Will there be a free DLC?

Would be pretty cool, a way of giving the community something back


  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    Doubtful. The occasional free cosmetics and charms are probably the best we'll get.

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    Greed, they're doing pretty well with cosmetic sales and Licensed content, but doubt they'll ever give us another free chapter again.

  • Ajritoka
    Ajritoka Member Posts: 594

    I was excited to pay for A Lullaby for The Dark, and then I was pleasantly surprised to hear that Behaviour was generously granting this chapter to all players for free.

    But with the inclusion of the in-game store, technically all original characters are free. Although you’ll have to grind for them, so this brings up a debate on what is really considered free.

    With so many characters in the game though, I think it’s about time that a new Killer was added to the default pool. New players have four Killers and seven Survivors unlocked by default. That’s three more Survivors than Killers.

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    No? You can already get all the non licensed dlcs free by simply saving up shards.

    They don't need to "give back" any more than that imo.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Trapper, Wraith, Billy, Nurse and Huntress equals 5 but i get your point : p

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    TBH they should at the very least turn Flesh and Mud and Spark of Madness into free content for PC. It's been free on console since launch.

    The price tag just to collect characters keeps going up and up, and it's incredibly difficult to convince new players to get into the game when they see more than 75% of the cast is behind either a paywall or hundreds of hours of grind per character.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Just an FYI, the game is more expensive on console, that's why they get those DLCs "free".

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    well, The Last Breath Chapter was ment to be a test to see how DLCs would work and if we, as the community, would be interested in them.

    A Lullaby For The Dark was probaply for free, since Huntress brought a whole new mechanic into the game and had the potential to be one of the top tier killers, so they made her free aswell.

    they go by the rule "no pay to win" afterall and at that time it would have been eigther pay for her or dont play her.

    nowadays, thanks to the shop, all oroginal chapters are basically free chapters, as they are obtainable with shards and therefore playtime.

    the only chapters that actually do cost money would be licensed chapters.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    It's $48 here, to get what's in the console edition costs PC users $72.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Should the originals be free? Yea

    Will they? lol

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    On PC

    The Game = £15 ($20)

    DLCS = £5 x 2 = £10 ($13)


    Where are you getting $72 from?

  • PalletOrWhat
    PalletOrWhat Member Posts: 265

    Why would they? We are getting enough free stuff already.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I'm in aus so the numbers might be higher than other regions but the ratio is the same, prices taken from the playstation store site and steam.


    DBD - $28.95

    The original soundtrack - $14.50

    The 80s suitcase - $4.50

    The Bloodstained Sack - $4.50

    Of Flesh and Mud - $9.95

    Spark of Madness - $9.95

    Total: $72.35 vs Playstation's $47.95

  • Tenebro
    Tenebro Member Posts: 89

    I agree, if I had to buy DBD nowadays, I would never, ever, buy a game where you have to pay for the base game, for tons of DLCs, with a cosmetic store where most of the cool skins are behind the paywall of 10$ each, with a "timed" season pass (the archive) that force you to grind/pay for its content, and for the overall grindy nature of the game that makes it hard to obtain at least the base kit to have fun (I'm talking about decent perks and addons). Ye, you can obtain some of the content "for free" if you are willing to grind a lot ... but, as a new player, you have to grind for the good builds first ... so, as a new player, I would never ever consider it (not mentioning all the bugs, the worst matchmaker for an online game, the stressful game experience due to bad balance, etc.)

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,363

    The free chapters they DID put out (Lullaby in the dark, Left behind, and The last breath) were all before they introduced the concept of being able to buy characters using ingame currency. They cant give away licensed DLC for free, because they have to pay the license holders...and the license holders are unlikely to accept iridescent shards as an acceptable payment method, lol. The model theyve come up with to allow players to earn the characters and their perks in exchange for ingame currency is pretty fair IMO (although I wouldnt mind abit of a rework to the shrine of secrets). I bought Oni with shards, and plague before him. Aside from afew cosmetics that caught my eye here and there (Suzie is bae), I typically have a nice chunk of shards saved up to get whatever I want from the shrine as well as any new chracters.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,933

    This. You can get every original character for free if you grind for them. That's how I got most of the original characters. I think that is very generous. I can't ask for anything more.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited January 2020

    We already get the DLCs for free if you buy them with Shards. I think thats a fantastic way to "give the community something back" :o

    Kinda ridiculous how some of you are complaining that they try to earn money.

