If DbD dies out does BHVR go down too?

Eye66 Member Posts: 822

So DbD is BHVR'S main source of income right? The ruin changes are bad enough that it's going to drive a huge number of people away from the game and severely compromise the playerbase. Isn't it therefore fiscally irresponsible to go through with a change that could potentially cripple the company's main income? I'm really wondering if we may be seeing the beginning of the end for BHVR itself



  • nick_larking
    nick_larking Member Posts: 31

    but no ruin means more su;rvivors stick possibly, bhvr doesnt care aslong as survivors keep coming and playing.

    Bhvr has to screw up horrible for them to suddenly lose and go down, id say its almost impossible.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    I don't often play ruin but having it available for the 4 man swf that I encounter nonstop for hours helped

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    You do understand that your statement contradicts itself? Either you rarely play with ruin, or you are constantly playing with it because of nonstop SWF?

    Also how do you even know if it is a 4 man SWF? Are you seriously taking the time to check everyone's friends list each and every lobby?

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    People who quit the game are incredibly stupid and should never be taken seriously. If the devs listened to the half of what the community said the would be horrible and unplayable. I don't think I've ever seen a dumber community than the dbd one and that's coming from someone with thousands of hours in LoL. The devs have to do what they think is best for their game balance wise. If that loses some players then ok. If they revert the ruin changes because of the whining I won't touch the game again because they are finally starting to make good balance decisions. All we need now is for maps to get updated/reworked and the game will be in a great place.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    Exactly. DBD ending would hardly be detrimental to the company as they still could afford the things they did before, but maybe could not be as ambitious in terms of partnerships (Licensed Content) depending on what the financial department will swing.

    Needless to say however, the ruin change is likely not going to end the game like everyone says it is. It’s likely going to be a huge change to how killer is played since they’ll get truer numbers on how gens are done (since Ruin isn’t slowing down Gens and ran as frequently anymore).

    Not to mention that every chapter you buy, everytime you play, every cosmetic you buy, you’re contributing to the success of the game itself.

    I’ve heard the “DBD is dying” argument many times on this forum, if it has clearly lasted this long it’s not going to end anytime soon.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379

    It is my fear that BHVR repeats the mistakes of Overkill. So far every other game they make hasn't been very successful

    Eternal Crusade was an unmitigated disaster, Death garden despite massive improvements struggles to maintain a playerbase above 200

    Overkill went down not because PD2 started making less money but due to bad decisions. I just think BHVR might be over-extending and not fixing core issues

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    While I understand that, it should be said that just because they made the game doesn’t mean it’s the only source of their income. They provide assets for other games— so even if it was the budgeting department likely keeps the budgets for projects in a certain range without overextending, even if their own titles don’t turn over if the ones they provide assets for DO, they still make money (I believe, I’d imagine they’d get a share or stake depending on how much assets they provided or they weren’t paid a flat fee, but I’m doubtful of that option).

  • Ace_Of_Spades
    Ace_Of_Spades Member Posts: 68

    It says more about the state of the game if 80% used it. You're either in the minority or a survivor main. Either way... These queue times won't be getting any better anytime soon.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I'd honestly laugh my ass off if a nerf to ruin would mean the downfall of this game. Yes, them nerfing ruin without some small compensation or before more maps were reworked was not the best idea, but I'd be pretty baffled if so many people would stop playing killer entirely. There are still killers that are viable without Ruin. It's just that the killer variety at high ranks will take quite a hit, sadly.

    Personally, I'm still going to play killer. In fact, I can't wait for the patch to release so I can play reworked Doctor.

    Just a shame they are so slow with map reworks. Maybe they really should just add some small second objective for survivors to the game using totems, if they conitnue to be this slow with map reworks.

  • Ace_Of_Spades
    Ace_Of_Spades Member Posts: 68

    Finally making good balance decisions? New to the game huh? And any vet knows the devs of BHVR play this game way less than their fan base. This is more like throwing pills at an open mouth and seeing what makes it in.

  • gauger236
    gauger236 Member Posts: 11

    I play both sides alot.on my killer I never use ruin and could get 4k pretty much every match but choose not to be a dick and let everyone have fun.as survivor I see most killers get mad if they dont 4k.i guess the question is what does everyone consider a win

  • Logey7
    Logey7 Member Posts: 17

    Dbds playerbase has been rising for a while now. It is far from dead and is far from being dead. The chances that these changes convince an entire playerbase to leave is astronomically low.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984
    edited January 2020

    Of course, i agree with everything you said, although I'd argue that there currently aren't any "weak" powers, but you're saying that as if there aren't a bunch of other good substitutes for ruin in terms of perks. If early game pressure is what you're after you'll always have corrupt intervention, whispers, discordance and so on to help pressure survivors in the first 15 seconds of the game. What bothers me is that a lot of people are so used to running ruin that they are unwilling to try other builds and strategies and see that it's completely viable to do well at red ranks without it as every killer. I'm saying that from personal experience..

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    This is just a lie. I do not encounter swfs every game and when I do most of them are not impossible. Not at all. And when I solo the queues for surv are faaar quicker. In solo the games almost always end in an early 4k. But that's fair apparently. Grow up. Its embarrassing how killers think they are the only ones having a difficult time on dbd. Talk about bias.

