If you DC out of anger during duble BP...
You are an idiot. Plain and simple
You lost the extra points and if someone had a bloody party streamers you lost the triple points.
I say this because I played a game as wraith where three survivors dc'd on their first down, making me waste my bloody party streamers and them loose all the bonus points if they would have STAYED AT THE GAME FOR MORE THAN ONE HOOK
I remember trying to explain to a survivor who DC’d during endgame that he cost me maybe 500 points (he was on death hook) but paid easily 20,000 points to accomplish that. I had 31,500 at the summary screen.
I don’t know if my point stuck with him or not but it was a poorly thought out move.
I was playing Clown.
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Guess there were two clowns on that game...
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Two DCs today when I put a streamer out. Killer told us later they werent even going to kill anybody. Not sure why they did that.
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Why do you care about others dc'ing?
Honestly, take your points and go.
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They must really like waiting five to ten minutes looking for a game as survivor
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That's what the people who DCed should have done.
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People DC because they want to DC. I’m sure they’re aware of what BPs they’re losing. Believe it or not, BPs are really easy to get. Sometimes you just want out of a game.
And every DC makes subsequent DCs more likely since they all know the game is now much more in the killer’s favor. That’s probably why the chain reaction of 3 DCs
Maybe you should spend less time judging people and more time studying your spelling.
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I've played as survivor vs a killer with a BPS several times in the past including during double bloodpoint weekends and killers would just DC as soon as the game started. I was losing my BPS and getting only 10k points.
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I'll DC all i want against super try hard toxic survivors that think looping killers all day is in any way shape or form fun for them. We just want our damn BBQ stacks most of the time but you end up making every match an unbearable ######### show.
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If you're getting "looped all day", it sounds more like an issue with you rather than them being toxic.
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You're right. I'm a Green rank fighting Red ranks all day every day. Of course i'm going to be bad at dealing with them. This game hasn't been fun for me since I hit greens because of this issue. It's just not fun at all.
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Yeah, the amount of DCs have
ever since double blood points started up.This is why I prefer playing killer over survivor because at least you don't have teammates that can screw you over. 😡😕
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I never said anything about what the other players should do. I just don't understand how posting on the forums is going to change that.
I have people dc all the time while I'm on both sides. They understand what it means, they just don't care enough. In my last match there was someone who changed their name to "speed quitter" or something like that. So most of these people are just trolling.
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I know you didn't say that. That's why I said it.
People post on the forums all the time about things that aren't likely to change. Usually, they do it to vent, to gather support for their perspective, or to raise awareness of the issue, all of which are fair enough reasons to start a discussion.
OP has good reason to care about people DCing, because it ruins the experience for other players. If you don't care about it, that's okay too, you can just move on without commenting, but it's okay for other people to want to talk about it even if they can't change it.
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The thing is, that's happening with all green rank killers right now. Survivor rank is not an indication of skill. A chimpanzee can get to red rank in survivor. I can get to red rank from green in survivor with my eyes closed in just a few hours. It's not hard. Pay less attention to their ranks.
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I had a Ghostface burn a Gruesome Gateau and a survivor burned BPS. He got looped on the Matt Walker window and DC’ed with one generator left. Some players can’t take a loss.
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I'll DC all I want against toxic killers, period
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Yea and when every red rank I come across knows how to abuse every tile set the game has, runs all the meta exhaustion perks and laughs at your attempts to catch them it gets pretty demoralizing and you give up even trying because it's so unfun.
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I've never been a fan of calling someone "stupid", regardless of how unfair I think their actions are.
I get that people want to vent, but it doesn't mean that someone isn't going to point how how pointless it is. Especially when there are literally thread after thread about the same thing... and especially when the devs are already going to address dc's.
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What are they supposed to do? Run in a straight line?
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The game is heavily unbalanced towards the survivor if they can just endlessly loop the map. It's not even remotely fun for newer killers facing this kind of nonsense.
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And I just had a killer DC with two gens to go and wasted my bloody party streamer. Oh well. People are going to DC. Nothing will change it.
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Every time I start a new game, it's not the most fun. You have to learn the maps, strategies, weapons, perks, etc etc. Why should DBD be any different?
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When I play survivor I get insta games, not so as killer.
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What system do you play on? I play on ps4 and my survivor lobby takes at least three or four minutes before I’m in a lobby but for killer it’s pretty much 20 seconds
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Upvoted and lol!
Basically what you said.
As someone whose played since release I don't really need more BP. Even when you consider I purchased the new dlc, consider that I put points into a survivor whose perks I will never use and into a killer I'll never play.
