So these are the survivors the devs are catering to!
Is this why the devs are catering to survivors so much? Match didn't even last 1 minute. Spawned in, found someone downed them, heard another survivor went and downed them, heard another nearby survivor and downed them. My point is why are we nerfing killers and perks when survivor's DC because they get outplayed or don't wanna deal with a basic game mechnic?
I feel sorry for the poor bastard at the top of the leaderboard tbh... Whole team screwed him/her
4 -
Coming from a killer main, maybe try not slugging the whole team in the first minute. I don’t blame them for disconnecting.
14 -
I know it's taboo to say you ever condone a DC, but I agree with you. Slugging three people within the first minute ensures no one is getting points, no one is ranking up, no one is having fun. I rarely DC, but yeah I probably would have in this situation myself. I seriously wonder why the other one didn't
13 -
Slugging will become a very common occurrence once this ruin change goes through
24 -
I rarely DC as well and I would probably DC for that. What, you have infectious fright so you can’t hook the guy you downed? Or even the first two? Going for the third guy is overkill.
2 -
Slugging is fine. Especially with new ruin, I understand. But slugging 3 people? In first minute? Literally no reason to do that.
6 -
killers job is killing its not being the survivors friend but the devs wanna baby survivors.
27 -
okay, but Killers don’t get any points for slugging an entire team at the beginning of a game. I don’t care about being friends with survs, but I want everyone including me to have a fair chance at getting SOME points.
7 -
Exactly. If I was translating the original post it would read like this. "I got lucky in the fact that I spawned near 3 survivors. I slugged all of them. I ensured none of them would get any points. I ensured none of them would have any fun. I sucked every bit of incentive out of the match for the people I slugged. Now I will attempt to castigate them for it."
4 -
I find really funny the fact that you guys are covering up how survivors ######### up by condemning the killer for playing hard for a 4k lol... Like SRSLY, in your team THREE GUYS got downed on the first minute, and you RLY THINK that you deserve to pip? To get points?? Holy crap... If such thing happened, it clearly means you played as bad as you could, then you DC cuz you ONLY PLAY if the killer play how you want them to? I REALLY can't agree with that, I'm sorry boyz... I've been playing more survivor than killer lately btw, cuz playing killer isn't worth the stress, so I should be cosidered a survivor main right? My opinion should have some value right? In this case, what's said to most killers should be said to these survivors... "GITGUD"
P.S. This is supposed to be considered a horror game... Saying this cuz you r treating the game like it's a game of Tag, like the killer has the OBLIGATION to tag everyone and be bullied if you decide he deserves to be bullied.
28 -
That will teach them a lesson; to bring unbreakable. Also, seems they forgot they still had the 4% crutch.
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If 3 survivors get downed within the first minute thats nothing but their own fault. Not every killer wants to artificially extend the game for points. Some killers want to actually kill survivors you know.
24 -
If i was in this situation i would be cursing to myself for letting it happen, not robbing the killer of pips and points because we played horribly
3 people getting slugged in the first minutes of the match is the survivors fault and only the survivors fault
He wasen't even using a slug build
3 -
We are truly in the beginning of DBD's end days if slugging early is a bad thing. Slugging is bad,ruin is being nerfed and Mathieu Cote can't hit those darn skill checks.
13 -
Do other killers think ALL survivors are looping gods and can run for minutes at a time?
3 -
I promise you it’s not hard to slug 3 people quickly. The survivors can’t do anything about it, except run? Either way, easy game for killer. Not worth it for survivors to stay.
1 -
If a survivor can loop well I'm generally impressed however bhvr isn't pandering to skilled survivors but the bad ones.
0 -
What I'm getting from the comments is how dare the survivors get found and hit twice per survivor which is 6 hits and not do anything to avoid it
17 -
Never said it’s bad to slug. I slug in early game all the time. We’re addressing a situation of having 3 survivors slugged at the beginning of the game. Which yes, is pretty ridiculous.
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The survivors allowed themselves to get slugged by being bad
7 -
Okay, point is I understand why they disconnected.
1 -
So what am I suppose to do if the other survivor's are nearby and I can hear or predict them? I'm suppose to just walk away?
6 -
Nope, not at all. You could down the second guy, then you’d have two hooks? They wouldn’t dc if you just hook them. And if they did, oh well. They’re on the hook, so it’s your points. Didn’t have to go for the third guy.
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I'm starting to main no mither so i dont get slugged
0 -
Didn't expect this to blow up but for anyone one curious to what happened
2 -
Yeah, we all know that's on you for not being good enough at applying pressure, Sairek. You are not fooling anyone you entitled killer main.
5 -
don't know why that last guy dced but at that point id just give up
0 -
What's with the double standard here?
So a killer slugging is such a crime that its okay to DC.....
But apparently losing Ruin, and losing 3 gens after your first hook means the killer is bad, and he needs to "Git Gud" or "Just apply better pressure"....
What's even more sad is the people defending DCing just because they got slugged early game due to survivors ######### up and attempting flashlight saves.
Also look at the Ace in the vid, he didn't even try he just DCed the moment he knew he was dead
20 -
Lol yet the Ace DCed before he was downed and the David DCed when being carried to the hook...
Also, what?
The third guy was attempting to flashlight save, and the OP knew, so he downed him, the third guy messed up and he knew it. So I don't get how the OP didn't need to go to the third guy when the third guy attempted to save his teammates making him a threat..
