Killer mains on this forum, what is your rank in game?

I’m trying to figure out what ranks most of the people upset about the ruin nerf are on. What is your current rank, and please be honest? Thanks.
Also, and you don’t have to share, but what is your age range? Like 12-15, 18-25, 25-30, etc. I sort of am wondering if this forum is mainly teenagers by some of the posts.
I'm not a killer main,but i stay around rank 1-2 both killer and survivor.
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Rank 1 survivor main. Ruin is ok. Pls mori me.
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I'm rank 1, but my anger isn't directly towards the ruin nerf, rather than towards the major incompetence of the devs, their obvious bias for survivors, their lies and an entire paragraph of ######### they keep ignoring or pretend is fixed.
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Usually rank 2, and I main Ghostface. But I have reached rank 1 before, just can't keep it.
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Killer Rank 1
Survivor Rank 2
Age Range 18 - 25
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I'm rank 7. Been to red ranks bunch of times but its just that I don't play much within a reset and couldn't care less. I'm also not upset about the recent ruin changes as in the changes itself but rather the dev's reasoning behind it. Huge ass maps need to be reworked/shrink-ed first before making any changes to few available gen slowdown perks but bhvr got no time for that. I'm taking a break because it has become so un-fun (subjective) to play killer with the gen speeds and there are better games to chill with after a long day at work.
25-30 btw.
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Not a main but 3
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Rank 7 as killer and survivor.
I play Killer a lot more though, but the problem is at rank 7 I only get like various mixes of red rank survivors. So I am winning and losing matches to a degree that I stay exactly the same rank.
I don't understand this system, by that logic I should just be a red rank killer then, if that is all I go against anyways and I am not losing enough to go down out of that.
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Yet I keep getting red ranks survivors <3
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Me too. Feels bad.
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Rank 8, 24 years.
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Rank 1,25
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I’m rank two survivor (1 pip off of 1) and rank three killer (two pips off of rank two). I’m 15.
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so that was a sarcastic thread you made lmao
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I thought it was pretty obvious haha but when people started making serious arguments, I just went with it.
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Rank 1 killer. Though, I do lower that more often with Ruin being gone because I stand no chance to the gen rush. Rank 11 now, still trying to survive! I know that's the survivors job, but it feels like mine now!
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Not sure if interested but i had the game since console release, i use to be a killer main and have been rank 1 both killer and survivor each season for a long time now, however more and more i tend to play less killer now and more survivor, this isnt due to the ruin change however as although i think ruin did need a slight change i feel they went the wrong way with it and instead wasted a cool idea for a new perk and made generators very easy to complete even though i can hit greats 90% but id say killer im purple ranks now due to lack of play but iv never used ruin and i could get to rank 1 again as more survivors are getting to red ranks, the reason i changed to survivor is it was more fun, the consistency of fun and enjoyable games i had as survivor was alot higher than killer, its not that i dont enjoy killer because i do but there are some games no matter how well you play it feels like a lost cause and more stressful than fun, obviously this changes due to 4man SWF and the killer i decide to play... Age 18-25
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Rank 5
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I legit can't tell anymore lmao,there are so many posts that seem like bait but end up not being. I can't tell what posts are bait and which aren't anymore xD
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If you are not rank 1, you turn on game to check updates and turn it off.
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Rank 1 killer and survivors
PS waayyyyy easier to pip a survivors
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I sit between Rank 3-8. It's really hard to stay in Red Ranks as killer, because once you hit rank 12 it's like as if you only go against 4man red rank swf.
Age 26.
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Rank 3 survivor and Rank 4 killer atm (don't have a main).
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Currently Rank 5.
Already obtained Rank 1 with Learherface and Old Freddy.
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Rank 5 with Survivor
Rank 8 with killer although i have been trying new killers out so i did drop quite a bit. Was rank 6 earlier this month
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I go back and forth between rank 1 and 2
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Rank 1 usually sometimes rank 2 I main ghostface, Huntress, Wraith and spirit
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I think this post... Pre-questioned to being trolled.
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I’m definitely not a killer main but I’m Rank 1 and still manage to pip up almost every game. I very rarely depip playing killer.
Im Rank 1 survivor as well but sometimes depip if I get a match where I get tunneled/camped/moried/bad teammates etc.
