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Does anyone know fun Demogorgon or Ghostface builds?

I'm looking for fun builds for Demogorgon and ghostface but I dont have many perks. I have all the Demogorgon and spirit perks, I also have barbecue and ruin. So does anyone know any fun builds i could run?


  • Colton147
    Colton147 Member Posts: 523

    Anti-vault Demogorgon:

    Bamboozle + Cruel Limits + Fire Up + I'm All Ears

    Anti-chase Ghostface:

    I'm All Ears + Mindbreaker + Spirit Fury + Thrilling Tremors

  • RockyBanana
    RockyBanana Member Posts: 13

    @Colton147 I have the all the perks in the second one so I can try that one out. I will also probably try to get Freddy's perks next so I could also try the first one soon.

  • KamalaGekido
    KamalaGekido Member Posts: 49

    The REEEE

    Play with your food, Mad Grit, the other two is dealers choice but I use Unrelenting and enduring

    That way you can constantly scream as the demogorgon while carrying a survivor, and when in the chase you can smack them and scream faster and more often

  • RockyBanana
    RockyBanana Member Posts: 13

    Sounds funny but I don't know how practical it is in game but I might have to try that one as I can get mad grit and hopefully play with your food at some point.

  • RockyBanana
    RockyBanana Member Posts: 13

    That sounds like a good build cant run surveillance but I can probably replace it with thrilling tremors or if you have a different perk suggestion

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Tru3talent’s Ghostface:

    Ruin / Sloppy Butcher / Thanataphobia / Nurse’s Calling

    Demogorgon, I like:

    [Gen Perk] / BBQ / Enduring / STBFL

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    STBFL is just god tier on Demo. After getting used to it I don't think I'd ever want to take it off him now.

  • RockyBanana
    RockyBanana Member Posts: 13

    I've gotten a lot of Myer's perks as recommendations I'll have to but him next or wait till some of his perks are in the shrine

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Myers has some good perks.

    Just always shred your obsession and you get to sit at full 8 stacks all game basically.

  • Demo? I do a lot of stuff with him.

    I have so many builds I use for him I couldn't even begin to list the combinations, I use like all sorts of meta and unmeta perks on him. He is very jack of all trades master of none, which has huge benefits when it comes to build freedom.

    You can do so much.

  • RockyBanana
    RockyBanana Member Posts: 13

    Is there any builds that you would say are your favorite right now I run Ruin, BBQ, NOED, and Thrill of the Hunt

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    Those builds are just so awful.

    I can't really ever see any true value out of cruel limits unless you are offering Haddonfield and also using tinkerer. And even then it's pretty garbage.

    There is no reason to ever use spirit fury without enduring, because on many maps the stun is long enough to reach the next safe pallet.

    Fire up is basically a meme perk, and you may as well use bamboozle + brutal if you want a full chase build.

    3 chase perks is committing way too much, you will need some slowdown or utility perks unless you want to get dunked on by red rank survivors.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2020

    Fire up can be scary good if you are a very good killer. There are some killers that use fire up to pull off some crazy end game stuff. Otz comes to mind. Just, not a perk everyone should take, you have to be the kind of person that can manage your actions down to the seconds.

    Depends on what I feel like doing at the time. What rank are you as killer? That has a bit of an affect on it as well imo.

    Thing is Noed, ruin, things like that absolutely wreck in lower ranks because people just can't deal with them- in higher ranks Noed and thrill would be pretty much useless.

    Instead of NOED against higher rank survivors bring devours and BBQ and portal it when you know no one is watching; then even if they feel they are winning suddenly you break out that unexpected devours and all hell breaks lose as they try and find it, that is always fun.

    Generally though, BBQ, PGTW, STBFL are all very strong perks on him, especially STBFL once you can land your shreds efficiently.

    If you struggle with pallets then yeah, enduring and spirit fury might help, but I generally don't use them because I break so many pallets with shred as I use that for the hit since if they pallet I break it and hit them at the same time, isntead of just hitting them and getting stunned and having a pallet left to break. Demo's shred is VERY good despite what a lot of folks try and say, his weaknesses are elsewhere.

    Your addons should be things like Deer Lung, Rat Liver, Mew's Guts, Rotten Tripe or w/e the yellow port speed add on was again, and then black heart or rotten pumpkin if you have none of the former add ons. All his other addons are not really worth it I find.

