We need more ways to earn bloodpoints.
Title really says all. At this rate, it would be impossible to reach prestige with all characters, as well as for the new chapters, needing to earn the new perks on them, as well as earn the perks on all other characters. I have 1600 hours in this game, and only 8 of them are max prestige with MOST perks. (I did spend a lot more than normal on my Huntress, because I play her way more than any killer.)
I just wish that Blood Point offerings got reworked to give more, RANK REWARDS, increase the max BP you can earn per category in game, as well as rework the daily challenges. (why does Hillbilly's only grant 25k?)
As someone who plays both sides, I want to be able to ease the grind a little more, since it's already difficult trying to level up both sides. (and yes, every game I run BBQ and WGLF for the extra BP).
Maybe even daily login bonuses or removal of perk tiers? Idk, just need to ease the grind a little more.
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Bloodpoint gain are trash for survivors; however, killers gain much more bloodpoints than survivors - even if it is a bad game.
The best way is to make the gain as much as Double Bloodpoints; when Double Bloodpoints is here again, it is doubled from that.
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I couldn’t agree more. I know it’s a little easier going on the blood web now a days with being able to get multiple perks on a single web, but damn...I haven’t Prestiged a single character because I refuse to condemn myself to the grind.
I was reading a post on reddit and one guy suggested that BP should be awarded at the same rate as they are in blood hunts all the time and I totally agree.
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No, we should remove bbq&chili and wglf.
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They did add a new way to get bloodpoints. The rift. Even when it is closed u can still earn a good amount of bloodpoints from doing the challanges
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Yes, bloodpoints should be doubles for sure. Even if you don't want to prestige it takea thousands of hours to somewhat get all perks
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I think a lot of the weaker perks could be changed to grant more bloodpoints
For example no mither granting + 100% bp if you escape or small hunt that you gain a token everytime a survivor cleanses a totem for 5% extra bloodpoints per token
Would make some people maybe shift from the meta if the reward is justified enough