Respect for Killers

I am a survivor main. Lately a PS friend was teaching me how to play killer. He shareplays with me and point out some flaws. I have been practicing to get better. I do my best not to tunnel or camp. I give the survivors equal opportunity to heal up and try to fix a gen after they get unhook. I occasionally patrol gens. I realize the BS that killers go through. From hate mail to a toxic SWF. Survivors are still very strong. When I play survivor, I don't T-bag the killer or do anything toxic towards them. Even if I play fair, the game robs me of stuff. I tried playing a perkless killer and I lost but at least i know what I need to work on. I wish survivor mains can play killer until they reach mid to high ranks to understand what needs to be done.
See you did the one thing that a lot of survivor players refuse to do. I have respect for you too broski.
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In an ideal world, yes. If I down someone who just got unhooked, I'll literally ignore them. It's just a spiral of toxicity at the moment, for what feels like L I T E R A L L Y E V E R Y O N E E L S E.
They find one person who's goal is to ruin everyone else's play, then they try to do the same thing to that person and the cycle continues until it's only the norm and people like us are the only ones standing who move onto other games because we have friends who have picked up a new game and we all go and play that for a time, and keep bouncing through games, only to occasionally pick up the game, get done in by toxic players and ditch it again after one game.
Welcome to online multiplayer.
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I see why noed and ruin is a standard. I don't understand why they are nerfing ruin. As a survivor main, its not that hard to work through it.
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Playing killer for a month changed my complete perspective on the game. More survivors should try it. I'm not talking about playing killer for a few games but a whole month. I was so glad to get back to playing survivor. Playing killer against good teams is ridiculously stressful.
You can always tell which survivor's have played killer at red ranks for awhile. They are a lot less toxic.
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Agreed, hitting greats isnt that hard and neither is finding the totems because totem spots are laughable at best.
To fix the new player tactic all they'd have to do is actually put new players with other new players, but that requires a functioning matchmaking system, which we have seen is not a thing in DbD.
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It is the new players who don't want to learn the game that are ruining everything.
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It did changed mine as well. I just hate to sweat through so much. I like to play casual and for fun but that's not a thing anymore unless its custom game/KYF.
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Ahh we were all new players one day, learning everything i could about the game so I could get better way fun.
Now I can do a bad old man impression and say "Back in my day sonny double pallets were intentional", was fun.
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They are strangers, so no need to care about them. Also, in "survival" game its they objective to care about themselves and to avoid or deal with bad scenario. As killer, your objective is to hurt them and ruin their day. Its what you do. Enjoy it. Its the right way to think and play the game as killer.
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No, it really isn't.
And yes, it is. Not all of us are on high end gaming PC's. There have also been games with invisible totems for me, and by that I mean unless I was running Small Game, I'd literally never know of their existence.
No I'm not a new player, I'm rank 6 Survivor consistently, I have been playing for a year and I'm on Xbox, which makes Great skill checks very hard. Before either of you ask.
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That sounds like poor optimization, in which case, thats BHVR's fault.
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A lot people are whining about the doctor making people scream and how hard ruin skill checks are. Most of them are new.
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Unpopular opinion: Games shouldn't be optimized for low end systems. It's 2020.
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I teabags sometimes but mainly to pull agro on a camping killed or in one case I looped a pig around so much and pallet slammed them enough to max my points the tea bagging was to just keep them on me though one match a David died and he was running no mother and was playing stupid like I admit did a bad unhook but the killer was chill ignored him and went only at me still got a hate msg from the guy when he messed up 2 more times and died while the rest of us played smart and as a team I pulled the agro most of the time because I know how to joke and lose killer
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It's a combination of controller input lag, my terrible Australian NBN and the fact that I'm using a medium sized TV with distance, rather than a close computer monitor. I CAN hit them, it's just a little bit harder.
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Stance Doctor is way stronger in the lower ranks, yes. Blast Doctor will be more consistent in all ranks, and retaining his role as a PRESSURE KILLER.
And ruin checks are a nightmare for not just low ranks. It's been well documented my issues with it on consoles.
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I like to sabotage hooks that a killer his carrying a survivor too so he can be triggered and chase me. Not sure if that makes me toxic but it's a good distraction
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Remember it still goes both ways. I was a killer main for the longest time and have recently switched to survivor. I wish both sides would play the other side for awhile and then we may be able to have games that are more "fun".
Both sides can be toxic or use unfun tactics. I never tbag the killer because I have been on the other side of it for so long. But I now I don't tunnel, have never camped and try to be fair because I can see how unfun those tactics are since playing survivor.
But I still feel killers have been conditioned by the language and pipping conditions to expect at least 3ks to feel like a win. As a survivor escaping feels like a win. However I can die knowing that I pipped and helped my team escape and feel like I won.
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i have respect for both good survivors (not to 4 2nd chance perks or m1 and die in 20sec) and killers that dont tunnel or camp or use every slowdown possible
because why wouldnt you respect both of those type of ppl?
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If your pc can't run the game, that's your problem. They can't balance the game around someone's outdated pc...
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Cool story bro...
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What PC? Did you not read all of my replies/comments?
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I did same thing. I survivor mained For nearly a year. Then I started playing Killer and I have a whole new respect for what they do. It’s hard and can be very annoying. As survivor, my friends and I don’t do half the crap survivors do when I play killer. Teabagging at doors, flashlights, etc. I really think everyone should play both sides to get perspective.
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I respect Killers as long as they have mutual respect for me and vice versa for Survivors.