Question for the pro console players for killer

Survivor keeps running side to side making it hard to it at times. Feels like the killer follows there movement and ends up missing. Is there a way to improve to hit them maybe turn off the assist or what ever the survivors abuse to make the swing miss? Or is there a trick to do to hit them when they do this? Thanks for your time.


  • Digwiid
    Digwiid Member Posts: 311

    If you don't have your sensitivity maxed out, you should start with that. Most of the time if you start swinging and turning your camera immediately you can still hit them through their spinning attempt, auto-aim helps/makes it worse in some cases though so it's still not 100% of the time.

    Just try not to swing too early if they're in a place with no pallets, since your window of hitting them is obviously bigger the closer you are, if you're hugging them you might as well just tap R2/RT instead of lunging and possibly missing.

  • Kycer
    Kycer Member Posts: 337

    I’m a console player and I rarely miss my R1 (M1) hits. Just don’t hit them immediately. wait for the “spin” and then hit them. I would also recommend you to play survivor to understand how their movement works and when are they easy to hit after doing their 360.

  • TerrorTrooper
    TerrorTrooper Member Posts: 94

    thanks for the answer