Out of the frying pan, into the fire.

AAAAA Member Posts: 558

I think this Ruin change is going to backfire horribly on BHVR. Regardless of whether you like the Ruin change or not, I've seen a lot of killers on the forums saying they're going to do a lot more tunneling, slugging, and camping. When I was a survivor, I didn't enjoy Ruin. But I enjoyed it a lot more than being decamped by a Leatherface.

Killers whose priority is winning are going to get a lot meaner, or just quit. Both of these will make the game less fun for survivors. And T/S/C is something devs can't really do anything about. Survivors will complain in the forums and report killers, but there won't be anything done.

TL;DR Old Ruin wasn't fun for either side, but removing it without providing alternative options is going to make the game less fun for everyone.


  • ruler33
    ruler33 Member Posts: 244

    ah don't worry man not all of us are going to do that i mean ill still slug since im an oni billy player that runs infectious fright and monitor and abuse but when it comes to camping and tunneling you fine

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Its sad that so many Killer mains are taking it out on Survivors.

    I know there isn't much way to take it out on the Devs but there are those of us who are just as upset as you are about these nonsensical changes. 😥

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101
    edited January 2020

    A big problem is that there are different thoughts on win conditions. Some is to rank up, others is to get as many kills as possible.

    Ranking kind of means nothing as there is no incentive or rewards to be a higher rank so the default win condition means to get kills for many. Removing a tool that many killers used to get momentum on their kills.. they will resort to other methods... like slugging to get their kills.

    Kind of agree. IDC about the ruin nerf... but the last dev update pretty much explained survivors frustrations and irritations....with no mention on any alleviating some for killers so it def feels one sided. I know that's not all true.. considering BL just got a good balancing... but perception is half the battle.

    AAAAA Member Posts: 558

    Yeah, we humans aren't the most rational creatures. I've been known to play Hag with an ebony because last game a 4 man bullied me as Clown.

  • No one sees the point in protecting their pips or ranks anymore either, since they mean nothing to matchmaker now.

    So people are already starting to bring more mori's, camp/tunnel even if it causes them to de-pip because why would they care?

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213
    edited January 2020

    My fiance does the same thing.

    He gets a SUPER terrible game as the Clown, who he loves using but gets bullied so easily, so he goes into the next game as Myers or Ghostface and just kills everyone with an Ebony.

    AAAAA Member Posts: 558

    I'm awful as the stalkers XD especially Ghostface. Hag is really intuitive for me, especially against bad survivors.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Same. Stalkers are not my thing at all. lol

    Its Hag/Spirit/Clown for me when I play Killer. Which is rare.

    AAAAA Member Posts: 558

    Hag and Trapper are my favs, but I play most of them.

  • Johnble
    Johnble Member Posts: 175

    Adding more than generators as objectives for survivors just seems to be too doggone difficult to consider. It would be better than these band-aid solutions lately and would naturally make matches take longer as well as offset some issues with killers like the Trapper having to find his traps for example.

  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    If I play to stalk with ghost face I get rolled. I suck at it. If i play him sort of like wraith...as in stealth but don't even bother with stalk I do very well with him. Watch fungoose play ghost. He is really, really good using the stalk and he is very informative when he plays.

  • Flemethistheone91
    Flemethistheone91 Member Posts: 18

    This whole game and its community is toxic af and im seriously beginning to wonder if, with all the games that are out and that are coming out, is it even worth putting up with this glitchy bugged out mess of a game. No matter whether your a killer main or survivor main, the whole game in and of itself feels unbalanced so someone is always gonna be mad about something or another. When I very first started playing, it was fun. I didnt know what I was doing and was facing baby killers. IT. WAS. FUN. Now I have to deal with killers and survivors who act like theyll be punished severely in real life for taking an L. I play so many games competitively online.....never have I ever recieved so much hate mail about a game in my life. Its just not that serious.