    Things like I'm all ears can help you with loops and mindgames, but only use that once you feel more comfortable with loops as Demo, otherwise you are better off with other perks. Once you do though, it gives you the power to really mess with people.

    Like I said I can help with individual thoughts, but I run just about everything with Demo I enjoy constantly experimenting. I guess the best effect I've had personally, has just been boring but using BBQ, Ruin, STBFL and something technical like i'm all ears or infectious fright or something.

  • RockyBanana
    RockyBanana Member Posts: 13
    edited January 2020

    At the current moment I am a rank 8 and I have benn looking to replace NOED or thrill because most of my totems are getting cleansed anyways. However like I said in the post I dont have too many extra perks besides the demo and spirit perks

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    The only reason I would ever use fire up is on like tombstone myers, where I expect many gens to be done before I reach my power level. Bamboozle and brutal strength give you the same power straight off the bat, without having to basically be losing the game before they come into play.

    Otz can use whatever he wants because he is a good killer. Good killers can run around with 0 perks and probably do fine. Along with good survivors.

    The problem is, most people are not good at this game.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2020

    Yeah that sounds about right, matchmaker probably puts you against red rank survivors, high ones usually SWF in about 8/10 of your games too. Tough spot that is.

    Yeah I would probably get STBFL and then use whatever you feel you need. I've used lightborn and franklins if they all have like flashlights or all toolboxes. STBFL is actually very strong but there are other perks also very strong, but that is the easiest one to use with him I find. Simple and effective.

    I agree, I wouldn't suggest it to most people either. However I would argue that it can really save your ass at times, in those clutch end games, that is what those really good killers use it for.

  • RockyBanana
    RockyBanana Member Posts: 13

    Yeah I'll have to look into Myers as my next dlc killer but until then I'll just wait for them to come up in the shrine and yeah almost every game is a SWF that is red ranks today wasn't bad but usually it isn't very good.

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    If you are concerned about the endgame, you may as well use a far more powerful perk like NOED. Do you want to pick up a downed survivor .1 seconds faster, or just 1 shot everybody?

  • Midori_21
    Midori_21 Member Posts: 723

    Ghost Face: Surveillance, Pop Goes The Weasel, Barbecue & Chili/A Nurse's Calling, Hex: Haunted Gorund.

    Demogorgon: Enduring, Save The Best For Last, Hex: Devour Hope, Barbecue & Chili.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2020

    Noed is not that strong, and can be broken, fire up is there always. Also it's strength comes from the fact that it adds enough time for you to do certain things at the gate phase that you couldn't do, if say they spawned on either sides of the map. It makes it about the same as if it they were close.

    So for killers who are very good and 3k and close hatch often, it basically secures a 4th kill always at the phase, instead of close hatch into a gate escape cause they predicted it or the gate spawns were bad.

  • Murcielago
    Murcielago Member Posts: 163

    I will say tru3's Ghostface is literally my favorite killer in dbd right now

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    Whispers will basically always secure a 4th kill if that is what you want, assuming you find the hatch first.

    Fire up is just trash. It offers no tangible benefit until the endgame, where all the good pallets will have already been broken, and it's only ever worth using combined with brutal so you can stack the pallet breaking speed.

    NOED is insanely strong, and basically guarantees a kill or two at the endgame if you make it there. Even if it gets broken, it still lets you get a quick down so you can at least camp a hook for your kill. Best case you slug the entire team with it.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited January 2020

    For Demogorgon, I currently use Ruin/PGTW/BBQ/Dying Light with Mew's Guts and Rat Liver. However, I've been thinking about switching Ruin out for Corrupt Intervention or Save the Best for Last.

    Another build you can use is Enduring/STBFL/Spirit Fury/Gen perk or BBQ. Once you start getting good at landing your Shreds, STBFL becomes a god tier perk on him. Shred doesn't count as a basic attack, meaning that you can hit the Obsession with it and not lose any stacks.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    All gens

    Surge, Ruin, Thrilling Tremors, Corrupt

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019
    edited January 2020

    Sorry, its just a fun loadout I like using

    Its called all gens cause it has generators in the picture, you should try it out its pretty fun when you get these perks