Dead hard,do you use it?

One of the most survivor clutch perks,dead hard offers a small window of opportunity to extend chases. It's still glitchy tho.
So you use it? Let me know down below
rarely prefer balanced landing and lithe
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I do because I like to interact with the killer more than not.
It’s a great perk.
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Yes, because BL was nerfed. Often enough it is an attempt to use it tho.
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I don’t because I am bad at it, I bring it out 1-2 times a day to try to get better
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Well, i played GF yesterday and i chased a guy with deadhard, i swung when i was close and he deadharded through me, the aim assist literally 180ed me and hit the guy. Yeah, they have to fix these things before i will use DH. Sprint burst is better imo
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People overhype that perk. It's not that great.
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It’s stuff like this that compounds it. Like I said I don’t use DH optimally but I can look behind me, use it to get exhausted, and still go down... so I prefer something passive that will work all the time
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Nope. When any competent killer sees you have it then they will just bait it out and smack you down.
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No I don't bother with dh and I usually don't use any exhaustion perks, unless I'm trying synergy with new builds.
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I use it because I sympathies being a killer main, that its the fairest and most interactive perk. I think all exhaustion perks should be removed, except headon. thats a badass perk.
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No, because if there is even an ounce of lag it's not going to work.
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All exhaustion perks should be removed? What a joke.
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When I play killer I don't really have a problem with exhaustion perks. If anything, they just delay the inevitable and I still get the knock down.
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I’m guessing, tell me if I’m wrong Psycho, that he means because of time they waste for the killer...
Each perk can extend a chase for a few seconds or even longer if they help you reach a loop so they’re strong. I don’t think They should go away but I can see a stance for it.
For me I don’t use any at the moment, but Sprint burst is the one I’ve been using lately it helps if you get caught on a gen in a dead zone to get to a safer spot.
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This. I'll use it sometimes, but I like SB better.
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Yeah, sometimes it can be good once but honesty I assume all survivors have it and play around it.
The only reliable use for it now is dead hard for distance to reach a pallet you would have just barely missed making.
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99ing sprint burst is just better imo.
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I used to use it but it's too latency dependent. I think it's a good perk but it needs tweaking.
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I use Sprint Burst and sometimes Head On.
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The point as a Survivor is to waste the Killer's time though. Why would that ever be a bad thing? There should be ways to help lengthen a chase as a Survivor. By that logic, Spirit Fury/Enduring, or Nemesis/PWYF, should be nerfed, since they shorten chases. All exhuastion perks were already nerfed, with the very old exhaustion nerf, and BL was nerfed, so why nerf them even more?
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I use it for two reasons: for fun and when I’m using resilience. It can definitely give you extra distance to make a vault or pallet. The only time I use it to avoid a hit is to dead hard into a killer. I remember one game where the killer had noed and I unhooked the guy near the exit and we both dead harded through the killer and made it out. That was hilarious.
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Do you want to go through asking about every perk that exists? Stop your thread spamming.
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Not anymore, it's broken and needs to get fixed.
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Sprint burst is better, but its so unfun to use it and DH is so more fun
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I just stopped using it since dedicated servers went live on ps4. Being exhausted on the floor sucks.
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Not to be rude but, are you gonna make a topic about every perk in the game and ask if anyone uses it?
And yes, I like to switch between Dead Hard and Sprint Burst nowadays.
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I don’t think it should be nerfed, I was only guessing at his meaning honestly.
I agree, I use sprint burst because instead of getting caught at a gen I can get a boost to a loop, loop it once even, drop a pallet and move on. I’m not an expert looper at all but that simple routine can waste a good chunk of the killers time just for one hit. Then usually the speed boost from the hit can repeat the process.
All of a sudden a bad looper, me in my own words, has wasted a minute of the killer time which is huge if the team is doing gen... a big IF
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I think they are a bail out for poor positioning and looping. Like “oh ######### the killer is catching up”. Press e and slam a pallet. The normal open field dead hard is different, but no one uses it that way at higher ranks. Same can be said about 99% sprint bursts etc. I think they are crutch for poor gameplay.
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I use Dead Hard as my exhaustion perk since BL was nerfed. It’s easily the best exhaustion perk. People use it to bait a hit which will never work against a competent killer more than once. It’s used to gain distance in a chase and get more out of a loop.
It’s not always reliable though.
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No. Like Lithe I often find myself still taking the hit to watch it go off while I'm crawling on the ground. :I
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Do not worry,you are not rude. Since there is no rule that says that I can't ask for every perk (of course correct me if I'm wrong) I'll keep making these because I believe it's a nice change of pace on this community and I'm having fun reading all the opinions. If you believe this is spam,it is not. If you honestly believe I'm not allowed to continue making these series then please say it. But since I did not break any rules,then yes,I'll keep making them :3
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Lithe doesn’t help you vault faster, so yes oftentimes you’ll get hit as you do your vault which sill triggers Lithe
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everything in this topic, still prefer BL
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Just so you know @CLAUDETTEINABUSH I would rather have 1000 of these type of threads than whinny threads about the same thing.
Forgot to say that earlier 😊
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You aren’t wrong lol... people complain about this thread but will start thread number 100 about ruin