I need someone from BHVR to explain to me, what is a win for the killer??

Is it a 4k, is it a double pip? what should i consider a win.

what do other killers consider a win?

i havent seen anyone answer this question before, what should be my main objective as a killer?


  • dizbruhlikesthering
    dizbruhlikesthering Member Posts: 113

    I would say a fun and long game (not a long where the game is held hostage or something) but a game where you get to do a little bit of everything, and therefore pip. I would count 3 kills as a win, hence you have no control of if the last survivor gets the hatch (unless you have slugged them, of course).

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,096

    It is very subjective, for me, a win is if I sacrifice at least 3 Survivors.

    Some people just take as a win if they double pip and some people take as a win if they have all 4 stacks of BBQ.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    Shiny badges based on arbitrary scores.

  • xCarrie
    xCarrie Member Posts: 982

    letting the survivors have fun.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    It’s pipping.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    All logic would suggest that it's a pip.

  • poli
    poli Member Posts: 34

    bjvr said they aim to balance for a 2k and 2 escape game.....so take ot from that

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    A win for Killer is when everyone had fun.

  • Pirscher
    Pirscher Member Posts: 604

    The winner is the player who scored the most points and then it goes 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    I don't think that the problem is Killer's wanting 4K, I personally don't care to get 4K as a Killer and this isn't the balance issue that we should be looking at, the issue which I explained in another similar thread just a moment ago is the following:

    (One thing I will add is I have heard before from Killers at Red Ranks that it is extremely difficult to pip without getting 3-4K, I cannot speak to this because I have never even gotten to Red Rank as Killer before, probably because 100% of my matches in Purple Ranks are against full on Red Rank Survivors) Please Continue Reading to understand the bigger issue at hand:

    "The statistics are an issue that causes this problem of perception.

    Truth is, Killer's are really easy to get 4K's with throughout the "majority" of ranks. Probably all the way to about Rank 8 or so it is very easy to get 4K as a "decent" killer with practice.

    But once you hit Rank 8, all you end up facing are Red Rank Survivors. Rank 8-5 every single one of my matches had at least 3 Red Rank 2-4 Survivors and most of them were in parties of 2 or more SWF.

    Once this happens, and you start playing against those type of Survivors.. all of the sudden you start seeing constant 4 Survivors escaping.

    The bottom line, and truth of the game, is that once you get into "Red Ranks" which is the "End-Game" of DBD technically, especially for a Killer who automatically pips whether they try to or not because of EASY 4K's in Ranks 20-8 .. all of the sudden the game becomes EXTREMELY Survivor sided.

    I really honestly wish we could just play an "Unranked" game mode for fun whenever we don't feel like playing like a "sweaty try-hard" or want to practice a new Killer, but there is NO SUCH GAME MODE... which means, we go from literally having to not try AT ALL to get 4K against bad Survivors to all of the sudden having to constantly try our HARDEST and still get wrecked by Pro Survivors.

    A lot of this has to do with skill and the extreme learning curve and skill cap of DBD unfortunately, I suppose for both Killer and Survivor.. but there just really isn't a good middle ground.

    Green ranks you would think is the middle ground, but it is still too easy for Killer.

    Purple ranks is way too hard because you are now facing Red Rank survivors. Red Rank survivors are honestly too good at the game, and have too many tools to succeed in safe looping Killers and Gen rushing and working as a team.

    This means that in the END. ULTIMATELY the BEST KILLER in the entire game vs. THE BEST 4 SWF SURVIVORS .. will never really have a chance, unless he just gets super lucky. At 100% optimal performance, Survivors will ALWAYS win, because its 4v1.

    This is the problem for Killers, and EVERY single time there is a new Killer Nerf to help "New Survivors" because it its TRUE that it is WAY TOO EASY to KILL Inexperienced Survivors.. it just Widens the gap even more for Killers to do well against the "Pro Red Rank Survivors" that are already dominating them.

    At least this has been my experience thus far, and in my opinion the biggest issue with balance in DBD. Somehow Balancing has to be done in ways that make it more challenging for the "Pro Survivors" and yet easier for the "New Survivors" in order to be fair for the Killer. But as of now any Survivor change or Killer change effects ALL Survivors ability at the same time."

    And by the way, I am only a Green/Purple Rank Survivor and I think Killers are WAY too strong against me, but I also happen to know that I am NO WHERE NEAR as good of a player as Red Rank Survivors who can do ######### I have never been able to do before ever.. and maybe never will be able to.. which means yes I WANT Killers to be weaker against "newer survivors or less skilled survivors such as myself" but at the same time KILLERS NEED to be Stronger against the pro best of the best Survivors that can LITERALLY bully Killers all game long and escape with 4 without even seemingly trying.

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    Survivors tend to think killers want a 4k but I can do that on trapper or a slug build.

    Meeting BHVR pip targets also don't interest me

    Having fun with killer, feeling like I'm doing well .. this happens very infrequently where survivor I'm mostly trying to hit those perfect skill checks

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2020

    If I get a 4k I consider it a win

    3k being acceptable not a loss

    But any match without tbagging flashlightclikers is ok tho

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    It would be kinda nice if the game told you. At the end screen I'm asking did I pip instead of knowing at the end through gameplay that I pipped.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    You don't win DBD, you survive...and since you are not a survivor, you can never win.

