Corrupt intervention will be the new hex:ruin

Pretty much funneling survivors into you for 3 minutes is pretty strong. Mixing this with new ruin may lead to a quick game all together. Whats described as a "late game perk", i believe the point of it is to get value when theres less gens to patrol and more survivors to chase off more frequently.

possible build:

pop goes the weasel



corrupt intervention

the new ruin nerf is absolute trash btw, but the game isnt unplayable. People are forgetting that them nerfing ruin isnt the problem. They just need to fix their gen system. Ranking up to red isnt impossible, its just harder now.


  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    Overcharge and PGTW don't work with new Ruin because the gen is already regressing.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    With this build you start with only 2 perks that might stay as 1 for most of the game if they don't cleanse the totem.

    Change overcharge and pop to other stuff.

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131
    edited January 2020

    It always was for me.

    I used ruin in something like 3 games so I that nerf doesn't bother me. Usually use pop or corrupt.

    Kinda sad so many got attached to it so much that they will quit the game because of the change lol...

  • JinX_Of_Fire
    JinX_Of_Fire Member Posts: 38

    Pop was used to balance out the late game when corrupt went away and when ruin gets cleansed. Its more of a if all else fails pop can come through with regression

    overcharge change makes sense, since overcharges value is dependent on survivors' skill level. Hmm... maybe whispers then, or infectious fright while maintaining a 3 gen to continue the pressure?

  • Androuruguayo99
    Androuruguayo99 Member Posts: 55

    Recent data show that corrupt intervention is used in over 80% of all games in the red ranks, and across the entire userbase it appears in about 45% of all games.

    We took a close look at the perk to identify what makes it so frustrating to play against

    Its punishment of new players or those who can't repair near of the killer

    The passive nature of the gameplay pressure it provides means that there is a huge amount of potential with very little effort or risk on behalf of The Killer. 

    So let's nerf it :)

  • TitanByDaylight
    TitanByDaylight Member Posts: 169

    No Nerf needed it's not really that dangerous to go against. There are plenty of perks survivors use that require little effort, you can spend the time corrupt intervention is active to get rid of totems because killers usually use NOED anyways. Plus genrushing makes games last like 5 minutes most people on both sides usually like longer matches.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    A tool for helping weaker killers getting some much needed slowdown? Probably.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620


    Corrupt forces surviviors to get closer to you = useless on setup killers.

    Not to mention that it can ruin your 3 gen

  • Temperance
    Temperance Member Posts: 19

    Just take four gen slowdown perks KAPPA

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,866

    I'm just not a fan of corrupt intervention. I've used it several times and felt like I got very little value out of it. I've ran into it as a survivor and didn't feel like it slowed me down too much. I just cleansed a totem or two on my way to the other side of the map. I think it's over rated.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    I've been running this on hag.. and I'm a bit underwhelmed. I can't help but think a more aggressive perk might do more for me, mid/end game.

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    It would be nice if Corrupt Intervention kicked in when there are 3 gens left rather than at the beginning.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Disagree. From my experience, it usually doesn't change much, as you are still trying to chase someone while multiple Survivors are doing gens. Then you down the Survivor, hook them, and you've used up most of Corrupt. It doesn't even slow down the game by much; it mostly just changes which gens have progression on them at the start.

    I think the Killers that can actually make work of it are the ones who need some time to set up. Mainly Trapper, Hag, Demogorgon, and maybe Freddy a tad.

  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392

    All corrupt does is buy you time, and once it’s done you lose a perk slot. This is very similar to ruin, a perk I did not particularly care for to start with. I used it just as “that’s what killers do” kind of mentality. I am fairly happy I don’t use it anymore. Just wish they’d fix the map sizes *grumble*

    i would personally rather use four active perks that cannot be taken away then use a one shot perk (hexes, haunted grounds, corrupt, etc).

    Just me, though. If it works great for you, keep using it.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    I figured corrupt would be great on Hag, much like Trapper. You can just hang around the unblocked gens, setting up your web while the survivors either do nothing or walk right into your area.

  • KornySon10
    KornySon10 Member Posts: 103

    I think it's the best killer perk in the game. Nothing else stops the survivors from spawning directly on top of your generators and starting to work on them ASAP. On many maps it can take them a minute to even find a gen, and that's already more value than old ruin used to provide half the time.

    Depending on where you spawn, it can lock down a 3 gen for the lategame as well.

    I feel naked when I play killer without it, unless im on someone super high mobility like freddy or billy; where I think ruin + surveillance is better option.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I think it's really niche and not very good. I don't see much difference with or without it unless I'm playing very specific Killers. From my experience, Survivors will just move to another area of the map where they know it's super unlikely there will be a locked gen. It just slightly increases the time it takes to start working on gens. That's it.

  • KornySon10
    KornySon10 Member Posts: 103

    If you don't have the map knowledge to get an idea where the survivors will be at the start of the game (usually right on top of the blocked generators), you can run whispers to guarantee you will get value out of it.

    Plenty of survivors will attempt to wait it out, or do totems and chests, and if that is the case, it has already done it's job (assuming you are chasing someone by that point).

    It opens up alot of 3 gen strategies, which I think is the best option on alot of the low mobility killers these days. If you can hook someone next to your 3 gen? You don't need to move to any other place on the map for the rest of the game.

  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392
    edited February 2020

    Yes and no. I main Hag and corrupt may make things a little easier, but I have many other perks that will be permanently useful.

    I don’t mind the extra time, but after the ruin nerf I found ways to get my trap network up in an efficient amount of time.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    It's not a matter of map knowledge because I can usually find a Survivor. It just does not do much.

    From my experience, almost no one waits it out. They just go to gens that are open and start working on them.

  • willoftheboss
    willoftheboss Member Posts: 59

    or maybe both. or have it trigger per hook would make it more active. i.e.

    on hook, 1/2/3 (per time survivor has been hooked) gen(s) are blocked for the duration the survivor is hooked, preferring the closest gen that is actively being worked on, otherwise it's random. when a sacrifice occurs, selected gens are blocked for 30/45/60 seconds.

    idk something like that so you're not basically playing with 3/4 perks for the entire game.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    No it won't and no it's not