  • Tenebro
    Tenebro Member Posts: 89
    edited January 2020

    They should at least decrease the shards amount of some killers\survivors not included in the base game (which we all remember that still costs 20€), like every other "moba" style game already does (and yes, some of them give the base game for free ... here we have to pay for it). Or due to the nature of this game, let choose the firsts 1-2 killers at reduced shard costs for new players, and include a monthly\weekly free killer\surv rotation (or increasing the chances to find splinters of "every" killer in the bloodweb).

    As a new player, if I buy the base game at 20€ (or 10€ if in discount), it's very very sad to find only 1/20 of the game I just bought. Also you have to consider that for a new player the initial grind should focus on viable builds, so you have little resources to do anything else.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,363

    Where'd you get 1/20 from? The game starts you off with 7 survivors and 5 killers, so your exaggerating GREATLY. Most of the characters can also be earned by just playing the game, which is similar to MANY games that dont give you EVERY toy in the game the first time you boot it up, but requires you to play it for awhile first. The idea to be able to pick your first characters though would be neat, although they couldnt add the licensed characters to that list.

    Ultimately though, I feel like the problem lies in the idea of not having everything when you buy the base game. When the game originally released and ppl bought it, they bought a full game. The fact that the devs have made new content since then doesnt change the fact that its STILL a full game.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    In your opinion it's full. Regardless of the fact that I buy the DLC bundles, I definitely would not call the game "full" when you buy it with 26/38 characters locked behind a paywall, or solid months of grinding per character.

    It's not like a fighter game where playing well or completing certain challenges unlock characters, just sheer hours upon hours.

    It's kind of sad that 2/3 of a game being locked to you is what people consider a full game these days.

  • Tenebro
    Tenebro Member Posts: 89

    Now there are 20 survivors and 18 killers. Considering some key perks are behind locked characters, considering you still PAY for the base game (i can understand only a little if it was free), considering that most skin (not reskins) are not included in the base game, as a new player you have to work hard to reach a first playable, enjoyable build. After almost 2000 hours in this game, I just reached to buy with shard only a 3-4 full set of skins and a couple of "dlcs" ... that's a bit to much for a new player, isn't? Other games allows you unlock other characters after a couple of games, or they are already all included, some skins (real skins, not reskins) are very cheap (the get you buy the more expensive ones), etc.

    As it is now, I'll never, ever, buy DBD as a new player ... they only thing it doesn't have is the monthly fee to play it, damn.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,363

    The game's content that was bought WAS full when it was released, them adding more characters to the list doesnt change that fact. Many games have content released after the initial release in the forms of DLC. You brought up fighting game characters for example, but you can look at games like the last 2 Mortal Kombats to see a similar situation. The game was a complete title BEFORE Jason was added to MK10, its worth the same exact value AFTER the character is released.

  • Tenebro
    Tenebro Member Posts: 89

    Damn ... even the forum is bugged ... I wrote a message and it doesn't show up ... come on 😓

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,363
    edited January 2020

    I noticed. It gave me a notification you wrote me something, but lead me to an empty screen.

  • Tenebro
    Tenebro Member Posts: 89

    Right now (not 3 years ago) the game you pay is only a fraction ... make it free to play, as now you have the store, the season pass, DLCs, etc. ... and even then, some things costs too much to get started and enjoy the game against people that own almost the entire game.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    The game was complete, past tense. It no longer is. It's a competitive game where a player who pays for all the DLC has a competitive advantage over one who doesn't. You're less likely to die with a build containing meta perks, you're less likely to get kills without them as well.

    Yes, the shrine exists, but that's completely down to luck with, again, months upon months of waiting in case the perk you want MAYBE shows up. Considering some of the most used perks, DS and BBQ are locked behind paid-only DLC, the odds of them showing up when you're a new player seem insurmountable.