The OP scenario has no impact on me. In the game for 5 minutes or last person standing, either way, meh.
As a killer if you have a d/c and you want more points then slap some survivors for awhile instead of trying to hook them. Because the chances more survivors will d/c increases exponentially. I know some people will reply to that idea with something like 'BUT THAT'S NOT HOW THE GAME WAS INTENDED'. So I'm telling you right now chill, you play how you want to play, but copy the OP post, so its easy for you to paste it later 😀
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Before the game went to dedicated servers I'd see the ratio as 2:1 survivor/killer. Sometimes 3:1 but never the inverse.
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Don't complain when every killer runs a Mori then because they are sick of the bullshit.
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Why are people attacking the player who's suffered from poor matchmaking?
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Because it's the new edgy teen cool thing to do now. MM is broken, we all know it is, but sure, let's all just call the people on the receiving end of the bug terrible and bad and git gud when it's a clear case of you're boned from the start.
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Not gonna lie, I lol'd.
That was pretty much the take after nurse was released.
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Well they do, and it tends to just escalate the d/c, hook suicide rate.
So..... gg?
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But not everyone cares for bloodpoints ..... I have all my characters maxed so I couldn’t care less
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Funny some streamer just put out a video with his reasoning as to why q times are so horrible as survivor in red ranks and low rank killers.
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Nobody is angry here, at least I'm not if that's what you're thinking. I just want the ######### game I paid for to not throw me into complete dumpster fire matches every single day. Is that so much to ask? That I get matched with people of my own rank/skill?
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Kewl, you should link it.
It would be the first time you've provided some evidence too if I'm not mistaken. Unless its his 'because I say so' that reinforces your 'because I say so'?
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You mean camping and tunnel killers like that what I do.
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You gotta go next level man. You gotta continuously down 1 Survivor but not hook them until they eventually bleed out.
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The amount of salt you get when you "tunnel" someone because their unhooker vanished into the mist and their dumbass is still within sight is hilarious. Maybe if they didn't want to get tunneled their friends should stick around longer.
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You shouldn't use your selective memory to make statements about others.
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There's just a lot of manbabies who never learned to lose, so they make up a bunch of excuses for why they do something, when the reality is they're just trying to find whatever excuse they can to make being a scumbag okay.
Everything becomes an excuse, every time the killer does something they don't like, they justify it so they can leave. It can't be their fault, it has to be someone else's fault. So these same people disconnect over and over without punishment because they can. Even if something is directly their own fault, or they can't find an excuse, they'll make one up like "Guh, this game is so killer sided, OP Wraith!" and DC when the way they were downed was them being as dumb and ignorant as the posts they make on these forums.
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Well if its selective its because normally you post walls of text at me and then expect me to just digest it, being concise helps.
On that video he states that low killer wait times can be up as much as 45mins but red survivor queue times are about 5mins, maybe longer. Also hes based that 45min wait on his wife, how often does his wife play?
Having said that I like a lot of his talking points and he provides some good information to back up his perspective. In all honesty I appreciate you linking that vid to me and wish you would do more of it.
This vid actually comes back to parts of what I continually highlight. In that this forum needs to stop the killer vs survivor tribalistic talking points and talk more about soloq vs swf. He even points out why killer games are up to 70% kill rates and how the current match making helps them.
I recommend everyone watch the vid.
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I don't agree with what he said, I just mentioned the video and linked to it. Unlike you stating stuff and talking about it without posting it.
He said 5-8Minutes for red rank survivors. The point was to show you that survivors do have anything but instant matches which is what you claimed.
His talking points just display that he has no clue of the game, he doesn't even know how the matchmaking works or that it is bugged. No surprise that you like his talk.
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I need to DC if the game comes to ######### usualy when I get tunneled not on my first hook tho I'm not that stupid...
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'point was to show you that survivors do have anything but instant'
'he has no clue of the game'
oh Endstille 😘
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So him stating that survivors have long q times contradicts my point (he has no clue of the game) when he says r2 survivor needs a r2 killer? Because he obviously does not know that a) +-6 in ranks and that mm is bugged.
He furthermore states that this long q times for noobs are due to swf change when the long q times existed even before the change.
Don't see how this somewhat contradicts that you, only, claim survivors have instant lobbies in red ranks.
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I had a match where a killer was wraith and quit at the beginning of the match like a jerk. I lost my offering and party streamers was used.
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Was this on PS4?
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Assymetrycal horror survival he. (Each side has its ups and downs.)