This killer will get a rework next

He only have 19/20 addons, no red addons compared to others.
He’ll also have a Power Bar that the devs seem to love to put on killers. This Power Bar gives you survivors chances to escape chases since the killer has a cooldown to some degree, look at Nurse, and now Doctor.
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And they will rework his base kit and make it so you need to charge your power by hitting survivors, then make him blue and Japanese.
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Yep. Hillbilly, possibly the most balanced killer in the game, will get a cooldown on his chainsaw.
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no compensations 😎
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The survivors will get chainsaws and all 4 can carry billy to a hook
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The developers said they would rework: Herman, Billy, Bubba, Michael and Amanda. Herman changed, the question is, who is next? Probably our brothers with a chainsaw.
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Spirit and Nurse already got changed.
And with how ruin is no longer useful, there will be a lot of Nurse, Spirit, and Hill Billy, but as I already said, Nurse and Spirit got changes (Nerfs, balances, whatever you want to call them).
Somehow, I feel it will be Billy's turn in the upcoming months. And probably not for the better.
And on it goes...
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Honestly he needs a look at. Too many bad killers use him as a crutch, especially at ranks 10-20.
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They really need to give Bubba some love. He's been the weakest killer for like two years now.
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"MoSt BaLaNcEd KiLlEr" is just what people parrot when they mean "only killer with an insanely strong power with no downside."
As a killer main who doesn't like Billy, it's this whole 'power-role' mentality thing where people seem to think being OP in the killer's favour is 'balanced' because they should be getting kills regardless of their skill level.
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I'm really shocked you'd say that. I totally would've said Leatherface. I think I heard them say they were going to be giving him some love in the future in some live stream or something like that.
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billy gets a nerf and Bubba gets a rework. Now bubba can do what the old billy could do and run with a chainsaw. lol
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"Spirit got changed" please. Were you crutching on collision THAT hard?
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0 reason to balance out of the lowest rank especially since it's so easy to get put of.
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You mean nerf? Because so far the devs have showed us that their definition of a rework includes nerfing
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Ooh yay, even more like the Oni!
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No by all means keep complaining that killers are op and need more nerfs the next killer will be que times if they do nerf Billy
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What do you see as a balanced killer then ?
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One that loses CONSTANTLY
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I think Leatherface should get some love next the poor guy has addons that do basically nothing. Let Bubba enjoy his chili....
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So for something to be "balanced " they need to be weak enough to lose games so a clown on red ranks a killer that has almost no chance to win unless survivors mess up really badly for just feel bad for?
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They are going to change him if that's a nerf or not who knows
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hopefully bubba although I want legion although that's probably gonna be another 2 years lol
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Seems to be what the devs want.
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Everyone saying Billy is overpowered, needs a nerf, and has no downside...
My god, this is why solo survivor is hell. If you HONESTLY believe that, you have no clue how to either play AS him, or play AGAINST him.
"Billy overpowered". THAT is a knee slapper. I say that as someone with like, 2 hours of Billy (I play Wraith and Doc exclusively pretty much). I am not good with him at all. But my god, if you think he's overpowered, you really need to get better. The problem isn't Billy. The problem is your lack of skill.
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If you have trouble beating a hillbilly in the ranks of 10-20. The problem is on you and you probably belong in the ranks 12-15.
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I'm sensing a pattern here nurse, spirit, oni and Billy it seems survivors complain when we have a killer who can actually get across a map in less time than it takes to do a gen
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I don't want them to touch any more killers until they comprehend how the game is played. Imagine if they put those resources to work fixing maps.. huh, then they might find themselves reworking a lot less killers and focusing on bug fixes.
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I'd like maps and something about gen times to be changed personally, but idk i think the doctor rework ain't that bad, they are saying his charge and cooldown after shock therapy aren't okay but meh we'll see it's not like we can do anything about it. They do what they want anyway.
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Damn, i forget legion is in the game sometimes lol, definitely not okay how they are now. It's pretty embarrassing they charge money for them.
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Billy will need to go around the map and grab gas tanks to power his chainsaw in order to use it.
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Leatherface is a worse Billy who also has 19 Add ons instead of 20. I think he might be next.
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There are no nurses at red ranks anymore xD they all blinked away
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To be fair it is a pvp horror game. Most horror games aren't easy and more often then not I'll die A LOT learning them, this is a pvp horror game, its different sure, but having a stealth billy with insta saw pop the corner is scary, down right insidious I dare say, requires no effort on the killers part, and is fun to play against. Unless they camp, but you can't punish that because we all live and learn.
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Hillbilly doesn’t need to be rework, instead letherface have 0 ultra rare and he is weak ... I hope he is next on the rework list
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Yes, Bubba has literally only been viable with one build. I am, of course, talking about the Bubba's Basement build. Killers shouldn't have to rely on one perk build to be effective.
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If Billy get the nerf hammer I will be devastated
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To be fair, Billy is as close to balanced as a Killer could become. However, this is without Add Ons. Tuning Guide and Primer Bulb make him too strong, as well as Cooldown Add Ons making missed Chainsaws basically without any Punishment.
I expect an Add On Rework for Hillbilly.
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I have to agree with this, I suck so bloody much as billy
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Far from balanced nothing fun about a Billy who can just rev his chainsaw right back up after failing his chainsaw attack.
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in my honest opinion, the only changes i can see to hillbilly is him merely getting a few new add-ons and some add-on changes to suit the criteria for the amount of different rarities you're supposed to have. i can't really see any possible way you could change his chainsaw or his mobility, since he's meant to be speedy and easy to use to begin with!
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Nurse is fine
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Hillbillys chainsaw is frustrating to play against...
New chainsaw "update": Puts the survivor into injure state if they are not already there. Chainsaw has a 20sec cooldown and stuns you for 5 sec if you succesfully hit a survivor!
Really powerfull in late game!
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Got an idea for a killer. Bob the killer, has a knife and no power, 100% move speed and no add ons, that way the only OP complaint you have is he can physically hook someone if he ever gets to them. Seriously killers cant have a power without it being "UgH sO oP uNfAiR"
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Not to mention he's the only killer with any add ons, let alone multiple, that go "hey, here's the one bit of his power that takes a bit of skill to get used to, now let's put on these training wheels and make it require no thought at all."
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Exactly, it's a PVP horror game, both sides are meant to have a pretty even shot at winning. It's impossible to balance a game like this around "in other horror games you die if you don't play flawlessly" because it's not an AI with patterns to learn and avoid, it's a player that should lose if your team is better than theirs, rather than coast off an ability that gives all the important stats in the game with no tradeoff; mobility, one hit downs, and chase potential.
If Billy gets a rework/add on pass/whatever they want to call it and doesn't come out a 110 killer, I'll be surprised.
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Thats exactly my point with the Cooldown-Add Ons. You can basically miss the Chainsaw Attack and can use it right after again.
I dont think he needs a Powerbar, but his Add Ons need to be looked at.
(And more for Leatherface, he needs Basekit Buffs as well and all of his Add Ons should be reworked to not be Copy&Paste or without any noticeable effect)
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I more meant the steering add ons, but sure.
Leatherface needs add ons that apply to his power. Cooldown? Really? Bump penalty? Who cares, they already left.
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I think they may touch carburetor tuning guide, because it's objectively in a bizzare place for an add-on. I don't see a reason to change anything else.
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