Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • They are not fixed I just had a game and was really needing to use pop had an injured person hit them and it would've been a down as Iv been downed with the same kind of hit. the survivour tebagged pointed and ran to the next pallet. Not getting a down at the speed gens get done by a swf can cost you the match.
  • Even if the killer is camping me and my mate can usually get them of with big brain plays and little skill. But the majority of the time when Iv found them doing it the killer ain't been there
  • I always thot it was a sighn the killer had left and usually it is
  • I'm a killer main and I don't do it as it not a viable strat and it does not help you in rank. Il only do it if the survivour gets to cocky and starts teabagging like a moron. If they gonna be toxic so am I lol
  • Lol people complaining about killers blocking stairs what next. But it's OK for survivours to block hooks lol I find this amusing
  • Maybey you just need to get good. Bad workman blames his tool
  • Iv been against full red rank SWFs and destroyed them but then again I do main huntress lol.
  • Think you read that rong we are not asking how to counter nurse we are discussing how buggy she is. Obviously you don't play her or you would understand.
  • I agree. It's just funny how even on the ptb where things are to be tested and really does not effect your live game at all that people still dc I was actually using the ptb to try out the huntress rework as I am a huntress main and Tbh I like what I see but really only got to try the flight speed add on and down one…
  • Not cleansing works if you know how to loop. I think what people want is the game to tell them all the possable counter plays so they don't have to figure it out for themselves with there massive 300 IQ and zero skill 😂
  • If they want to cleanse I have no problems when I'm playing plague but they soon learn after doing it a few times. Let people figure this crap out for themself
  • Iv never prestiged a character yet I find its a waste of time and bp all for a crappy blood stain. My mate perstiged his plaq and didnt get his currupt level 3 back till the last blood web before another prestige when on the first run he got it by r20. Seems like a waste of time to me
  • It really does not matter if I play survivour or killer I just get the same ######### every game. Iv constantly ran the same build on my huntress for ages and usually 4k with it but recently been struggling to 1k because of all the second chance perks survivours have at there disposal and abuse the fact they have them and…
  • I agree but if you don't go to exit gates most survivours vault a close by window to make noise until timer runs out or you go over there so they can do there little tbags and leaves at last second so if you don't go to the gate the game just lasts longer lol.
  • I play trickster as I find him fun and want to get better with him. He is brilliant at throwing knifes threw small gaps on loops
  • I think they should up his movement speed to like 115 and tweak his recoil slightly so he has less and be able to cancel your power at any time like legion can with feral. Iv been playing alot of trickster recently and have found if you are throwing knives the same way you use burst fire on a machine gun its way more…
  • I slug as that strat works but very seldom proxy camp a hook as it ain't worth it. I mean if you care about what rank you are and want to stay in red ranks you have to play like a absalute scumbag. I dont care a bout rank after I got the acheivment for r1. I want to just play the game and have fun and improve my skills
  • I dont really find camping a valuable stratagey unless you in end game and securing that 1k and the trickster is good with his power anywhere when you learn and put the effort into it. My best map with trickster is midwich so I think theory of having to force players into the open is crap. I seem to do better on enclosed…
  • I admit I'm not saying Iv never camped but usually only camp if all gens are done at end of game as you know dam fine both gates will be 99'd so securing my 1k.
  • But we were all there at one point even you so he will pick it up
  • Go against a full rank 1swf and then say that lol
  • Start of game hm he's gonna go for me as I'm a one hit but hey in the off chance he leaves me down il be good
  • Maybey a good idea would be for survuviurs to sacrafice there ds for a perk like small game /s
  • Worse than that. Imagine Ds,Unbreakable, Iron Will, soulgaurd, medal of man
  • I always find the salty one usually run DS DH and unbreakable and if you win your a ######### killer and if you lose your still a ######### killer cracks me up how people. Need to moan about a game
  • It's every hook in every game for me
  • Both sides are as bad as each other mate it's just part of the game without all the salt the game would be better in my opinion. People just need to relize that the sun does not always shine out there ass and there is always gonna be someone better. I'm a killer main and get it all the time and also played survivour and…
  • Use your ears she makes a very distinctive noise when she phases Iv played her alot at red ranks and against incredibly good survivours and lost many of game. I think a rework would her harder to play and give survivours a way to easy gane. She ain't that hard to play against either if you know what your doing.