Those survivors would have DCed for any reason, at this point you are trying to condom the DCing just as you responsed at the OP's post..
3 -
Interesting to see all the people that believe this is fine. So if survivors bring brand new parts and went balls to the wall popping 3 gens in the first minute it's cool if the killer bounces?
6 -
Define "Believe this is fine"?
0 -
Saying they would do the same or don't blame them for the DC.
0 -
DC'ing for any reason not a legitimate emergency is wrong. If you get outplayed, too bad for you. This is why they need to put harsh penalties in for DCs.
The test penalty period was one of the best in DbD in terms of having actual matches. Very, very few DCs, and even the ones who suicided on the hook at least kept the Killer occupied for a bit longer than a DC does. Those few precious seconds were nice to have.
If you ######### up, suck it up and keep playing. There are many ways to turn a mistake into a win. People who won't even try are the real trash players in this game. Fail in the game, most likely a failure irl as well. The attitudes tend to carry over.
3 -
Good job on that game (if you'd even call that a game)
To me it shows what really needs to be addressed by the devs... DING should bring a bigger penalty IMO... seeing that most survivors DC without a second thought... but killers are either forced to stay in the match or DC and get slaughtered by messages saying a lot of (word I cant say out loud) and wear a smiling trapper mask to hide the pain of not being able to play the game the way it was intended to be played
1 -
You said you're a killer main but from your comments you clearly never played at rank 1... Because whats being said here isn't that hard to understand...
1 -
if no one is ranking up...
why would you dc? doing that even deranks you even more
1 -
Enjoy Depiping every game then.
1 -
Lmfao. Aww man nooo dont do that /s.
Take your survivor main b.s and shuv it. These survivors got downed because they're flipping idiots. End of story. You play stupid games you win stupid prizes. And I got no problem depipping against entitled ass survivors like yourself cause ya'll will be joining me.
5 -
Someone needs to calm down. What is Shuv? Do you mean Shove?
0 -
No these are not the survivors they are catering to.
This is the result of catering to even worse survivors, huge entitled babies who can not take a single loss. Even in the comments you see babies, who declare i would dc too.
1 -
Nope. I meant shuv monkey tittaaaaay. So shuv it up that overly used demogorgon portal of yours 😈
2 -
Had a similar match the other day. Ended up snowballing and sluggig the whole team, because there was an obsession, so people could have had Decisive Strike. Not my fault that there is no telltale for the killer, and that hooking someone else doesn't deactivate it. Apparently they didn't like it when the killer applies counterplay to their crutches.
9 -
Brand new parts are #########.
They are NOTHING compared to what they used to be. Im so sick and tired of killers saying "well they brought in brand new parts" well guess what, by the time they get that (IF THEY GET BOTH SKILL CHECKS) and then you have ruin and they can't hit the great..THEY JUST USED A BRAND NEW PART FOR NOTHING.
Sooooo sick and tired of it..If yall wanna keep bitching about it DEVS PLEASE BRING BACK THE OLD BRAND NEW PART!! then that would be something to ######### about...insta gen as soon as game starts...YES PLEASE!!!!
0 -
It was an example. Calm down chief.
3 -
Let's be honest though, the new ruin if they do install brand new parts and you push them off of it, kind of counters it a lot better than old ruin
0 -
Im just saying..
Anytime any killer has anything to say about survivors it always goes to brand new part.
Like its an op add on or something its not. and more killers would know this if they actually played survivor and got to know the addons.
0 -
The BNP imo is nothing. I only ever use them when i'm burning all my items/offerings/addons to prestige my people thats the only time. I have well over 100-200 spread over my already p3 level 50 survivors. If they actually did more maybe I'd use them. Just like the addons for the medkits..Havent used them in forever, also because Im a horder and I don't use anything unless Im burning them.
0 -
Just like more survivors would know things if they actually played killer. Both sides of the aisle are extremely hypocritical. Like condoning dcing if you don't like the way the opposition is playing the game.
Also, I don't know anyone who plays killer and not survivor. I know many people who play survivor and not killer.
3 -
i play both 50.50
and I'll be the first one to say If I'm not having fun in a game, and the killer is doing nothing but tunneling straight off of hook, or is just slugging people. bet your ass i'm gonna dc. Why should I be stuck in a game that I'm not having fun playing?
Im not a toxic survivor, I don't run DS or any of that #########. Im here to have a fun time and to relax. And if I'm getting potato ass teammates that can't do gens, wont save until struggle stage and killers that are as I said tunneling off of hook or just slugging people. Yep I'm leaving.
I do agree though that both sides ######### way to much, WAY TO MUCH! Yeah the survivors have DS..which as been nerfed, They have adrenaline kinda like the killers have noed (yup i know do bones) I do but sometimes I may forget one or two, you can't relay on teammates for anything anymore, they dont and wont do them. Idk how many times ive pointed out totems to teammates for them to get because I was maxed out on points but yet they just walk right past it.
I think the game is pretty ok balanced right now, nothing like it was 2 years ago. But people need to get that "Survivor entitlement" "Killer entitlement" or the "GGez Git Gud" they need to stop doing that #########. THATS why this game is so damn toxic, because people play how they want and Im not saying that its wrong, But survivors shouldn't have to load up a game just to be tunneled off hook face camped or slugged the entire game.
Im just saying, Killers look at it as a survivor side..would you have fun? Would you want to keep playing?
0 -
its called winning the match. Why DC cause you ######### up