Are Killers really underpowered?



  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited January 2020

    If 50% is the target, you need a 4k to compliment every 0k. a 3k to compliment every 1k. And most realistically, a tunnel/facecamp 1 at a time 2k because thats esactly what the timers would cater toward under such circumstances.

    If someone legit wanted only a 2k, it would not be hard to achieve in almost every game. The majority of 0-1ks tend to happen from killers who refuse to be that petty, and get punished for it. Thats a big part of why the 2k goal is really bad balancing: it legit encourages the type of play that nobody wants, not even the killer players.

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188
    edited January 2020

    There not weak at all :) players that say otherwise don't want to accept it. Plan and simple.

    They can be strong or weak it all depends on who is playing as that killer.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    or if they're colorblind and get 2 claudettes and 2 jakes in dark green clothing on Yamaoka estate.

  • TheNasky
    TheNasky Member Posts: 24

    do you really play killer? because it doesnt show, at all.

    killrate is just a very VERY dumb stadistic because of how the emblem system and pips work.

    let me explain to you. lets say a pip, is a win, a non pip is a draw, and a black pip is a loss. right?

    well here is the thing. killrate is meaningless because you can literally kill 4 players and dont pip. do you understand? you can kill everyone, AND STILL end up on a draw. killrate is a meaningless statistic.

    do you understand that all killers will always have high killrates in red ranks, because as a killer, if you dont kill 3 or 4 people per match you will never EVER make it to red ranks in the first place.

    the emblem system is balanced around a killer having to get 9 hooks 3 kills, a few chases, and not losing more than 2 gens in 3 minutes. just to go neutral. or barely pip (depending on different factors)

    thus all red rank killers MUST have a 75% or 100% or otherwise they lose. and they derank. so of course killrates are going to be high, because thats just how the system works. as i said before. killrate is a terrible statistic. what should be looked at is WINRATE %. not killrate. if having 50% winrate meant 75% killrate. then it would be perfectly balanced (not rly since it ignores al ot of other factors that actually lower the killer winrate, but the example proves my point in a simple way for you to understand.). and keep in mind that survivors DONT EVEN NEED TO ESCAPE TO PIP.

    in theory. a killer can have 75% killrate and not win. while a survivor can have literally 0% escape rate, and still win games. escape rate and kill rate, are both meaningless.

  • StevePerryPsychOut
    StevePerryPsychOut Member Posts: 190

    What your describing is a failure of the ranking system, which is ridiculously lenient to survivors while being too harsh on killer players.

  • TheNasky
    TheNasky Member Posts: 24

    exactly. the ranked system is terrible and tremendously survivor sided. and i did all that explanation just to make people understand that bringing killrate as an argument is just extremely dumb.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    its literally unplayable without bloodhound. Even then, you can only really see the blood if theyre injured and guess off of that.

  • TheNasky
    TheNasky Member Posts: 24

    "You also can't argue that any killers get worse the higher you go because each killer gets an increase to their kill rate, the higher you go within the ranks. Even the Killers that are deemed the worst by the community, ie. Legion, Pig, Leather Face get above a 65% kill rate in red ranks. In all ranks, they get above a 60% kill rate."

    this will always happen. no matter how weak the killer is. for a simple reason.

    let me explain:

    lets take a strong killer. like lets say huntress. now lets say she has 1000 games played in red ranks. and out of those 1000 games, she has 75% killrate overall. right?

    now lets take a bad killer like pig. if it had less than 60% killrate. it wouldnt be in the red ranks in the firs place, thus not adding up to the statistics. wich means. that of course, pig is going to have a high killrate on red ranks as well. but the ammount of games played is going to be extremely low. because if people had low ammounts of kills on the pig, they will soon find themselves out of the red ranks. wich effectively happens to people who refuse to play meta picks (or in reality the only killers that work lmao)

    the difference here is that, good killers can play huntress and if they are good enough, get enough wins to stay in the red ranks. now, the same can happen with the pig, but it would take A LOT MORE SKILL AND EFFORT to be able to pull that off, just because of how weak the pig is.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    you don't even need to explain any of that.

    A survivor who commits suicide on their first hook to avoid a DC penalty, counts as a kill.

    kill % stats are immediately worthless.