    Killer powers are a hugely significant portion of the game, each is basically a full game mode for killers. You aren't unable to play without buying killers, but you still don't have access to most of the game on that side.

    Regardless of how it was released initially, and what their intention was with DLC, it's no longer a complete game when it comes with an extra hundred or so dollar price tag just to unlock the roster.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,363

    The only thing that that would change is the game developer would just create a sequel and sell you the same game all over again when they want to release new content. Instead of having 1 game with 18 killers, youd have multiple games with the cast being split up. Blizzard is currently doing similar with Overwatch 2 being announced. The gameplay is exactly the same with maybe abit of polish for graphics and a handful of new characters. DBD on the other hand...just adds the characters to the 1 game and updates the graphics every now and then. Instead of buying 2 seperate games at full price, you buy 1 game, and choose which of the added characters youd like.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    You can pick and choose examples; DotA 2 (which is really not a sequel but a remake of the original mod as a standalone game) is 100% free, contains every character from dota free, and continues to add new characters regularly which are all free. It operates off money only from cosmetics (which are 1/4 the price of DBD's) and a battle pass which contains only cosmetic rewards.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,363

    Most of that roster can be unlocked by simply playing the game. Its a similar situation to Warframe which gives you your 1st character with it being up to you to grind for the other 50 or buying them. This game charges for the game, sure...but gives you 12 characters to start with.

    You brought up fighting games before, which are actually doing the same thing alot lately with buying additional characters. At least this game gives you th option to earn the character through playtime, whereas I dont have the option to unlock Goro without buying him.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Some do, some still have standards.

    You compare it to Warframe. However in Warframe you unlock new characters by merit and challenges, you complete the right missions and you get the character. Yes, they have a craft time of 3 days, but you're basically expected to unlock a new frame in your first week of playing. You set your mind on unlocking a new frame and the grind can be a matter of a few hours. Throughout that time you also have access to literally hundreds of guns and melee weapons that change up your game as much as a new frame does early on.

    DBD's model has been designed to take upwards of 1-2 months of committed playing to unlock a single character, and operates on the same currency required to access the shrine.

    You take a new player to Warframe and they ask "how can I get a new frame" and there's 20 different things you can take them to do that day and have a new toy for them. You take a new player to DBD and they ask "how can I get a new character" and your answer is "play for hundreds of hours, or pay."

    The biggest issue with getting people into DBD is the wall of locked content, and grinds upon grinds upon grinds that simply aren't rewarding in a realistic time frame, and no amount of comparison to other games is going to fix that.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,363

    The fact that there is a free option however when most other games dont have such an option for their DLC means alot. The only thing youve really said that I can agree with it the idea of perks for various builds being locked away with the shrine being a pretty poor way of unlocking them. Frankly, Id be completely down to see a redesign of the shrine to be not so RNG based on whats available. While I could use playtime to unlock Clown if I want Pop for example... Waiting for the shrine to give me BBQ can suck since Bubba doesnt have a free option.

    I guess the best example I can really give for being close to P2W would be DS since its locked behind Laurie who's a cash only character. Most of the other META perks are on characters available for shards. If they were to rework the shrine to make it more like an open store where the perks are ALWAYS available, but maybe with discoints of different perks each week... That would be cool.

    Other meta perks BESIDES DS, at least on the survivor side, are fortunately all available from the start. By that I'm thinking of BT, unbreakable, dead hard, sprint burst, and afew others that vary on popularity (Bond ftw, lol).

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367

    They are also part of xbgp and psn+.

    So they're extra free. Only us switch users have to pay $40 for the nightmare edition they sell at stores now for$20. But the switch version is missing some content.

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,452

    Depends on which platform you’re on. New players get 7 killers on console(9 on the Switch).

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Would be nice if they did one free orginal DLC a year. That contains a map, killer, survivor, and perks.

  • WhTe_Tygre_DBD
    WhTe_Tygre_DBD Member Posts: 295

    It costs me £15, idk how much that is in USA. I'm on console 😔