Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Killer mains on this forum, what is your rank in game?



  • Chewy102
    Chewy102 Member Posts: 613

    Legacy Killer main. Hit rank 1 multiple times over the years using all Killers possible minus Oni (only Killer I dont own) and Nurse (never liked Nurse). Currently rank 12 due to months of inactive play.

    Ruin getting nerfed isnt that bad from a balance standpoint. It was over used and done more than near any other Killer perk. But Ruin itself wasnt the problem, it was that there wasnt another good choice for Killers to counter how fast Survivors could finish their objective before the Killer had to finish his.

    Without Ruin and without treating why Ruin was over used will only make another perk take Ruins place.

  • Diggly
    Diggly Member Posts: 112

    Rank 6, have gotten to rank 3 before though, just often chill around purple.

    20 years old

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760
    edited January 2020

    Rank 4 as killer.

    Potato survivor rank 9

    Playing on PS4.

  • anormalman
    anormalman Member Posts: 105
    edited January 2020



  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited January 2020

    Rank 1 both every season survivor and killer even though I am killer main.

    Age range: 18-25

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,133

    Not a killer main, but rank 8.

  • Shindu
    Shindu Member Posts: 89

    Red ranked.

    Main killer, but sometimes playing survs.

    If ruin nerf will be run on live I run moris and corrupt instead.

  • DonZwiebel
    DonZwiebel Member Posts: 136
    edited January 2020

    I am usually purple ranked as killer and red ranked as survivor.

    And I don't use hex perks as killer (tried Devour Hope, wich is usually gone in seconds after match start, so...)

    40 years old

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,595

    Rank 11 killer (most played)

    Rank 17 survivor (least played)

    28 years old

  • JohnNorwich19623
    JohnNorwich19623 Member Posts: 83

    Killer=Rank 1

    Survivor=Rank 5

  • Shi
    Shi Member Posts: 156

    I'm not killer main. I'm 1st rank both side. Age 30+

    I want to spend my time with both side equally, but In survivals side, I wait around 10 min+ per game.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    I'm a Killer main, rank 13 but moving up swiftly again as I finished all my teachables finally. Should be in the reds a week or so after the next reset. I'll stay high purple/low red as best as I can because that's where I have the most fun, and I'm not really a solid Rank 1 Killer. I tend to go easy frequently, and enjoy the chases too much to be truly effective.

    Rank 4 Survivor, but I'm done playing that for a while. Killer queue times are insanely fast for me, so I'll suck up those BP and have some fun while it lasts.

  • TheDoctorMain
    TheDoctorMain Member Posts: 14

    Rank 1 on console mainly as Freddy. Doctor is my favorite hence the name but I can't get much out of him at higher ranks :(

  • Calabrum
    Calabrum Member Posts: 102

    Started playing on Xbox in 2017. Reached rank 1 in both killer and survivor. Moved to pc in August of 2018. (It's annoying my frames are capped at 62, but it's still better than the 30 frames I was getting on console.) I play on Ultra and main Spirit, Trapper, Ghostface, Hag, and Freddy currently. Naturally, rank 1 in both killer and survivor on pc as well.

    My opinion on ruin is that it needed changed but the timing is currently awful to make the change due to the reason for it being used not being adressed and that Peanits made a statement for the change that was clearly biased towards survivors. For someone that claims to play both sides it's rather interesting that he could release such a one sided statement.

    However, I will be blunt. When the ruin change goes live I will most likely no longer play hag, trapper, ghostface, and maybe even freddy. They lack the mobility necessary to pressure gens at red ranks. This is especially the case against SWF.

    I do not use ruin on spirit. It's not necessary in the slightest. Sounds broke in chase and can't hear survivors next to you?Think devs will fix it? I gave up on hoping for that fix weeks ago. Run stridor and you'll be fine. If survivors complain and say it's a crutch... tell them the devs should fix the sounds in chase then. (Yeah survivors are mostly gonna hate you. Get used to it.) Lol.