  • TheNasky
    TheNasky Member Posts: 24
    edited January 2020

    yeah, specially when them doing that actually makes the killer lose A HUGE ammount of points as opposed to winning them

  • RIP_Legion
    RIP_Legion Member Posts: 428

    "The stats show" you mean the stats that account for absolutely nothing that's happens in game aside from if people died (DC's count to that btw). The thing about those stats that people for some reason don't get it is it doesn't account for Mori's, teams that three gen themselves, people that farm eachother off hook, killers that won at the end with Noed, red rank players that bring new players, you get the idea. Even if we disregard that anything near 50% is trash aka Clown. Clown is completely garbage with his only power being able make chases potentially end quicker. The killers that are underpowered either have no mobility tool or a strong chase tool like Clown, Legion, and Bubba. If we go by that logic of 50% being balanced Nurse would technically be considered underpowered, bottom line is the stats are flawed and Nurse is a great example of that, we all know she's not underpowered quite the opposite but the stats say otherwise.

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    No. If you watch people who are actually really good at the game play killer they get 3 or 4k games consistently. It's rare for a killer of that skill to get less than two kills unless they misplay/are going against really great survivors which doesn't happen too often. Sure, some killers are better than others. But you can do well with just about any killer at any rank if you learn the game enough

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    "people who are actually really good at the game" = people who literally play it for a living every single day. If you're going to balance one side off of the top 5% of its skillbase, you need to counteractively balance the opposite side off the same. Most of those players tend to play both sides, and a lot of them have been VERY vocal about changes like these to the game. Hell, a lot of them have been through much worse times with similar "good intentions" over the years.

  • TheNasky
    TheNasky Member Posts: 24

    what? do you even watch streamers? because based on youtube everyone has 100% winrate ofc.

    you can just look at how even the best players struggle to win games because of how ######### fast they are. gens are gone in less than 5 minutes even with ruin.

    and btw. getting 3k or 4k on killer means nothing if you dont pip lol. its like an afk survivor escaping.

  • VoodooChild
    VoodooChild Member Posts: 319

    Actually I think I know the video youre talking about because I looked for a 4k comp video, found one of a guy playing leatherface with a speed limiter....and actually he didn't count hatches if I remember correctly. Also the only one in a sea of survivor comps, tru and otz win a lot of games in a row too but its also their job. Ive gotten like 10 in a row and im not #########

    The shade about "Maybe they just run kindred, SWF is rare" is 1. Assuming every killer is an idiot and cant tell the difference, I hear this a lot and I dont get it lol and 2. Not at all true. Extremely common, even at lower ranks to see 4 mans. At higher ranks its a lot, I wouldn't be surprised if more than half are at least 3. BUT wild guess you play on PC? Its one of those culture things, people on xbox are a lot more social, most people are playing with friends and even if you dont have friends there are groups on the homepage specially made to find people to play with quickly and easily. Not only that but its not uncommon to get party invites while playing solo, and of course people join because why wouldn't you even if you dont talk. No end game chat but dont worry if you get a optimal SWF youll get 4 hate messages on top of the t bagging to let you know.

    Even tho most games are against SWF its not all bad, like I said survivors have to do very little, even less in a SWF. In addition to survivors being boosted the vast majority of SWF aren't toxic, its just an easy game to play with friends (thats also on gamepass) that doesn't require a lot of skill to do well (One of the reasons I dont think DBD should be going into a super competitive direction because I feel like that's a pretty huge part of the community that would be alienated) Because of how many people are on PS4 and the fact that it was given away on PSN at one point I would assume that its not much different on there, pretty sure they have groups too and of course party invites. Now that I think about it gamepass might actually influence the culture of the game massively on xbox, its actually how I play (I own almost all the DLC but not the game lol) and how I think all of my friends play. Food for thought

    Anyway all that is very different from PC if every single DBD youtuber I watch is anything to go by, survivor or otherwise

  • HauntedMandalorian
    HauntedMandalorian Member Posts: 99

    Some are. The Nurse is literal trash. The Hag is too short to see anything on some maps.

    Most of the other Killers are quite strong and even overpowered. Like others have mentioned, map design plays a big part, overall, in who's strong and who's not. It just depends. There are a lot of factors at play.

