a game hostage you are aware. That would be like if you found one survivor left and they were in a corner so you body blocked them in there and then just didn't down them, and didn't let them out- with no end game timer yet you could do that forever. Obviously at that point you have to intentionally go "ima be a ****" so you would never ask cause you know it's wrong.
So yeah, you don't have to worry dude.
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Not going to lie, I think this is a really boring playstyle, but no - you didn't break any rules
P.S. Bubba's squeals 😂