Do You Like The Current State Of DBD?

I'm curious to see what some people think about the current state of the game.

Do you think the game is great as is?

Needs a lot of work?

Do you think the game will die soon?


Let me know..

Me personally? I see some things that can be fixed. Some things that can stay the same. But I will say that everytime DBD makes a non - licensed killer and survivors, the community goes wild and don't usually fail to disappoint.

But I still believe this game is doing very well for what it is. Not many games only have 1 or 2 game modes and are still doing very well.

I think people will join the community. People will leave. People will hate and rage but still play. And people will outright get bored. But I would like to know what the community thinks.

Also... Drop whether you're a killer or survivor main and what rank you are.

I'm rank 1 on both but I just wanna see some other ranks :)


  • DoctorShockBoi
    DoctorShockBoi Member Posts: 152
  • Tisfine
    Tisfine Member Posts: 148

    People said that two years ago lol and DBD was in an even worse state. It was practically a broken mess.

    If the game would have died it would have done so a long time ago not now when the game is arguably in the best state it has ever been.

    On Topic, Devs need to fix some maps, Remove or change how keys and Moris work and add a way for killers to do a dent against SWF. Broken ass dedicated servers and it's solid.

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    I feel that it's not perfect. It needs some work, but it's not bad from it once was.

    They fixed grind of bloodwebs by a lot. There's still a lot of grind to it, but it's a lot better. You save half the time after getting your character to lv.50.

    Keys and Mori can be tweaked. Some killers still needs to be tweaked a bit too. Some reworked. There needs to be ranked rewards so there is an incentive to get that high in ranks. Some bug fixes.

    They have done a lot of things that helped the game be better. However, i am not blind to see some problems too. Having only 230 is not a lot, because not everyone is a dev or cosmetics artist. There are so many other positions in making a game, great.

    In any game, there are people gonna leave. Either by boredom, new games, life, being tired or whatever reason anyone has.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I think there is still plenty of work to be done, but we have come a loooooong way. I joined the week before Legion dropped, so my early experience, shall we say.

    I play on Xbox NA, am stuck at Rank 1, please send help.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,247

    I think the game needs a shift in philosophy in terms of balance targets. The maps are so ridiculously safe and large that many survivors make it to high ranks without developing good chase skills. The survival rates are what they are, but that doesn't mean survivors are weak. Most experienced players in both roles will tell you good coordinated survivors will win nearly every time with relative ease. Unfortunately, killers and maps especially seem to be balanced around the lowest common denominator. When this happens, nobody is forced to improve, high rank solo queue remains miserable for survivors, and killers see absurd difficulty spikes when they're suddenly faced with a team of 4 players that spread out, loop correctly, and only send 1 person in for saves. Balance around the 75th percentile of skill, and people will improve. There's no need to nerf a killer for green rank survivors because of the results that red rank killers are producing. A green rank Oni/Nurse/etc isn't the same thing, and oftentimes these killers get nerfed over things the target survivors were never going to have to worry about. This is how you end up with current Nurse.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    My main issues that I feel truly matter match making and Nurse. Green rank killers shouldn’t be going against purple-red ranks. Nurse needs to be buffed. She is fun to play as but hard to be successful with, she was fine the way she was. She already took skill to play.

  • Tenebro
    Tenebro Member Posts: 89
    edited January 2020

    For me the game is a total mess, never seen a "moba" style game with so much problems. Devs don't seem to understand what is the right way to follow, and for being 230 people they are too slow in doing everything, and even if they do, they usually do it bad: it seems the result of a work of about 20-30 people at most, with poor programming skills.

    Said that, this game has some great, addictive, funny core base game mechanic, and the lack of some serious competitors (I'm thinking at you, Last Year), makes it the only "playable" game in the asymmetrical genre. Also, with all the licensed killers, this is the only game that allow you to play Freddy, Michael, Amanda, Ghost Face, Leather Face, etc., all in single game. I think it will have a long life, at least until some serious company decide to invest in this genre: if that happens, then the devs have to act like real devs to have a chance to make it.

