the discuss is always welcome just add some ideas on buff or QOL for nemmy maybe the devs will be inspired or just shrug and move on like the discuss never existed.
Aaand fix the zombie AI too seriously they get a seizure when they find a survivor and won't move sometimes of their place plus they stuck on trees, rocks, even on hills apparently they are afraid of heights.
Yeah the zombie AI could get some tweaks maybe able to vault windows? since you can make walk on a window indefinitely now about his tentacle strike . T1- I think is fine but let increase the range maybe one extra meter?, plus able to infect and down the survivor when is wounded. T2-Fine as it is another meter perhaps?.…
I just want whoever did the rework on this map get fired why so many pallets why so many breakables walls just why.
I'm starting to believe this is not a bug and more like a feature or shadow nerf.
#6 survivor will drift left or right by a great margin after getting harpooned by the deathslinger.