When will they nerf slippery meat and the perk hope?

These two perks in particular are way too strong and really make the game unfair. Slippery meat in particular is so mind numbing to go against, that I usually end up disconnecting. When will these be nerfed?
Slippery Meat is stronger than original Ebony Mori and original MoM and original DS and original Machine Gun combo put together. If you disagree, you are obviously objectively wrong.
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Exactly. I see any sign of slippery meat and I’m rage quitting.
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If I think someone is even considering using Slippery Meat, I'm reporting them for hacking my phone.
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Lmao I saw u in the other post😂
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Bait has really went a long way
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Bad Troll.
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Dude you complain about Slippery Meat because you're visibly a killer main, wanna talk about how broken Overwhelming Presence is? Pairing it up with Mindbreaker and Hangman's Trick will result in the most overpowered perk build to ever exist in this game, can't wait for them to nerf those perks for real.
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I don't like to call these posts baits, it's more like meming, if any experienced player of Dead by Daylight believes this post is serious there's something wrong on their side and you can't really deny that.
With that being said, this post specifically is not 100% useless, making fun of perks by pretending they're anywhere strong points out how weak and almost unviable they actually are and if BHVR listened to their community in a normal way they'd be able to get some information off of these posts too.
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Yeah or if I know BHVR they will take this post seriously
I entirely know bait is not entirely useless, if a dev catches up on the bs of the post they will notice that the perks need a rework or buff, Sloppy butcher indeed is in need of this as its almost useless
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Yeah, there's far worse perks imo but still Sloppy also needs a buff
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Looks at mettle of man
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Cries in No one left behind
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Deja vu is more op
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The problem with slippery meat is that it gives me 6 chances to watch myself fail hook escapes, and I only want the 3.
As for Hope I wish they would buff the speed to 7.1% because 7% is just too low.
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I used to pair Slippery Meat up with Up the ante to make my kobe build before Deliverance came out. It tended to work and I didn't hate the idea of not having 100% guarantee to use it.
Slippery Meat is not brilliant but I nonetheless used to get some pretty cool usage out of it and it deep down is still possible to do so
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These perks can be better than: Machine gun, Dolphin, Microwave, Door and even Spaghetti
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Slippery meat and hope aren't very strong. If you DC against slippery meat, you're just being extra. It helps against trapper, but trapper isn't very strong or very popular. It's kind of a meme addon
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Slippery meat is OP, but what i really need is a nerf to Streetwize. Easily the strongest perk in the game..
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I don't see what you got against hope. It's not a bad perk
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Jeez people are still falling for this?
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It’s not as bad as No Mither & Monstrous Shrine . Those perks are so op.
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Oh no mither is way op. I had forgotten about this one but it makes killer games nearly impossible!!! How fair is it that one player isn’t crying or leaving a blood trail? It’s obscene.
when I see someone is abusing no mither. I’ll often dc or just throw my controller across the room.
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I won’t ever play against streetwize. It’s a 100% guaranteed win for the survivor, so why bother trying? It’s a dirty perk for try hard survivors.
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My instant DC perk is Vigil. If I even suspect a Survivor is running it, I'll DC immediately. That's just me, of course. Too OP.
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I can’t even count how many games I’ve gotten my cheeks clapped in game due to survivors running vigil. Insane strong. Good post.
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Falling for what? He picked worst perks in his opinion and saying that they need a nerf. I don't think hope is a bad perk.
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Thank you! I’m glad I’m being heard.
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Completely disagree with nerfing it since its already almost a 99% chance you cant get yourself off the hook by yourself. If you want a better chance to get yourself off the hook then burn a luck offering, use a perk slot to increase your chance or hope your team saves you. They cant add too many things to make survivors super op, which is why the perk Deliverance is just about okay. Unhook yourself but you cant heal for a while. Thats fair. Slippery meat takes up a perk slot and its not a 100% guarantee you get off so it doesnt need a nerf
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Only when you say it correctly. It's my-th-ugh
There's someone on you tube pronouncing it like slither