    Dbd wont die and new, less entitled killers will come. Know how I know? Bc killer used to be waaay harder. Stop trying to hop the killer victim train. It already left and is way gone. Stop thinking its still 2017.

  • Wubsyy__
    Wubsyy__ Member Posts: 116


  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    I think if something happens then BHVR will get some assistance from other companies due to their renown status. BHVR has been around since 1992 and they have a large net worth. They also won a lawsuit against Bethesda so. But the thing is that letting this company just die, not even get bought out, but die, would be near impossible.

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    In response to the OP..who knows? It could happen though. They don't exactly have great success with other games. All they've released is Deathgarden and a bunch of terrible licensed games in the past, all of them have...well, they haven't been good. Deathgarden was okay but it was a snoozefest.

    They'd definitely have to step up their game in order for people to trust them with their money again.

  • Knots
    Knots Member Posts: 49

    They are completely bonkers if they are making all this micro transaction money and not putting it into developing a new property at least partially. That would be extremely bad risk management.

  • Vampirox
    Vampirox Member Posts: 411

    Not using Ruin isnt that bad, Im still 3-4k my games without it. only annoying part is bigger maps, just gotta plan out your 3 gen strat.

  • More like you have no idea what you're talking about, but just wanted to put this person down.

    If you were too lazy, then you wouldn't have bothered to say anything in the first place.

    Now you just look ridiculous.

  • Bigbob
    Bigbob Member Posts: 8
    edited January 2020

    You went full ret-ard mode on this topic kid.

  • Falkner09
    Falkner09 Member Posts: 373

    It's already happening. Wait times have already worsened as a survivor, and matchmaking is already FAR worse as a killer. Which continues to drive more killers off, which worsens wait times and matchmaking further, worsening the cycle.

  • Gamer29
    Gamer29 Member Posts: 26
    edited January 2020

    As a Veteran with this game, that played basically from the beginning, and earned a platinum, I have basically walked away from this game. The developers created a toxic environment, basically pitting killers and survivors against each other. I stick around in groups just to watch what move they will do next to further drive players away. I played survivor and killer. Mainly a killer main. I have no interest in playing killer anymore, nor sit in a lobby for 20 min. I left when they changed my main killer Freddy. Although many liked him, I was annoyed they changed his play style completely and to took the fun out of the game for me. Yes, he is still a fun killer, but not the killer play style I enjoyed from the start. I watch how they are going after all killers. Then perks on both side. All unnecessary changes, it’s just causing fighting between both survivors and killers. I am waiting for the blood bath after they make their nerfs to Mori and NOED. Lol! I’m sure that’s coming. The question is when there is not enough killers to play, Will survivor mains start to play. Then they will circle around and touch the survivors perks once again. Creating more fighting. As for me, I had a good run with the game, but not my cup of tea anymore!

  • Widowmaker8197
    Widowmaker8197 Member Posts: 88

    Literally every killer main: Ruin nerf? Haha I'm quitting and BHVR is going to lose all of its money bye BHVR.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    It was an actual concern because I didn't think BHVR had anything else going for it before I started the thread, related to the feedback loop of matchmaking times where killers start quitting that others have described here in better detail

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    HUGE difference, it was a nerf to the POWER role of survivor and it didn't affect gameplay THAT much, ruin nerf is MUCH different, it will make gens go faster period and now killers have no perk to slow down gens at the beginning of the game, before you say "corrupt intervention" I just see that perk as forcing survivors to work together on a single gen making the gen go faster

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745
    edited January 2020

    I hate running ruin tbh, but if I spawn on the other side of mothers dwelling or purgation temple and all 4 survivors spawn on the other side and all work on 1 gen, the gen will be done before I can PHYSICALLY get there no matter what, so before my 1st chase begins they already got 1 gen done, does that sound fair and balanced? no

    that is why ruin WAS a NEEDED core perk for most killers, and still is

    there wouldn't be as much outcry about the ruin nerf if they addressed the reason why so many use ruin, if map design was better, all the large maps where shrunk down, maybe a change to gen speed, THEN OK ruin then can be nerfed. but it was nerfed before all of that

  • iBetClaudette
    iBetClaudette Member Posts: 299

    Wow. The Hex Ruin posts are cringeworthy. Just like all other nerfs, people will switch their builds and the game will go on. We'll be here next year talking about a different nerf once again and the inevitable death of Dead by Daylight

  • DeanIcity
    DeanIcity Member Posts: 180

    Self Care wasn't completely changed though. It's the same perk, the time to self-care just takes longer. For new players, that doesn't matter, they don't/won't know any better. Experienced players never really cared about self-care anyway.

    This is not the same at all.

    This nerf is going to have more of an impact than most people think. IMO

    We, shall, see.....

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    Imagine playing a game depending on if only one perk has changed or not. Mind blowing.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632
    edited January 2020

    Is DBD their biggest revenue? I would think that profit's from their mobile games like Fallout Shelter would line their pockets better than DBD? Also are they not working on a mobile game for Game of Thrones too?

    Not gonna lie, if DBD is their biggest income being such a cheap price on steam, that is some amazing work for a game company.

  • MrMisanthropy66
    MrMisanthropy66 Member Posts: 167

    Says people that quit because of changes are stupid. Then says at end of they revert the change he/she will quit. LMFAO