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The Dead by Daylight team announces several roadmap updates and previews a lineup of gameplay changes, quality of life updates, and general game health improvements to come. Dead by Daylight will be undergoing a substantial Quality of Life Initiative, which should address many longstanding concerns and frustrations our…
Developer Update | March 2025By ThatRyanBLast Updated: 4:00 pm With the 8.6.0 Update quickly approaching, it's time once again to give you a look at the notable gameplay changes you can expect from the Public Test Build next week. Read on for all the details: STATUS EFFECT UPDATES [CHANGE] Decreased self-mending time to 10…
After reading the Terror Radius Adjustment section on this recent I was wondering why Chucky's terror radius is still set at 32 while Pig, Ghost Face, and Skull Merchant recently had theirs reduced to 24 meters. So you've changed three killers with a stealthy mechanic that can suppress their terror radius to 24 meters, it…
"I used to pray for time like these" Rest is piss Knock Out, you will NOT be missed
I played a game in 2v8 as a survivor where the Nurse player was blatantly cheating. I'm on PS5, but recorded the gameplay, so I want to submit the gameplay recording. I've already submitted the in-game report of cheating, but am not sure how to fill out all of the information on the support request. What should I fill out…
These games are banned by Reshade : r/ReShade Reshade announced a new list of games that reshade will no longer install into and dead by daylight is on that list. Are they banning for this now? Why?
Com a Atualização 8.6.0 se aproximando, mais uma vez é hora de mostrar as maiores alterações na jogabilidade que vocês podem esperar da Build de Teste Público (PTB) na semana que vem. Leia a seguir e descubra todos os detalhes: Atualização em Estados de Efeito [MUDANÇA] Diminuímos o tempo do autotratamento para 10 s (antes…
With the more interesting changes I've seen in stuff like 2v8 (with 3 dash wesker at least) itd be interesting if we got a balance modifier to test minor changes and actually got everyone's feedback instead of locking it to a PTB. I think overwatch had this prior to OW2. And seems like simple number changes can be done in…
Hey, so, you can see "and more, including bug fixes for long-standing issues", will it be during Phase 1 or Phase 2? Maybe both..? (April to December) My nurse has been bugged for 1 year and 5 months so this is my only hope, I hope someone will be able to answer.
Please, please don't make the Cenobite's Steam achievements generic. So many people use them to track their "progress" on their killer based on how many chains they've managed to land. There's thousands of people with tens of thousands of chain attacks "on record"; removing the achievements would remove the one universal…