Banning for Racial, sexual, and other slurs

If you report someone for using various "off limits" slurs, or saying #########, and have screen shots to prove it, will someone actually get banned? I'd hate to waste my time if they won't, but I had someone launch into me, including the "n-word," the "gay" slur, and other items, and I have screen shots to prove it, will anything be done?
And if so, how do I go about actually reporting it?
Yeah. I reported a dude who said fgt and guy got banned for 3 days he had no previous bans so whoever banned him actually went out of the ban time guidelines and gave him an extra day lol.
I know these details cause I actually asked him.
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They most likely get a temporary ban, as it happens in these cases. The only way people can get insta banned is for cheating legacy or items.
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You report them from their website here
and if you wonder the details their ban guidelines etc.
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They also get permanent ban if they do it 4 times.
"24H -> 48H -> 1W -> PERMANENT
This is a sliding scale and determined on a case-by-case basis. If an offense is considered to be particularly egregious, the duration of the ban may skip one or more steps in this process."
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still, people lag switching get 24h, while people cheating pixels instaban.
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You don't need to worry about screenshots.. the chat logs are sent in with the report. You have to do the report at the end summary when the match is over. Every report requires it.
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ok good to know. So, I reported him using the in game reporting system, but should I do anything else?
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They still get banned if you report them in-game but if you wan't them to get banned faster and make sure them getting banned then you can use this.
but make sure to still report them in-game as it is required for this additional reports.
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It's not about censorship, it's about someone using hate speech against you.
There's a big difference between swearing because you're angry or hurt or whatever and using slurs to try and demean part of someone's identity.
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There is a difference between swearing, and attacking someone. We can have a discussion and disagree, but cussing people out and calling them all the dirtiest names in the book is a far cry. And that isn’t being mature either.
Let’s try this for example, why don’t you go into a Court and cussed the judge out and see what happens. You don’t think you like the result? Just because you think it’s OK it doesn’t mean other adults do. By the way in some cases it actually is illegal to cuss people out.
Here, since you think you know so much about it here’s some legal education for your benefit.
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I have yet to see a single person getting banned due to this, death threats, racial slurs or whatever some people try to insult one with. I doubt that there is any consequence for it.
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Hnmm, I see you enjoy media aimed at adults but don't like being called the n word, very curious finely honed logic sensors detect a contradiction.
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I find the best way to deal with language you don't like is at the bottom right during the end match screen there's a little speech bubble. Click it and it'll close the chat.
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We have servers now on every platform besides Xbox. Lag Switching isn't even a thing now
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The point being your talk about mature, when I talk to you about laws being broken. And guess what, pretty much every country in the world has a some restrictions on speech. Do you deny this?
They aren’t the same thing, are they? Are you trying to tell me any form of language of any kind no matter how hostile or offensive is OK?
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First of all, your people aren’t bound by bylaws but they are bound by your loss. Are you telling me you live in a country that has zero restrictions of any kind of speech?
Second, that is utterly ludicrous. There’s a big difference between saying some speech is not OK and say that slavery. For example, you can’t insight violence, you can’t decide crimes, you can’t to text with your speech designed to encourage injury of people. Are those restrictions slavery?
so that’s the second time I’ve now asked a question that you’ve dodged, the question bwing are you saying any speech of any kind is OK no matter what?
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Soooo... your argument is that not being allowed to say the N word in a video game is slavery. Is this really the hill you're gonna die on?
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"I'm allowed to use racial terms and hate speech online because of my culture, not allowing me to do so is slavery".
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No. Answer the question. Is not being allowed to say the N word slavery?
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Y'see, that's the funny thing.
Behaviour, as the developers of Dead by Daylight, has that right. They don't have to let you keep playing if you can't treat your fellow players like regular humans.
Valve, Sony, Microsoft also all have that same right.
You're using the internet to post this. It has restrictions regarding being a fuckwit, deal with it.
Go out on the street and start using slurs like that in public. See how fast you get arrested for hate speech, or knocked out.
I never said you did.
But you cannot deny that you are defending people's 'right' to do so.
Newsflash: they have no right to do so, and no right to complain when they're banned from the game for it.
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Actually you are utterly and completely wrong. We can dictate what people say within limits. For instance if you started To advocate The murder of someone we can most certainly stop you from doing it.
The expression of ideas in general is OK, but advocating violence, breaking the law, actively trying to get someone hurt, are just some examples of speech that are actually illegal almost anywhere.
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We're not hanging up on you, we're just using our free speech! Stop trying to censor us!
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You literally said that the people who tried to restrict what you could say are tantamount to slavery. Do I need to go back and quote what you said a few posts up? Or do you have dementia?
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and you keep dodging every point anyone brings up.
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Yes they will be and the severity will depend on the ban length. Use the in game report system as they can read the chat logs.
