Oh Great! Band Together Killer Mains As We Get Genrushed.

BugReporte Member Posts: 102
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

So there nerfing ruin... (Someone coughing in the background) This was no surprise to anyone that they would nerf ruin eventually. So now we need "pressure" survivors off a gen? THAT'S LITTERALLY WHAT YOU ALREADY DOOOOOO! Ruin may be a powerful but it wasn't OP on red ranks it's popped the first 4 minutes only in rare conditions, does it stay up. And now while people are off gens they regress but ruin can still be popped? Time to use popgoes and overcharge because ruin is now useless! What a slap on the d*ck for people that just grinded for ruin too. And no, "Calm down you salty ######### it's just a game." IK it's just a game but when your getting genrushed on killer it pisses you off and when they do it constantly it's even more annoying! Imma just main wraith because that's the only way I see to get people off gens but that'll probably not even do anything either! So GGs BHVR you "ruined" us. (Another person coughing in the background)