    If you want to know a good build for spirit atm focus on speed and blood. Ignore the gens mostly since hitting them would waste time and hexes are unreliable by both design and placement. Sloppy, stridor, thanataphobia, and then a perk of your choice. I recommend nurses, bloodhound, make your choice, whispers, bbq & chili....

    There are others as well. Mix and match as you see fit until you find something that works for you. As for most optimal add-ons take mother-daughter ring and father's glasses. Or prayers beads and that green add-on that considerably reduces the spirits phase cooldown. Why prayer beads? They got nerfed right? Umm no. That's just naive thinking. You can still get gen grabs with prayer beads in their current state. (Its only a bit harder really) Just initiate a chase and make the survivor think your after them. If their in swf they'll tell their friends their being chased. Phase to gen and grab instead of chasing. Works well in red ranks because the survivors are cocky and trying to rush gens. Did it twice in a single full red rank trial.

    My thoughts on future killers is this. I'll play the ptb and see how optimal they are against red ranks. If they aren't up to par then I won't buy them.

    They nerf spirit again I'm gone. Why? She's the only killer I have left that can compete with SWF in red ranks. Im sure someone will say learn nurse... Frankly, nurse is to difficult to learn, and her rework made it so that the killer is punished too harshly if the chain blink misses repeatedly. Her add-ons are also terrible btw.

    Then I'm sure I'll get the well you shouldn't think you deserve a 4k. Sighs.... never cared in the first place. But, I would like to at least have the chance to do it. Otherwise, why call this a horror game?

    (Some advice for killers that swap to survivor. Change your name. It will spare you from being griefed by salty survivors that you may have played against previously that hold a grudge.)

    Fellow killers, good luck!

  • DepressedClownMain
    DepressedClownMain Member Posts: 924

    Honestly discordance is probably meta now. Can't wait for it to get nerfed because it is frustrating to go against

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,480

    I sit in the brown ranks as killer (I think right now I'm rank 17) because I play chill (or lazy) and make it my goal to max out Brutality, Deviousness, and Hunter without killing anyone, so I usually avoid pipping (though this Gatekeeper change is probably gonna mean no more dragging out the game to max out Brutality).

    I'm in the brown ranks as survivor, too, 'cause I screw around a lot.

    Age range 30+

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,081

    Xbox NA Rank 1, been there since July 2019.

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    i am actualy rank 12 by the rank reset, but i already was rank 1 in a long time ago

    AAAAA Member Posts: 558

    Rank 9 killer

    Interestingly, when I play survivor more than I usually do I often end up in purple ranks. Gotta love the ranking system...

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    Didn't get a chance to play much last month but

    Survivor: Rank 8. Normally 4-6

    Killer: Rank 5

    Age: 29

  • Kagari_Leha
    Kagari_Leha Member Posts: 555

    I'm rank 1 and I personally think those changes are great. You have to apply pressure to "win" as killer, if you cant apply pressure without Ruin, you're not playing correctly... or you play Clown, I feel you.

    But those changes would be more accepted if the toolboxes/map designs were adressed at the same time I'll agree, playing on Ormond/Rotten Fields with new Ruin instead of Corrupt will be very complicated to near impossible depending on which killer you play.

    Also, even if people are very childish, i wouldnt be surprised a lot of those "killer mains" yell that much on every other game, since their childhood. They just want the win and nothing else, you can't have fun on a video game.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    Im always rank 1 killer for the past year and a half, for survivor im between ranks 1-5 mostly.

    as for the ruin nerf i dont use it unless im playing a killer that I either dont play often or a killer that can't put enough pressure onto survivors to be effective without ruin. The new ruin really makes me sad as killers who cannot be viable will be seen even less often in high ranks which leads to the same killers being played game after game.