I personally didn’t have an issue with old Ruin since I could hit the skillchecks, but I’m also not that mad at the changes either. It honestly seems pretty good still, especially for high mobility killers who are able to put on a lot of map pressure. As for killers who require more set up time, corrupt intervention was always a better option anyways.
Also I definitely agree that a lot of people on here act extremely childish but it wouldn’t surprise me if most people on here were in their 20-30’s.
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Rank 1 survivor and Rank 1 killer.
Age is 21.
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Rank 1 survivor and killer, playing more killer.
Age is 42
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Rank 1 i'm against the Ruin changes but only due to timing. If toolboxes/gen speeds were changed simultaneously it'd be fine imo.
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Survivor and killer rank 1.
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Ruin change isn't good, it's the wrong time.
Killer rank 1, Survivor rank 1
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rank 2 surv
rank 6 killer
37 y.o.
like said before by someone else, rage is not for ruin itself, i personally play much better combining thanatophobia and dying light, what is wrong about this nerf imo is the fact that devs missed the point of why it was used so much in high ranks
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I am far from a killer main, but currently I am rank 4 killer and rank 1 survivor.
Not that it matters much, most of my games consist of going against green a purple rank survivor, with the occasional rank 1 player that is actually very skilful and loops me for 5 gens.
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I'm my own rank, both killer, and survivor.
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Rank 18-13 each season with Doctor/Spirit Main.
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Rank 1 killer, Rank 3 survivor. 31. I don't use Ruin, but I see why people are upset. I have philosophical differences with the approach to map tile balance and feel that killers are being given too much survivor-sided counterplay as of late (Oni flick nerf, Nurse reappearance change/cooldown, etc.) I'm of the opinion that there should be robust tutorials showing survivors how to play optimally, and then you balance around optimal play. I think gens would get done in lower rank games if survivors did a tutorial that straight up said "The only way we're getting out of here is if we repair these generators, so stop hiding and get moving!"
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I play both killer and survivor but the recent wait times for survivor have really pushed a lot of my friends away due to having to wait so long for a match. Currently sitting at Rank 1 Killer and main Demogorgon. While I'm not really affected by the Ruin change because I prefer Corrupt Intervention for its consistent stall, I do understand why people are upset and as certain killers on certain maps there's not much you can do for gen defense and pressure if you can't get there to do it.
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Currently rank 4 Killer (which I admittedly reached only very recently, for what it is worth).
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Killer rank 6
Survivor rank4
age 20~25
Btw i only play survivor when i too angry to play killer.
But my rank of survivor is still higher
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I bounce between purple and red ranks these days. Once I got the rank 1 acheivement, I never saw reason to play the best killers with the best builds, since being high rank isn't fun anymore, but it's where I keep ending up.
Losing ruin is a hard hit, since it's not realistic to think I can pressure 4 survivors enough to not do enough gens to leave. There's a lot to combat. Killer choice (I want to play the killers I enjoy playing, not the ones who required for rank 1), pallet RNG, map size, survivor items, survivor coordination, exploits.
Sometimes, I hate that I love this game enough to keep playing, just because of how difficult it is to have fun anymore. I know people get on a killer's back about being whiney and complaining, but I also realize those same people don't care if I have fun or not.
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Right, now, moves between 8 and 9. I made it to rank 4, once, but then a very long string of bad games as my Plague bumped me back to six, then rank reset. I haven't really tried ranking since.
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Rank 1 Killer.
Rank 6 Survivor
Play both sides, but prefer killers due to matchmaking, and I hate Hex Ruin, I don't use it on killers.
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I hover around rank 2-5 as killer depending on if I want to play viable killers that day.
I don't play much survivor, so I'm at rank 8 I think.
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Rank 1 killer and if I play it ill hit red ranks with survivor, my personal opinion on the changes are "necessary but way too early"
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1 game survivors = 1 game killer
Both rank 1
I am not "killer main" but i try to help them because killers are so weak in a "horror" game thats hilarious
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These types of thread will mostly attract answers from those that are high rank, especially because the posts are not anonymous and posting a low rank will descredit their opinion on Ruin.
Post edited by adsads123123123123 on0 -
People have to realize there is no such thing as killer main. Nobody is mentally capable of playing killer more than 10 games in a row without getting hypertension or dying of boredom from killing potato survivors 4k everygame.
Only people who play both sides and people who only play survivor and tell hybrid players how to play killer :) because they know more about killer side, well duh