  • LegioPotatica
    LegioPotatica Member Posts: 50

    I started playing back in december right after oni dropped, so I'm still but a wee bebe (surv & killer both 16) and i can see where there's a lot of rough edges, but tbh i dont think the game is anywhere approaching terminal. Worse games have survived far longer, and i think if the bigwigs would shift gears & focus on polishing & tightening what they've got vs pumping new content for a while, it'd leave the game in a much healthier spot to receive the aforementioned new content

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    people have been asking for an operation: health forever, quantity>quality has been a trend for DBD for awhile

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    Hmm. I play both and I think games more popular than ever. I’d like to see some survivor perks nerfed (slippery meat, no mither, vigil, streetwise) to make a few. Basically the super op ones that make getting those 4Ks impossible. You know what I mean.

  • LegioPotatica
    LegioPotatica Member Posts: 50

    That's what I've read, yeah. Still, i hope they can buckle down eventually; even with all the hiccups I've been enjoying it so far.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Way better than before, still needs way more work.

  • Polychrome_Baku
    Polychrome_Baku Member Posts: 404
    edited January 2020

    Actually, a lot of older PC games like CS: GO, Unreal Tournament and Quake did very well with only a few game modes. This isn't exactly unprecedented.

    Anyways. I'm not happy with DBD and I feel like most of the problems are intrinsic to the game's design (static survivor objective versus dynamic killer objective, map design, the spaghetti code breaking every patch), which means they can't ever truly be fixed. So instead of endlessly complaining about it I just don't play anymore. I will always watch the forums though. Here's hoping that a bigger company can take the asymmetrical game mode and actual do something worthwhile with it. Because right now, Dead by Daylight is stuck in a holding pattern of constant cosmetic releases and half-baked content patches. And community good will doesn't last forever.

  • arianator
    arianator Member Posts: 8

    honestly i would be able to ignore all the other problems in the game if they just fixed matchmaking

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100
    edited January 2020

    It's better than it used to be, but I mean... there's still so much to fix/rework that I don't even know if saying that is any consolation. BVHR has a studio of 120 people, 1 of which might actually do programming/bug fixes/balance all at once (the other 119 are all cosmetic specialists, lel). State of the game still isn't ideal.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 906

    I think the game has made much needed improvements and a few unnecessary changes. The biggest things I think need tackling are ironing out the problems with dedicated servers, and get console on them as well. Also, most maps need a rework, some killers need buffs, and the biggest elephant in the room which probably has never been satisfactory is matchmaking.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    This guy has it right. I had no idea they employed 230 people is that true?? Even worse than i ever thought or could imagine!

  • Lanterns
    Lanterns Member Posts: 83

    Still a lot of work to be done. Play on and off on both, Survivor gets stale after a while and sitting down for Killer is swallowing a bunch of stress and ruining your own day sometimes if you don't watch yourself. Not exactly what I look for to unwind in my free time. But, sometimes you have those brilliant matches on either side that are just really good and leaves you satisfied. Bonus points if your opponent isn't an #########.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Honestly it's a great game but with flaws

    It's still the best game in this genre and nothing that tried to do this has even come close to dbd

    The game gets better and better each chapter though (minus the bugs)

    People just need to stop making such a drama about balancing

    It's a asymetrical multiplayer game with tons of different perks and killer powers

    Trying to create a perfect balance out of that is a fool's errand and it will never be fully balanced

    Once you realise that, and learn to swallow your losses, the game is a ton of fun

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    It's a good game, though clearly not perfect. It definitely has a lot of frustrations. The problem is that I think it is going to require some reworking that appeals to both sides. I imagine that it is far more complicated than nerfs and buffs. Right now there is too much negative feedback and one sided suggestions from people that main one side or the other without any understanding of how things are for the other side. There needs to be less complaining and more unbiased input from people that understand both sides. The back and forth bickering between survivors and killers is not helpful, at all.

  • Toastyy
    Toastyy Member Posts: 226
    edited January 2020

    Killer isn’t fun anymore as soon as you hit rank 10 you just get toxic red rank swf’s that gen rush you and abuse the broken god loops in the game then teabag you at the exit gates so no it’s not in good shape and if they don’t do something about the maps there won’t be anymore killers playing so the game will die.

