Borrowed Time Buff,Ruin Buff and We'll live forever buff

Borrow Time-While a survivor unhooks you within the killer terror raduis and you have borrowed time equiped it activates for 4-5-7 seconds and prevents the next hit that would put you into the dying state to be prevented after being hit you suffering from the mangled and Deep wound status affects

Big Pro

Prevents you from relying on other to not be down instantly while the killer wait for D strike to run out while baiting in other survivors to help and just end up falling.

Big Con

Time cannot be extended on this new borrowed time since if it were. You would be able to block for the healthy or injured survivor and still get away. Leaving the killer annoyed(but hey that's where the two affects deep wound and mangle would come in for the maximum punishment of this action and rewards the killer for playing normaly)

Ruin(not a totem anymore)-Normal skill check regress the generator 3-4-5 great skill check don't regress or increase generator progression this affect less for 20-25-30 seconds.

Pros-Prevents 2 gens from literally being done instantly and benefit some perks early on such as Discordance,Dying light and Play with your food stacks

Con-Low chance of this causing survivors early on in low-meduim ranks to roam and search for chest and totems

This would benefit both survivors and killers big problems and really make the winners those with skill and who know how to mind game. Instead of who can down and rush gens faster/who can camp and mess with killers with D strike hardest

We'll live forever-Doesn't benefite you or your teammates just waste a perk slow should be given an extra affect like start with 1 survivor highlighted to you for the rest of the game while a nerf to prove thyselfs. All this would fit in really well with my previous thoughts on Ruin and borrowed time.

What do you think?