  • Gamer29
    Gamer29 Member Posts: 26

    My win was getting the platinum and then uninstalling!

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    A win for myself is an engaging game where I feel challenged and that how I played was rewarded by kills, pips or lots of bloodpoints.

  • Kay_Kazuto
    Kay_Kazuto Member Posts: 18
    edited January 2020

    This game use to be so fun. I like playing killer more then surviver but everyone is right. Low ranks are easy and high ranks are literal bullys. Now a days I only play if my 5 year old daughter wants to play. Then after her I'll chase with legion, till I get looped... And taunted... Then I quit.

    Literally have to de-pip enough to face low ranks just to have casual fun. Smh.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    survivors not powering the exit gates

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited January 2020

    I've never seen a dev suggest that pipping is a win. I have, however, seen them at the very least imply on many occasions that a win for a killer is 3 or 4 kills, so if you're looking for an official answer, short of an actual dev response to this thread, that's the closest you're likely to get. It also says in the ingame rules that the killer's goal is to kill all the survivors. "Goal" being synonymous with "win condition" in every game I've ever seen, I think it's safe to say that a killer win is defined by the game by how close they come to that target. The win condition in DBD is not binary for killers, but it is clearly defined nonetheless.

    As for what your objective "should" be, that's really up to you. Officially, killing is winning, but if you would rather hook everyone twice and let them escape, or aim for a pip over kills, that's totally fine as well.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    by the games logic, a win would be to pip up in the ranking system (kills dont really matter, depending on the rank.)

    but winning should be defined by you, set your own goals so you dont become fixated on winning every game.

  • Daddy_Ding_Dong
    Daddy_Ding_Dong Member Posts: 55

    The OP wasn't asking "what do players consider a win", he asked "What is considered a win officially". Officially, a PIP is considered a win. According to the emblem system.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    That doesn't make it the official win condition. Nowhere in the game does it say that winning has anything to do with pips or the emblem system. The fact that the emblem system is not based on the win condition is, in my opinion, a flaw with the system. That doesn't mean it is the win condition.

    If we want "official" information, the closest we're going to get is the official rules as outlined in the game itself. In the in-game manual, under "Killer: How to Win" it states that "the main objective of a Killer is to sacrifice Survivors to the Entity". There is no mention whatsoever of emblems or pips in that section.

  • tylerlogsdon1
    tylerlogsdon1 Member Posts: 158

    I see where they're coming from with this.

    Any more survivors killed than 2, and the killer has proven that they are more powerful than their 4 man team. Any less, and the survivors have proven they outmatch the killer.

  • w_sohl
    w_sohl Member Posts: 124

    There literally is an unranked game mode built into the game. Most people refer to it as KYFs.

  • AddictedNoob244
    AddictedNoob244 Member Posts: 20

    I’ve single piped even when I got gen rushed and bullied only got a few hooks, and everyone got out. Not a rank 20 either. A single pip is definitely NOT a win

  • TomCJax
    TomCJax Member Posts: 13

    Yeah it's time to give up on it, the developers are out to ruin the game for killers, so we should all just quit. ######### their trash game.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    The game is rather point based. Ie, blood points. So I usually consider it a win if I both get more than 10k bp and have the most.

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    I consider any game where the gates are open a loss, my objective is to stop gens being done, kills take care of themselves after that.

  • PB182
    PB182 Member Posts: 80

    Killing the most toxic survivor of the group of 4 and or winning mind games 🤷🏾‍♂️

  • dragobv
    dragobv Member Posts: 304

    i consider a win 4 stacks of bbq

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    To them, a win for a killer would be switching over to survivor.

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917

    Its have fun

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Your role is to provide an enjoyable experience for 4 other players (survivors). There are a list of rules you must follow and you must make sure to always go after a different target even if the best play would dictate otherwise.

    After the match if all 4 have escaped and were made to feel like kings, fueling their hate filled egos towards you in chat then AND ONLY THEN have you won as killer.

  • MagnetBeard
    MagnetBeard Member Posts: 36
    edited January 2020

    They've for so damned long said that they balance the game based on 2ks. Hopefully one day the pipping system will reflect that and this conversation will be more cut and dry.

  • TheNHK32
    TheNHK32 Member Posts: 30

    3k is a win to me, 4k is a really nice win for me. 2k is a tie and we all know what 1k is.

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328

    Problem is that games are not long enough to pip. Survivors are capable of finishing game in 5 mins and this is not definitely enough to pip.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Everybody has their own idea of winning but purelly gameplay wise it's pipping

    If you depip you are concidert to high in rank so you drop

    If you black pip you are in a good spot

    If you pip you are concidert too good to be in the rank you are

    And a double pip is a crushing victory

    In practise it has a lot of flaws but in theory that how it should work

    IMO people who only concidder 4k or 4e as a win shouldn't be discussing balance as those are absolutly crushing victories those really shouldn't be the standert