    If there was a game mechanic that blocked gens after a gen was completed for X seconds or gens repairs were hindered in the beginning of the game we wouldn't need ruin on these killers.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,835

    rank 1, dont really care about the change anymore

  • Bigbootiejudy666
    Bigbootiejudy666 Member Posts: 407

    Rank 8

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449

    Usually rank 2-3. And 28

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    Rank 3 killer

    Rank 5 survivor

    Age: 16

    Ruin changes I don't mind. What I do mind is devs pandering to all of survivor's problems while hitting killers with a nerf to the most used perk and not giving us any compensation. We got a buff for Doc(at least when the PTB is over and he gets his cooldown shortened), and a rework that nobody asked for when maps like Ormond, Rotten Fields, and Haddonfield exist. Lery's was one of if not the best killer map with the highest kill ratio if I remember correctly.

    If they nerfed toolboxes and maybe gen speed, then yeah, nerf Ruin all you want. I never used it anyway. But please, please, look at killer problems as well.

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    Usually around ranks 4-6, right now 10. Haven't played much killer this month, was trying to help my wife finish survivor challenges on the rift.

    Age 40.

    I also do not mind the Ruin change, but cannot honestly say until I get a chance to play it. I like to make my own judgements by using it.

  • Kreatya
    Kreatya Member Posts: 35

    Rank 1 on both killer and survivor. Age 21

    I can 4K for tons of games without Ruin with killers like Bubba (not the PWYF build) Clown will struggle a bit more though.

    The problem of the game now is not how Ruin is nerfed. It’s about Devs’ survivor sided opinions. It’s just pathetic. I mean come on if you are gonna say that “oh we also care about killers in forum responses”, why don’t you mention just a sentence in your official patch note. In addition, they are not reworking maps and toolboxes before they nerf Ruin. I would totally agree with the nerf if they do those things first. But now? It’s pathetic man.

  • LunarFace
    LunarFace Member Posts: 44

    rank 1 killer

    rank 10 surv

    im 25

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    Rank 8, 40-45

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,741

    Was rank 4 on both before reset, lol

    Age 30

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919

    Some killers rely more on early game slowdown but I do not believe Trapper, Hag, or Freddy need it.

    I also run Stridor on Spirit. She’s so strong in a chase and ends them so quickly than Ruin isn’t needed as you said. I just get confused because sometimes the game just gives survivor Iron Will for no reason.

    Freddy is strong enough with Disordance and PGTW. He can just teleport to a generator after hooking a survivor. I don’t think Freddy relies on Ruin at all.

    Hag is also so strong in a chase and requires set up so Corrupt Intervention is actually better then Ruin on Hag in my opinion. Same with Trapper except he is a lot weaker than Hag is.

    Some players also don’t realize that a lot of the time they basically play without Ruin due to it breaking in the first 30 seconds without them finding a survivor.

  • Calabrum
    Calabrum Member Posts: 102

    Yes and no. Hag is limited by her mobility and trap placement. This is further limited or potentially enhanced by add-ons. Against SWF who can literally say where a trap is being placed its nearly pointless. Trapper is in the same boat as hag. The only advantage they have is early game when usually the survivors spawn at the other end of the map and have no information on what the killer is doing. If you can't setup you usually always lose. Plain and simple.

    Unless the survivors manage to throw the match. It's rare but it does happen every so often. Freddy is... viable and not at the same time. He's a bit of a mixed bag I'm still trying to get to work after they nerfed the forever Freddy build. He was still good with nerfed FF with ruin don't get me wrong. Now though, I suppose we will see.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763
    edited January 2020

    Swf and hag are a nasty combo. I play hag and can immediately tell if the group is swf. They take out traps, try and distract me, etc. It can be brutal.

    I can also usually tell who the ring leader is and make it my mission to at least take them out. Then they fall like dominos.

  • SanityNight
    SanityNight Member Posts: 101
    edited January 2020

    Rank Eight, also 18-25