  • Darth_Cader
    Darth_Cader Member Posts: 128

    Okay here’s a long as hell rant that I’m probably gonna make a separate post because I’m sick of this crap.

    It’s funny because some Killers are using the nerf as an excuse to make the game miserable for Survivors (or at least attempting to) which is totally moronic and just shows that they really did want to camp/tunnel/slug/mori the entire time but never did because 1. It didn’t work or 2. It was frowned upon and now they’re just doing it because they want to have a hissy fit because their oh so precious crutch perk was changed. Even when they complained that “it got destroyed instantly anyway” meaning it was ACTUALLY a useless perk for them in that instance and that they wasted a perk slot. What sad human beings indeed, that try to have it both ways.

    But makes no difference to me. As Survivor, I’ll just have some combination of Unbreakable, No Mither, Kindred, DS, etc maybe even make use of Slippery Meat and the several dozen Salty Lips I have to just unhook in campers faces. Maybe take brand new part and Engineers TB- Oh wait, no I won’t bring stupid items like that because it makes the game unfun for me and literally makes the game so fast that I don’t pip and thus I just wasted my life.

    And what of Killer (that I actually recently find fun after having to do 3 Rituals for them)? I’ll just continue playing as Level 1 Killers with 1 perk and no addons and still get 3 or 4k’s against purple and red Ranks who do actually know how to loops pretty damn good whilst I’m in green ranks because matchmaking is busted.

    And this is me not being a veteran Killer, mind you, and yet I’m still getting more kills than the “balance” kill and escape 2:2 ratio and yet Killers cry Survivor biased imbalance whilst bringing moris which rob survivors of a base game mechanic of having to be hooked 3 times to die, and thus getting an easy 4K with minimum effort.

    But don’t get me wrong, I’m no survivor biased idiot who doesn’t think there are instances where Killers don’t get any hooks, much less any kills. Map layout RNG and pallet RNG can be broken as hell which is made better, or usually worse, depending on the Killer you pick and what tier they are. And while the RNGs usually favor Survivors, they can completely screw them as well. Keys are chance based on if you can find the hatch, but if you do then “haha Killer’s hard work was wasted.

    This game will NEVER be balanced. Anyone who says differently if selling something.

    It is physically IMPOSSIBLE to balance this game because of how it’s designed, not only because of the RNG (though that is a big factor) Survivors are severely, and I mean SEVERELY limited by their teammates. Just one “potato” teammate can easily make the game an instant loss for their team, while the Killer has no one else but themselves to rely on. Nothing can be done to the game itself to make survivors not potatoes. There is also the matter of perks and addons for Survivors and Killers alike that are impossible to predict ahead of time and so the Killer or Survivor might not have the best perk load out against that certain build, and thus their game could be lost before it has begun (but like I said even with 1 perk I can still get 3-4ks as Killer, same with with Survivor). This means that the game also relies too much on chance (not just RNG chance) to every be able to be balanced.

    This game is unbalanced towards both Killers and Survivors, but the scale can be tipped given the certain situation.

  • DanteMorello
    DanteMorello Member Posts: 142
    edited January 2020

    The people who rant about balance or changes are a tiny psychopathic narcissistic minority.

    They spam the forums and act crazy.

    The game is balanced around the middle ranks, non SWF. Because that is the vast majority of player base and income.

    They should start to just accept that. And they should stop acting like this is an esports game and they would be professional gamers...

  • PB182
    PB182 Member Posts: 80

    Was the only way to win for a killer was to run ruin? I didn't think it was that serious as it's a totem perk and most of the time we got rid of it within the first 45 seconds. You can't really be that good of a killer if a totem perk getting nerfed forces you to completely change your playstyle and just camp hooked survivors

  • This content has been removed.
  • Darth_Cader
    Darth_Cader Member Posts: 128

    Tell that to the dude who made a long ass post saying that this WAS in fact a competitive game and not casual. But alas people will never shut up and never realize that this game cannot physically be balanced, and that people might as well stop expecting it to be.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    People have made similar empty threats before. If they really think doing that will make a difference they are fooling themselves.

