Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

317 ratings
All you need to know in DbD in 3 minutes
By Curly Bill
This guide offers speedy introductions into the basics of Dead by Daylight, along with infographs for each free Killer.

1st part: 30 seconds
2nd part: 1 minute and a half
3rd part: 1 minute

For the players who just want to hurry up and play the game.
Match Summary
The Matches themselves
Each match/trial will feature 4 survivors and 1 killer. 5 generators need to be finished to power the exit gates so that survivors can escape the trial, and killers need to prevent anyone escaping.

Hooks are the method of how the killers will kill the survivors. Each survivor has 3 hook stages. On the 3rd hook stage, the survivors will die. Every 60 seconds the survivor is on the hook, they will progress to the next hook stage until dead.

When all 5 gens are finished, 2 exit gates will activate. Once the survivors open at least 1 exit gate, a timer will start that when ended, all remaining survivors left will instantly die.
During the Match
The Bloodweb is where you can purchase items, perks, or add-ons to the said items (or to killer powers) to better prepare yourself for the match/trial.

You can select up to 4 perks that grant abilities and boosts.


Movement Speeds
There are 5 basic speeds

Terror Radius
As survivor, you will at some point start hearing a heartbeat with music intensifying. This is known as the terror radius. This heartbeat plays around the killer to indicate where the killer is located as a warning to survivors and has a radius typically at 32 meters.

Scratch Marks
Survivors will leave red scratch marks whenever they run that only the killer can see. This is how killers can locate survivors.

Skill Checks
These random timing events appear when healing and repairing generators, among other things.
failing will typically result in regressed progress, and alerting the killer of your location.

Status Effects
There is a multitude of ailments and boosts that can occur in a match/trial. They appear on the right side of your screen.

Certain perks will make a totem become a HEX totem and bring devastating ailments or monstrous boosts to killers. These Hex totems can be destroyed, along with their effects, however.

In every match/trial, you will find intractable objects. Every match you will find windows, pallets, treasure chests and lockers, but only some killers will make special objects appear in addition to these.
{See Killer Section for more info}
Who to pick?
Your choice of who to first pick as survivor should rely on your cosmetic preference and their teachable perks. Each Character has 3 unique perks, that if leveled up high enough,
can then be bought again to be able to appear on other character's bloodweb.

You can find information to help make the choice of who to choose from the info menu located when your cursor is above the character, as shown below.

Additionally, you can press the F1 key to view more details on the character's teachable perks. (This is for Killers as well)

Each Killer can drastically change how the trial plays out. Below is a summary of 5 unique killers, and how they alter the way survivors will need to play. Though only 5 are listed below, there are many more that will require you to adapt to the different play styles each killer introduces.

Curly Bill  [author] Sep 30, 2019 @ 6:58pm 
Updated the guide;

Changed name to 3 minutes to be more time accurate; made a few minor visual fixes; adjusted the trapper and nurse to be more consistent in the character portraits; updated the wraith, the shape and the huntress icons to be better, as the previous icons were rushed together for the dbd contest; minor tweak to the hillbilly portrait icon; added the Doctor;

thanks for all the support viewers :)
Casual Sep 24, 2019 @ 7:17pm 
Art style = Don't starve character portraits
paint Sep 22, 2019 @ 4:02pm 
the art style is so good wtf. great guide!
Curly Bill  [author] Sep 22, 2019 @ 2:07pm 
Fixed myer’s name and added the hag
Aaryl Sep 22, 2019 @ 3:51am 
This is some high quality guide more than good enough for the new players. Keep up the good work if you're planning to add more contents!
ValensRagnarok Sep 21, 2019 @ 9:01pm 
Why my boy Hillbilly look like a deluxe pepperoni pizza
Facu Sep 20, 2019 @ 1:51pm 
Nice guide it isnt a complete guide for what i see but between the info and the artwork it look awesome.
NotaVoltorb Sep 20, 2019 @ 12:18pm 
Good guide probably, but im illiterate
Gold Sep 20, 2019 @ 10:51am 
True, alot of people might buy it, also for me, im seding this to quite alot of friends that want to try Dead by daylight out.
pat23 Sep 20, 2019 @ 8:57am 
With the free weekend and the game being on sale a lot of people might buy it and this guide will for sure come in handy to newbies like me. Thank you.