Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

96 ratings
Help and Answers to salty survivors
By Fluffy
You got rekt? You are angry and salty towards the killer? You blame him for your sh*tty game?
Here you'll find some answers to explain why your game sucked. And don't forget to give some extra salt by downvoting and giving only 1star...
(Face)Camping or Tunneling till Daylight
i don't encourage people to facecamp as it's no fun for anyone. This guide just aims at explaining why i do it sometimes.

You're so angry you want (face)camp to stop? Reporting (face)campers is not the solution... why? Because (face)camping it's not bannable! watch this:
It's the sad truth. So you can report all you want, the killer will laugh at your face. Your salt is sugar to them. Just change the way you played or be the best scumbag you can be so that when you'll get (face)camped, you'll be ok with the fact that some killers will camp you.

So if you found yourself in this position:
You triggered the killer... Killers want a challenging game! Not being made fun of or wasting time. Nobody expects easy kills but you were probably ruining the killer's game doing ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ so he ruined yours. why?
The 11 (it was originally a top10) most common reasons why you were (face)camped:
  • Abusing infinites or looping too much (wasting too much of killers time)
  • Sabotaging hooks right under the killers nose (denying him the hooks he worked for)
  • Teabagging (taunting)
  • Flashing behind pallets (nobody likes getting blinded)
  • Rushing gens or glitching ruin (a game that lasts 5 mins and ends with 10k max is worthless)
  • Excessive Bodyblocking (denying him the hooks he worked for)
  • Pulling 3+ pallets onto me (wasting too much of killers time)
  • Having a steam nickname praising toxicity (you'll pay for previous offenders)
  • Dragging out the game when both exits are clearly open (waste of time)
  • Not being friendly when killer is (survivors like farming but don't like giving points)
  • Using exclusives (Golden FengMin, Legacy, and other ones OR skins from the cash shop (the paid ones) (i don't always camp them but they trigger me easily because i don't like exclusives)
Try not to trigger killers. How? Play fair, be affraid of them and they will be fair. Camping is no fun, not for you and even less for the killer.
Some brainless players DO facecamp for no reason at all, those ones just scrubs who had no love when they were kids (and still don't have any).
Scumbags till Daylight
Both survivors and killers can be scumbags.

Here's a short list of things i did or saw that are pretty annoying as a killer:
- (face)camping (the worst kind was with insidious Leatherface with addons to reduce noise)
- tunneling/killing a survivor when he clearly sucks and no gens were done.
- dribbling the survivor to avoid Decisive Strike.
- use the mori animation cancel to mess with a teabagger
- slugging last survivor until he is near a hook to deny Decisive Strike.
- slugging survivors to avoid gen rush
- slugging a survivor to find the last one before the hatch opens
- slugging to death a survivor that wasted to much time, teabagged, then had decisive strike and started looping again.
- blocking basement stairs to nullify Borrowed Time or easy hits
- using the stairs to farm a survivor (dropping him in the stairs so he can be hit while exiting) that was done to me :'(
- animation cancel to insta grab a survivor (on a gen, totem, or chest)
- bodyblocking a survivor to chainsaw him
to be continued...

And as a survivor:
- excessively looping the killer
- teabagging the killer when he clearly sucks
- flashing the killer behind pallets
- pointing to a survivor in a locker
- while chased, bringing the killer to another survivor
- sandbagging another survivor
- unhooking a survivor when he has no chance of getting away
- making noise near another survivor to call the killer
- blocking the door button
- wasting all pallets
- opening chests and hiding items
- not working on gens (hoping the others are killed to get the hatch)
- not exiting when the doors are open
- not healing a survivor in need
- not saving a survivor when you could
to be continued...
Raging till Daylight
in case you don't know: Your salt and tears is my fuel so keep'em coming

It's common in post game chat to see survivors trying to taunt killers or just insulting them because they were not skilled enough to survive.
Most of the time, they died pretty early after some poorly moves or mistakes, or even DC'ed because they suck so much they can't bear to be hooked and take the loss.

Those salty survivors humiliate themselves by trying to trashtalk or upset killers. The killer won... so nothing you can say will trigger them. You will be ridiculous and it can even lead to a ban if you go beyond certain limits. So watch out.

Here are some examples of what will get you banned (click here to read the rules):
"please buy a rope and hang urself"
"I hope you and all your family dies in pain"
"f*cking n*gger" (because he had a picture of a black dude on his profile)
"nazi son of a b*tch" (saw that on a german profile)

Here are some of the most pathetic quotes of the post game chat:
- "reported" or "enjoy your incoming ban"
because they have no clue about the game mechanics or what really is bannable or not, they usually follow with some bannable insults. these are my favourite

- "cheater"
when they suck at hiding and want to blame it on a hack: example when using BBQ and chili perk or when you grab a moron that ran into a locker leaving huge scratchmarks in from of it. Sometimes even when you use devour hope perk...

- "l2p" or "git gud"
when you got a 4k... isn't killing what the game is about?