This isn't about freedom of speech its a about a mutlticulural game and one where using certain terms may be highly offensive to certain people or races. There is a line and even though it's a mature game racial slurs, sexual orientation and hate messages etc are bannable offenses. The devs decide what is and isnt bannable and why they have set rules.
It's not up for debate as it is their game and we have to accept the terms of they set to play.
Internet trash talk is allowed and you can swear to your hearts content and call out people as the line is quite high up on what's bannable. Just be careful not to cross it or risk losing the game.
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I'm not trying to irritate you, I'm just trying to discuss why I don't think people should be able to use slurs in game.
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OK, I’ll bite. What is your country and what is your culture? And include a link to the Google story, because what you told us is too vague to locate anything.
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Go on, tell me.
Not helping your case whatsoever, but I'm interested.
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Oh I can read, you’re the one that can’t. I was saying you were utterly and completely wrong about the following quote.
"My argument is none of you have the right to dictate what comes out of others mouths you can't stop people from waggling their tongue"
Every country in the world even the ones with the greatest freedom of speech still have a few restrictions. Trying to say there are limits and yes as such they can dictate and restrict certain speech.
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I can actually see where you're coming from, although just because you're allowed to do something legally doesn't mean it's the right thing to do morally. However, it's a bit of a moot point as far as this thread goes, because in the case of Dead By Daylight, using slurs like the ones OP mentioned to attack another player is not only morally wrong but also against the rules of the game. It isn't censorship to ask someone not to be disrespectful towards others on your platform and to enact the consequences if they do so regardless.
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And you still haven’t responded to the questions I’ve asked you two previous times now, is it OK to say anything you want even if it encourages breaking the law and inciting crimes, inciting violence, and directly attempting to hurt people? This is now the third time I’ve asked, I wonder if you’re actually going to finally get around to answering it.
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We aren’t acting like we’ve done this, we’re arguing against your logic. You’re trying to say it’s all right to say anything you want no matter how vile or reprehensible it is, in fact it isn’t, first of all this Gamer actually has rules of behavior and if you break it they can value for it, and every country in the world has at least mine are restrictions I get speech and yet you’re saying that anything you say is OK we aren’t accusing you of doing it, we’re just saying that you’re wrong
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Now you've gotta be trolling.
Are you seriously saying it's alright to use racial slurs and hatespeech online because centuries ago, your "land" which taken from your cultural people?
Your culture has no effect in what you say online.
Here in Australia, we use a certain C-Word as a very common manner of greeting (and as a noun). However, it's regarded as a horrible slur in the United Kingdom. I'm respectful of that, and wouldn't say it to anyone I know from there, because it's not culturally accepted.
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Damn. I'm sorry I bummed you out but not wanting to be called the N word. Feel better dude.
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That's why I was very carefully not accusing you of anything in my comment. As I said, I can see where you're coming from, from a legal perspective, and I even agree with you to an extent. However, in this case, it's not a matter of legality. It's not unreasonable for the devs to decide they don't want someone who violently attacks other players to be playing their game, any more than it is unreasonable for you to ask someone to leave your house if they come in and start destroying your possessions because they're feeling angry.
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Yes on ps4. I sent a message to a very toxic killer and am banned for a month. I have 3 accounts so it’s not a huge deal, but you can def get banned.
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We weren’t attacking you, at no point did Anyone actually insult you as far as I’m aware of but you can’t expect to be able to make a controversial comment and Then expect people to not reply to it.
Comes back to the whole freedom of speech thing that you were advocating, you have every right to express your beliefs and opinions but we have every right to reply to it.
That isn’t an attack. if we attacked you directly that’s different, what we did is called disagreeing, There’s a difference, and if you can’t handle people simply disagree with you maybe you really are too fragile for this game.
which is funny, when you came out saying that it is completely all right for people to use the most vile language imaginable and that’s freedom of speech, but you can’t even handle people disagreed with you. Kind of ironic really.
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You do know most civilisations have been subject to the same its just some have been more recent? I'd bet most people can place a time in history where their culture was subject to an invasion and were enslaved driven off the land.
Roman Empire, British Empire, Ghengis Khan, Vikings to name a few.
Freedom of speech is not about saying what you like anywhere you wish too. It's about sticking up for your rights and making changes in the place when it's needed.
You can chose to do as wish but hurting someone for the sake of it because of what people did in the past shows a lack of character. I find it funny when you reference sheep as that's generally more inline with those who are bred to be hateful.
I was brought up in a culture where there are some that hate people just becasue of what they believe in. They were brought up in this way and know nothing else going with the flock and taught never to think for themselves.
Rules are everwhere which some forget and they are no differnet to the rules in someones personal space. You may think you are free but even you will have rules with what someone can and can't do within your space.
There are rules everywhere its just some think they are free when really they are locked within a dark place in their own head.
You can never be truly free until your mind is also.
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I had submitted multiple report with pcitures, the profiles neevr got a ban on steam.
I think they dont do #########, or if they do .. probably a 24 hour ban