  • Tenebro
    Tenebro Member Posts: 89
    edited January 2020

    The problem is that we aren't talking about the lack of a perfect balance, that would be great ... we are talking about the total lack of a balance, with very few steps in the right direction, and other few steps in the wrong one ... sadly 😔 ... but hey, there are a lot of skins!!! 🤣

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Debatable on both points

    I feel balance has never been better

    And there are never enough skins : p

  • Tenebro
    Tenebro Member Posts: 89

    I agree, I think they did a pretty good job so far 🤭

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328
    edited January 2020

    Yeah. Im playing as killer mostly (survivors only for rituals or challenges). Bad map design is only one of all problems. Endless loops with 3 pallets next to each others, The Oni map is hell for killer coz high grass where killer can hardly chase survivor that literaly blend with surroundings. Bad matchmaking that is placing vs you much higher ranks (for example when I was rank 10 I was placed with 2-4 rank SWF survivors - how the hell is this fair??). Gen-rushing is thing, usualy before you find first survivor, one gen is done. There should be some objective that prevent jump 3 ppl jump on gen early game and finish it before killer has even chance to find some survivor (for example another objective or add fake generators). Sure, current state is ok for survivors and developers are ok with that coz 4 ppl are satisfied and 1 (killer) not so its more profitable for them. When playing survivor Im most of time totaly calm but when playing killer Im constantly stressed coz its hell playing killer. Some killers are balanced (killers that have chance to kill enemies) and some are useless (like Legion or Nurse thx to huge nerfs). Sad is that balanced killers are considered OP by survivors but not coz they are OP but coz they have even chance vs survivors.

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,114

    I think it is fine. The top tier killers are good enough for red ranks and most low to medium tier killers are good enough for purple ranks.

  • FearlessHunter
    FearlessHunter Member Posts: 530
    edited January 2020

    Honestly I have very mixed feelings about DBD right now which is a shame cause I feel like this game has so much potential. There are times where I'm super excited to jump on and play and there's other times where I can only play 1 match before being bored. I think my main problems are these.

    First issue I want to point out and please don't think I'm bashing on the devs because I do appreciate the hard work they put in but at times I feel like they don't care about the current state of the game and they don't communicate with the community when they should be. Sometimes they will do the exact opposite on what the community says needs changing such as.

    Map reworks: They rework the maps that aren't the top priority ones.

    Killer changes: nerfing nurse base kit and Oni's flick.

    There's a lot of other things but I don't want to get ahead of myself.

    Second issue I want to point out is how long it takes for bugs to get fixed. I'm talking about clown's endless amount of bugs with his bottles, Wraith and Spirit's lunge bug, (know this one isn't a bug but Huntresses BS hitboxes are stupid at times), Ghostface's detection and being able to stalk through walls, low ranks being paired with high ranks despite not being in a SWF and so on.

    Next is that I feel like the devs are running out of ideas for new killers. These past few killers have been hybrids of previous killers. Ghostface is a hybrid of Pig and Myers, Oni is a hybrid of Billy and Myers, Reworked Freddy is sort of a hybrid of Hag and Clown with his new snares. What happened to every killer having a UNIQUE power?

    Balance issues... I'm not even gonna get into that one as there's so much stuff that needs balancing.

    At the end of the day I personally think the devs need to temporarily slow down on content (and cosmetics) and focus on fixing bugs because every time there is a new chapter it introduces more bugs on top of the current bugs we already have. I honestly think it's about time we have a new game mode too as the current game mode has been around for almost 4 years now and it's starting to get very stale. This is of course my opinion and it's just how I feel but I feel like DBD has a lot of room for improvement.

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    Game is far from dead and is growing. The only thing that needs to be changed asap is the horrendous map design. Once they learn how to design maps and fix the current ones, the game will be fine.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Lol couldn't have said it better myself

    I like you, you're a funny person

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Ranking system, matchmaking, performance issues, the amount of severe bugs, imbalance, dc mentality, community's behaviour, dedicated servers - the game is not in a good state.

    For me personally, the Tome challenges made the game even less fun. (I play a lot solo surv and everyone is throwing the game to get their challenges done.)

    Also noticable: Despite great licenses like Ghostface and Stranger Things, the playerbase did not grow since Summer 2018.

    I don't think the game is going to die soon, but I also can't see how it's supposed to grow.