  • Inacurate
    Inacurate Member Posts: 5

    OMG I just played with OP and they bailed on their team!

    Cannot true anything they say hahaha

    I seriously just played with them, on stream and everything lol.

    They didn't remove ruin, just changed how it works.

    I agree it may cause killers to tunnel, slug and camp not than before.

    We'll see what happens.

    If what you said in have chat is true, good luck with what you mentioned!

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,491

    I'd rather face Ruin than a killer who camps or tunnels. I'd rather face Ruin than die to NOED after cleansing four totems.

    ... I actually kinda like moris because the death animations are way more fun than the hook animations. But, I'll probably get bored with those if I start seeing them all the time, and that would suck, too.

    AAAAA Member Posts: 558

    I haven't played survivor in a while... my Steam name is Friendship is Tragic. Are you sure it was me?

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Unfortunately, many people won't see it as such.

    The devs are taking away one of their strongest tools for helping to secure a decent game that doesn't end too fast. The alternatives they're left with are either terribly weak in comparison, or are tactics viewed as 'toxic.'

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    I play both sides pretty evenly and I'm usually around ranks 4-6 as survivor and rank 10-14 as killer and I almost always bring small game to do totems so I don't have to worry about NOED and it makes the game a challenge to get all totems and gens. I personally think the ruin nerf is almost as bad as the MoM nerf as it essentially killed the perk and doesn't make much sense to me. To completely change a perk that so many people use is absurd and games will likely go really fast now. I guess we'll have to wait and see but I don't think it's a good change personally.

  • TheCrookedMan
    TheCrookedMan Member Posts: 282

    I still hold to that opinion. I like that it's my most liked post, and I like that it was the most liked comment there :)

    AAAAA Member Posts: 558

    The MoM nerf was needed though. It was widely used because it was OP. Ruin was widely used because it helped fix a fundamental design flaw. Now I don't think MoM should have been nerfed as hard as it was, but the idea was sound.

  • Inacurate
    Inacurate Member Posts: 5

    In that case it was not you, but someone with the same AAAAA name in game.

    So coincidental though, I had just started the lobby simulator search after exiting that game.

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    I get that ruin was annoying but with the rework it really shouldn't be a hex anymore because it's not that useful until the end of the game so it's probably gonna get destroyed relatively soon wasting a perk slot. By reading the changes although I have yet to try it so I'm just speculating.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    I don’t take those threats seriously for a second. In the vast majority of games killers proxy camp with the intent of tunneling anyway. They use the extra time granted by Ruin to hard tunnel one survivor out of the game as fast as possible.

    At least with Ruin gone people will be punished for this playstyle as now the other survivors will zip through the gens since the killer won’t be pressuring them.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    So the new meta for survivor would be Unbreakable, DS, BT and Deliverance, yes? Which would get killers only more mad:

    They can't pressure gens well enough, so they tunnel and slug because of DS, which does not work because of Unbreakable. So they camp which does also not work because of BT and Deliverance.


  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    Well, it depends, I think. I am red rank, but I do not see this combination that often. The most common in my region (Germany, on PC) seems to be Adrenaline, DH/SB, DS and Self Care/Iron Will/BT. Sometimes an Unbreakable, but Deliverance is quite rare.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    I dunno for others but for me fun is not hook one and 3 gens poop. Even if everyone escape, there were much chases much mindgames its not a "victory"but was a fun game.

  • Nickeleye
    Nickeleye Member Posts: 278

    I cant speak for any other killer just myself. I'm not going to tunnel or camp just to make survivors lives hell because of a decision the devs made. I have been playing without ruin for a week now and it is a little rough trying to slow the game down. I have been slugging early game to buy myself some time though. It's not the ideal way I would like to play the game but it's what I have to do to be effective in the games current state. I am a rank 12 killer who is going up against red ranks survivors 60% of the time.