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Ruin Isn't Even That Good

A lot of you killers depend on Ruin, and honestly that's just sad. In fact, you depend on it SO MUCH that you're "threatening" to stop playing Dead by Daylight just because of a nerf that isn't even live yet.

This is how a game without Ruin goes (rank 1): You chase a survivor, down them, and 2 gens that are near each other get popped. By the time you hook them the others are already working on number 3 which is close to the other 2 completed ones, generally. Then you go off to chase others off of gens and the game is slowly pushed into having to do a 3 gen strat. How fun for both sides!!

This is how a game with Ruin goes (rank 1): You chase a survivor, down them, and 1 gen gets popped. Within the 5 minutes of the game your totem gets broken and survivors are working on separate generators strewn across the map (due to them running around looking for the totem) then final gens are well spaced apart.

Sure, your totem CAN survive for more than 5 minutes, but let's be honest, it's very rare. Not saying that Ruin hurts more than helps you, because that's not true. It's very useful for early game, but ultimately a waste of a perk slot.


  • Murcielago
    Murcielago Member Posts: 163

    Most killers like trapper need early game to be effective unless you want to lose three gens before one hook and new ruin is almost useless for early and late game since it's still a hex and it makes gens regress you can't kick it so pop , overcharge and surge are all useless with it

  • Murcielago
    Murcielago Member Posts: 163

    Most killers like trapper need early game to be effective unless you want to lose three gens before you get one hook and the new ruin is useless early and late game since it's still a ruin and doesn't work with pop , overcharge and surge since you can't kick a regressing gen

  • Aztreonam78
    Aztreonam78 Member Posts: 1,131
    edited January 2020

    Lol, for trapping killers Corrupt Intervention is much more worthful bcs Survivors literally cannot repair far gens.

  • Umbrae_pk
    Umbrae_pk Member Posts: 482

    Unlike Ruin, Corrupt Intervention gives you 2 CONFIRMED minutes that 3 generators won't be worked on. Ruin can be destroyed the first 20 seconds of the match. The amount of times I've spawned d next to their totem and BOOM the killer has 3 perks now

  • Umbrae_pk
    Umbrae_pk Member Posts: 482

    Thank you, you get it! :) Ruin doesn't give you that. Survivors can literally still repair it.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    The new ruin is actually a lot stronger then people realise i think

    It's just reads weak

    It bassicly adds 50% to any time a survivor wastes

  • Murcielago
    Murcielago Member Posts: 163

    The problem is we HAD a choice between them now we don't because ruin got gutted hard next corrupt intervention will take it's spot and then you guessed it incoming nerf because you need slowdown on trapper or on a map where survivors spawn on a gen where you can't make it to in time

  • Umbrae_pk
    Umbrae_pk Member Posts: 482

    I agree, people just need to try it before they knock it.

  • Murcielago
    Murcielago Member Posts: 163

    You're missing the point it negates pop , overcharge and surge as well as it's still just a hex

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,331

    For some reason, it seems you feel like ruin is affecting the gens survivors are choosing to work on. Survivors can be just as smart and spread out even when theres NOT ruin (I run bond and make sure to spread the pressure by working on gens away from the ones my teammates are doing).

  • Keene_Kills
    Keene_Kills Member Posts: 649

    It's so ineffective and worthless that the devs deemed it necessary to nuke it and salt the earth below it to make the game funner and easier for survivors. Cool, got it.

  • Flawless_
    Flawless_ Member Posts: 323
    edited January 2020

    This is how a game without Ruin ACTUALLY goes (rank 1): You start the game and by the time you get to a gen with two people on it you chase a survivor, down them, and two gens that may or may not be close to each other depending on the map pop. Meanwhile their teammate has come back to finish gen 1 which is pretty close since it was being worked on by two people. By the time you hook them the others are working on number 4. Then you go off to chase others off of gens but can’t catch up to them because they 99d Sprint Burst and made it to the god loop. Gens 1 and 4 pop. Last gen is next to the god loop so you don’t even bother and by the time you down someone the exit gates are powered. You hook that person while a teammate 99s the exit gate. Hook tech, borrowed time save + adrenaline, bodyblock to the exit gate. GGEZ.

    This is how a game with Ruin ACTUALLY goes (rank 1): you start the game and halfway to your totem there’s an explosion and a visual notification letting you know that you’re now playing with 3 perks.

    The problem as never been Ruin. It's map size and gen times. Ruin or not slow killers have little to no chance at pressuring gens at the moment. I'm a red rank survivor and I never run around looking for the totem. I know somebody will eventually see it while being chased. Good survivors know it's more effective to power through anyway.

    Post edited by Flawless_ on
  • Which makes them all group up on the ones closer and pop 2+ gens before corrupted even ends, next.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    So? It works insanly strong with surveilance and any way to stall the game

  • Murcielago
    Murcielago Member Posts: 163

    Until it's cleansed it's not as good pop with corrupt or surge with surveillance since that can't be cleaned

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976
  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,862

    This isn't a new thread. There is always someone saying "ruin isn't even good". But the simple fact that it is the single most used perk in the game says otherwise. Popular things become popular for a reason.

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742

    No its not the best but it slowed the game down if only for a very brief time.

  • Murcielago
    Murcielago Member Posts: 163

    The problem is you get better use out of making skill checks harder a lot better than just regressing when they're not on a gen which the speed of the regression being only half the speed of survivors repair speed so if a survivor gets a gen to 50& it has to regress for 100 seconds to be reset completely considering one gen takes 80 seconds so you still lose a gen

  • DeKillerKiller
    DeKillerKiller Member Posts: 547

    Yes, Ruin was a terrible perk.

    But it was one of the few perks that helps out for early game pressure for most killers in the roster. And that early game pressure is important.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976


    Good players hit greats so all you did was take away 5 % per skill check

    Bad players tapped adding 15 seconds to gen times

    I can understand the outrage but if you stop and think the new ruin is honestly a lot better then the old one

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    I agree that it wasn't very good, and unreliable. Survivors either ignore it or get rid of it as quickly as possible.

    But that just begs the question of why it would be nerfed (BHVR said it) at all? Especially nerfing it based on a small number of survivor players.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    But now Ruin takes away zero progress per skill check.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Yeah after playing with it i realise i was a bit too optimistic

    It's decent if it can last but that's a big if

    PGTW does the job it's trying to do more consistent imo

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    To be honest, Corrupt is worse than old Ruin, it doesn't slow down the repair speed, it only blocks 3 gens and forces the survivors to spread out to repair the other gens ( which is a bad thing ). Agaisnt good survivors, this perk is even more worthless than Ruin. And over half of the killers simply can't apply on over half of the maps, so this Ruin nerf shouldn't went live untill at least some maps were made smaller.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928
    edited January 2020

    Yeah, that's right. Good, but not good enough, not really that helpful and you know how it made killers frustrated when it was cleansed in 30 seconds.

    Better make it less frustrating for survivors.

  • RIPotatoes
    RIPotatoes Member Posts: 22

    Am I gonna say that I might be rare case but I can win matches at rank 1 without any perks, its honestly not that hard. Especially when you know how killers tend to play