    Still, overall, 100% The Nurse is trash. No matter which Realm you're in. She's one mistake the developers have made and continue to make. It's boring playing against her, and even more boring to play as her.

  • Infckingcredible
    Infckingcredible Member Posts: 145
    edited January 2020

    Stats in this game are worthless due to RNG of matchmaking, which killer, maps, perks/too situational. Also offerings like moris, keys, playstyle like camping and so on. The percentage of people getting 4k every game without ruin is probably the same amount as survivors escaping at least 20 times in a row.

  • Infckingcredible
    Infckingcredible Member Posts: 145


    Percentage of people who get 3k/4k consistent with every killer and without ruin and stuff are probably the same amount as survivors getting average 20 escapes in a row.

    Ofc you can kinda guarentee a kill if you facecamp with bubba and stuff but thats another story.

  • 4k under 3min should be the expected balance target.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    Those stats are meaningless considering they’re missing all kinds of variables. How about suicides on hooks? How about snowballing effects because of a terrible play by survivors, a killers viability shouldn’t be based on extreme mistakes by survivors because this is a rather exceptional occurrence. How about the terrible matchmaking that drags yellow survivors etc into redranks, heck even if they’re redranks sometimes they do extremely questionable things.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,340

    Figured id answer this question with a little story...

    I do fairly decent at killer, and I like to hop from one killer to the next and get good at each. My latest killer I've been playing is Billy, whom I've only really been practicing for the past week or so. Getting decent at using that saw, and some games...I'm DANGEROUS, lol. Had a game 2 nights ago though that was just embarrassing...

    Ruin got broken right away, and I couldnt land a saw to save my life it seemed. Had afew big opportunities, only for the survivor to manage to dodge it over and over again. By the time the last gen was done (which was pretty quickly due to my poor gameplay) I had only gotten a single hook the entire match. Managed to catch someone as they were trying to open the gate, and after a short chase...I downed them...right next to the basement stairs. Hooked em up and figured id just have to be content with my 1 kill, but... due to over-altruism from the other survivors I got 2 more people down there (one of em even ran down the stairs while injured already). The last survivor dipped because he, unlike his teammates, wasnt an idiot and knew he was only gonna get himself killed if he tried anything. His teammates gave him hell in the endgame chat for this.

    Point of this story... That entire match, I was losing horribly. I knew it, they knew it, the entity knew it (I depiped having only gotten a total of 5 hooks and gens gone in no time). If all you looked at though was the end results... I killed 75% of the survivors. 75% kill rate must surely mean I did AMAZING, right? In truth, the team was beating me left and right and simply tripped at the finish line due to over-confidence and over-altruism like MANY teams do. Im pretty sure stuff like this can explain away at least SOME of the stats we see.

  • TheCrookedMan
    TheCrookedMan Member Posts: 282

    Doesn't matter. Behavior wants to balance this game around fun, and playing killer is very unfun that's why queue times are long as hell. Losing as killer is 100001x more miserable than losing as survivors. Playing killer is just a miserable experience.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    After the Ruin nerf? Yes.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Killers that have no mobility are pretty weak in this game imo. Except Huntress,she can snowball well and doesn't have to get close to you to down you.

  • _VTK_
    _VTK_ Member Posts: 383

    Of course killers are not underpowered. All killers have average killrate above 50% except Nurse. But many killermains will deny any fact that doesn't fit their egocentric view of the world. They value personal biased opinions higher than facts and numbers and will come up with silly excuses to deny the facts.

    Google "querulant" - there are some people who always complain and think that they are treated in a wrong way. They might not even be aware of that, but it's ######### annoying for the people around then, because in reality, if we talk about average games and not extreme cases like 4-Man coordinated SWF teams, it's survivors who are underpowered and stats prove that. Anyone can take note of his own stats and prove it for himself.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    Depends mainly on the survivors that the killer is facing, and what map they get.

    At the very highest level of play (which is extremely rare, and no just being rank 1 does not count) then survivors absolutely destroy killers. Only Nurse can really have games at that level of play.

    But again the percentage of games where you get 4 amazing survivors vs 1 amazing killer is insanely rare.