So, if Killers start mass dcing on large maps, will devs fix them?

Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

It worked with Spirit and Nurse, after all. So, wouldn't the same apply to maps? Cornfields are a nightmare, Yamaoka is far, far too dark, Haddonfield is unspeakable, Mothers Dwelling. . . yeah, you get the point. Spirit wasn't touched until you had that wave of dcing, which forced devs to do that patchup job, not to mention just how unfun Nurse was made.

Now, I'm not condoning dcing, but it was dcing in part that pushed the changes forward. Like them or hate them, it makes no difference, it brought issues to light. Players have been talking about maps for years now, and yet they just keep getting bigger and bigger. The Preschool was a nice change, but even then, it took two years for something to be done there.

Now with Ruin gone, the 'just apply map pressure' is going to further shine a light on just how bad some of these maps are. Yet, we're looking at two months, minimum, before anything can be conceivably done. Makes me wonder if the dc penalty was put in place just because they knew what changing Ruin would do. . .

Anyway, my point is that maps are an issue. With how broken matchmaking is, how fast matches themselves are going to go now without Ruin, and the size/imbalance of the maps themselves, I can see a LOT of dcing being done in the coming months, not to mention a rise in toxicity on both sides. If that's the case, will maps finally be fixed?


  • liarcy
    liarcy Member Posts: 160

    It’s not like devs don’t want to do it , they don’t have a button to make the map smaller, stuff like this takes time like look at the new hospital you can’t say that this was done in a day or two or seven, it takes so much time but reworking maps seem to be their goal right now , badham now hospital , they are definitely planning on other maps as well

  • Falkner09
    Falkner09 Member Posts: 375

    Only if it frustrates new survivors.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,495

    I know some players always DC on certain maps... I've never been that way, and I'd never condone it. But I'm pretty much guaranteed to play half-assed at best on certain maps.

    You'd think I was physically having to walk across the map with as lazy I've gotten in the past week. "Ugh, I don't want to walk all the way over there. Screw it, they can have that gen." "Man, they're running all the way over there? Whatever, I'm happy here."

    It has been bad. Even going for the BBQ 4 stack isn't motivating me, anymore. I mean, per match, it's not so bad, but the more you play, the more it wears on you. Three gens pop when I get my first hook? Whatever, I don't have the energy to deal with this, one stack of BBQ is enough.

    Big maps are frustrating if you play for real as killer. You either have to spend a ridiculous amount of time traversing dead areas, or you make your nest around three or four gens and try to hold onto those, which can be a stressful race against time or require a lot of waiting around depending on how the survivors play.

    Me, I just play to screw around, so I find big maps boring as crap; it's too much area to cover. Just because I run Whispers doesn't mean I want to search every nook and cranny for where that Blendette is hiding. Hell, on Sanctum of Wrath, pretty much any survivor can crouch in the bamboo and disappear. A match I played there yesterday was a continuous game of hide-and-seek where they'd crouch in the bamboo and I'd freaking trip over them. For every time I saw them and got a free hit, I'm sure there were twenty times they blended so well I couldn't see them.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    As much as I think some maps like red forest are too large or Azarov's too long, I'd rather have the coldwind maps changed first and foremost.

    Corn is not fun. Not sure if it's because I'm colourblind or what but it's so hard to see survivors in the corn sometimes and you need to strain your eyes.