- mean comments about your rank
no matter your rank (1 or 20), they'll say "good players" don't play like that even when you killed them all

- "You can't take my jukes so you had to facecamp me, noob!"
when you miss a hit and the survivor thinks he is the best player in the world

- "Baby Killer"
What would have happened to them if you were a full grown killer ;)

- "noed noob"
very funny when you down someone who tries to bodyblock your way to the hook

- "noob camper"
when you don't go to the other end of the map right after hooking someone. Very funny when BBQ reveals that they are all close to the hook, or just run around the hook hoping you will take the bait and go real far.

- "Are you ret*rded?"
because you didn't suck as much as they expected you too

- the famous "EZ"
they died... made les than 5k so they are probably saying that it was too easy for the killer ^^

Remember kids, if you kill survivors you are either:
A Noob
A Cheater
A Toxic Scum
A Camper/Tunneler
OP killer
A killer who uses OP add ons
Anything else

but if you don't kill survivors you are:
A Noob
A Baby Killer
Laughing till Daylight
That's the only good thing about toxicity... Sometimes, the people say so much dumb sh*t in the chat that i can't almost believe it. Don't know if it just dumbness, ignorance, or just plain stupidity.

Here are some of the funniest quotes from post game chat:
- "if you don't like looping go chase someone else!" (and who do you chase when all loop you?)

- "duuude stop camping!" (in a game where i miraculously managed to kill them all with devour hope moris)

- "Claudettes should be white. Those c*nts are worse than snakes in the grass"

- "Did you like my chainsaw ballad? i played it right to your ears for you to really enjoy it"

- "Just break the pallets" (nooo really? in that game i broke 23 of them!!! 23 f*cking pallets!)

- "are you gay? no need to masturbate behind me, we could have had a proper date" (the killer was standing behind the hooked one with insidious)

- "i was not camping you. i was just admiring your skin. it's so nice that i wanted to really look at all the details"

- "Stop camping gens!" (there were 3 gens really close to each other)

- "Stop Wallahcking" (two times it was really funny: a guy that stayed so long in a locker taht the crows led me to him and a time i was using ew1 myers)

- "f*cking french scrub, no wonder you lost all the wars you fought in"

- "Can you use lube next time? My a*s is sore from that r*pe you just pulled off.” (said someone to SovererignKing)

- "Stop staring at your knife if you want to win nooooob." (said someone to Sp1cy's Myers)

- "Survivors can camp too! I see them by that campfire in the lobbies!" (given by Grub)

- to be continued... send me your funny quotes ;)
Dead by Daylight
The game is about surviving when you play survivor and killing people when playing killer.
So every move (on both sides) inside the game guidelines is allowed. Survivors do what they need to do to survive. And killers do what they need to in order to kill survivors. No need to b*tch about it after the game.

But some actions have consequences on how the game will be played.

The game is not balanced at all. Survivors have the upper hand (thx to looping mechanics) until they are hooked by the killer. Then they are at killer's mercy (he can choose to facecamp).
Most survivors are not affraid of killers. Killers need errors (or bad decisions) from survivors in order to win chases. And too much altruism can lead to death!

Not every player is a scumbag. Think about what you would do if you were on the other side and adapt your gameplay to that.
Fluffy  [author] Oct 16, 2021 @ 1:36pm 
The only and real reason why you got facecamped: You suck !
because you got caught.
See, i can make stupid comments too :D
hf ;)
Yenzao Oct 15, 2021 @ 4:21am 
The only and real reason why you facecamp: You suck !
the Aug 7, 2021 @ 12:01pm 
once got called a wallhacker for playing nurse
Fluffy  [author] May 31, 2020 @ 1:16am 
Oh :) Little claudette was rekt and came whining?
Can't you handle the loss?
luki21007 May 29, 2020 @ 3:07am 
This is Crying Killer Guide
Jamal Mar 14, 2020 @ 9:49am 
LoL it sounds like killer who sucks af and needs to face camp is trying to explain why he is a cunt,
everyone can wear what they want (exclusives, legacy, as you said their worked for them so why not ??!)\
Fluffy  [author] Aug 17, 2019 @ 1:58am 
both sides can be pretty stupid and ruin the game. Some do it on purpose as only objective. Some others are triggered by something.
This guide is mostly for fun, but there are some very "on point" things.
Jane Aug 16, 2019 @ 12:53pm 
Oh ok, I see now.
Grub Aug 16, 2019 @ 12:27pm 
It was a joke. One of the categories in here is called "Laughing till Daylight" which contains quotes from people that said dumb things and some that just make a few jokes. The author of this topic was talking about the survivors that just bash the killer for doing what they re suppose to.
Jane Aug 16, 2019 @ 11:31am 
I was searching for something else and I randomly opened this from google results, didn't expect anything like this, author of this topic must be mentally damaged.
+ I had no idea what ''laughing till daylight'' is, I've never heard of this before.