  • There is no skill in pressing E the only bit of skill needed is make sure your going the way you want as DH has cost me many times by sending me into walls or trees or other inanimate objects. that's why I never run it.
  • I would say playing killer helped me alot to becoming a good survivour as I know how there powers work and what counter plays there are you get some people that have never played killer and dony understand and its usually them that judge
  • I still think people need to stop asuming as say a rank 1 killer plays a new killer there not necessarily going to he good with them there is no need to judge if they bad or good at end of game
  • TF for that because that was kinda annoying that a fully healed person and back on gens still had it. Like I'm gonna ignore a survivour on a gen lol
  • Was just in game on midwich hooked a meg then hooked a nea a gen was being worked on and the only person in the area was the meg fully healed and on that gen so I chased her of it and she went down I still got ds how is that even fair. As far as I'm concerned and I don't tend to tunnel but if your fully healed and back on…
  • Unfairly nerfed I disagree had a game where someone got of hook fully healed and started fixing a gen so I downed them as A: couldent find anyone els B: they were fully healed and back on a gen so clearly they are game to get taken out I still got d's which cost me the game. And explain why huntress needs a nerf please
  • It also will show who actually has skill rather than boosting there egos because they got a less skilled player
  • I agree normally when I play I have to sweat if I want a 4k but with sbm on i was getting the most fair games Iv ever played now I'm back to the sweaty games again.
  • I also think it might reduce the salt levels a bit as people will no longer be judged by what rank they are. The ammount of times I get abuse in end game coz I'm playing like a rank10 killer even tho i win
  • This games already dead
  • I found my games more balanced with it on and it actually was better and the games were more fun. Not you weren't allowed to play your favourite killer just clearly you have alot more to learn on that killer.
  • Camping is not an efficient way to win the battle I agree it does not take skill and I tend not to do it. If survuviurs weren't so fast at trying to be alaristic and unhooking straight away and looping near the hook the camping would probably slow down. I still don't see whaly killers camp because if all the survivours…
  • As far as I'm concerned if a survivour is more than game to go straight back on a gen then that means they are ready to take a hit plus if ds was so bad why are so many people running it still. Love how people complain at perks
  • Youl find if you play kiler you have more than one thing to watch as you have four people that can do gens at start of game and if they all split up on a map like ormond then most killers are pretty much #########. I don't see any problem if I killer wants to apply pressure and that one of the ways to it. Plus ds needed it…
  • I think If they can get this mmr to work like what Iv experienced so far since they trial it. My games seem more ballance and it might stop some of the negativity as people judge to fast based on rank rather than skill.
  • I'm not talking about farming either I'm talking about genuine struggles as its so evely matched
  • Those are the kind of games I'm talking about and that's a view from both sides they are just more fun when no one is sweating and it's pretty even on both sides all game
  • I agree with you I play both sides but more killer than survivour but everytime I try to run ruin or a hex it spawns it in the most obvious of places. I not trying to be rude either or start ww3 as we all know what like this game can be. Iv started running coruppt instead of ruin as at least I'm guaranteed a certain time…
  • I find alot of people d'c when they can't bully the killer or you get looped and teabagged then when you get a nice shot say with a hatchet the dc appears. People don't like hard games and when it ain't going there way they dc simple
  • I think if more survivours looked at it the same way as you the games would get better the reason certain killers are the way they are is because of boosted survuviurs relying on so called crutch perks.
  • How easy do you want the game to be. Holy crap Iv seen three gens popping before I get my ass over the other side of the map to stop it only way to stop that is run meta perks and it's boring as hell I don't want to have to run ruin undying every game. And don't even get me started on the ammount of downs I should have had…
  • I'm a r1 killer and and I'm not and expert as no one is but the majority of my games is that's y I said almost every game
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