7. whole. months...

May. 29. 2019.

Such a random date, isn't it? Why mention it even?

Well fog travelers, that date was the release date for the disparate arts collection, which featured the clown's Pulcinella outfit and Adam's "sightseer" outfit.

Ever since the sightseer outfit came out, I couldn't contain my excitement of knowing that sooner or later they would've given Adam another outfit...

But that day never came...

weeks turned into months, chapters turned into mid chapters and so on...

Every time a new chapter or mid chapter came out, I would've jumped onto the leaks to see if there was something, ANYTHING for Adam.

But nothing...

I would always say to myself "don't worry, you just got an outfit, maybe during the next big patch you'll get another" and yet, nothing.

7 months BHVR, 225 days of no new outfits for Adam, how long do I have to wait before I can finally rejoice at the sight of a new Adam outfit?

Please behaviour, help out a kind Adam player with some fresh outfits
