Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • I played this game for a long time, got to r1 before the braindead rank rework, so I guess I'm a vet. It's not appealing anymore. This largely isn't a skill based game, and recent changes have continued to demonstrate (as if it wasn't obvious before) that the dev team is 80-90% out of touch with the community. Honestly a…
  • You are objectively a bad survivor of you think DS and pH aren't counterable. DS you throw early or loop high walls and generally take advantage of his worse move speed, and pH, while certainly stronger than the former, can be countered by taking that you'll go to a tight area or loop, then going another way to bait his…
  • This post is nonsense. Ph can evade bt/ds, final judgement is very convenient, his force wave is good in tight areas and vaults, and just for bait. The threat of the trail plays mind games with people too. Who do we have for licensed killers? Bubba, Freddy, Ghostface, Myers, Demo, Pig, and PH? If I didn't miss one, best to…
  • You don't prove someone wrong, that's not how logic works. You provide evidence to support your position. Anyway, Spirit was already nerfed, and with rampant audio bugs, she's harder to play now for sure. Good survivors can still beat a good Huntress or William, especially after the Billy nerf. Nurse is Nurse. Besides, as…
  • Good killers can easily 3 or 4k because over 95% of survivors are trash. Good survivors do the same. Noob3's 50 escapes? The fact that even 4 average players will almost never lose depending on voice comes? The fact that the majority of maps are survivor sided? The Billy nerf was more like an abortion. It was ill thought…
  • And you do? Lmao this game has never been balanced, the balance is terrible. If your position was that Billy needed to have his addons destroyed and get a huge nerf, then your idea of balance means nothing. So dumb and edgy, yet so confident in your stupidity. This community in a nutshell. Pea-brains like you are why this…
  • Because they are? Calling the devs bad isn't edgy, it's true. Claiming that Billy needs a nerf and everyone saying the devs went too far is edgy nonsense, because this happens all the time. You don't need to be a game designer to recognize bad design. Do I need to be a game designer to recognize that Farron Keep is a…
  • I can't tell if you just don't know what you're talking about or are trolling. First of all, most survivors are trash at this game. If you cannot progress to red ranks, you are bad at this game, and considering the overall percentage of people who have achieved this, and the recent rank changes, combined with survivor…
  • We saw from the vid that the base kit overheat cd is about 10-15s. That is enormous, and you simply don't understand how the killer works if you don't understand that. You can also stop pretending that the devs listen to PTB feedback, because we have plenty of evidence that they don't. Bottom line - we already know the…
  • Yeah, but the concept is the same. Why is this so hard for people to understand? Concepts transcend individual themes. Your criticism is bad. I did not do that. I gave specific reasons why the game is lacking. I didn't just sling insults. Maybe you didn't read what I wrote. I have offered significantly more useful…
  • Whether or not I agree with OP, this is a really stupid response, like when people tell you to leave a country if you don't like it. People get angry and frustrated with something or criticize it because they want it to improve. BHVR may treat their employees well, which is great, but they treat this game with no real…
  • Thanks. Their answers were predictably terrible and out of touch. For giving a warped reasoning for why ToT reveals gen auras, to not acknowledging that Pyramid Head's perks are total trash, to saying Clown is underrated (and thereby demonstrating that the game balance just doesn't know anything about this game) , BHVR is…
  • It's amazing how many people will do mental gymnastics and make excuses for BHVR still, despite being BHVR being about as close to objectively bad at their jobs as they can be. Sound still bugged to hell, new map is garbage. I mean, how can you argue they even care about this game and don't care more about money than…
  • No, it isn't. When you consider how long chases take, multiple survivors on one or several gens at the same time, lack of slowdown perks - 80s is not reasonable, at all, especially at red ranks where I play. Only certain killers are viable, and if your survs are good, then not even viable killers win. Especially when over…
  • Two points. One - DbD matchmaking is objectively terrible. How do you expect people to trust you guys this time around, when the dev team has done such a bad job so far? Two - This is a hidden mmr system. It basically allows the devs to say they fixed it without doing anything. We can't see our ranks, so we don't know if…
  • Yeah, that's the problem. That 3 gens can get done in 80 seconds. That a game can theoretically be done in 3-4 minutes. Do you understand this? Too difficult, maybe? Yes, by facecamping. And that isn't even a guarantee. If the killer got a kill normally, and not by being dirty, then your team is objectively bad at the…
  • It's hard to pick just one. Killer is probably Monstrous Shrine. Surv is probably Slippery Meat. Both sides have many useless perks
  • Oni is waaaaay more powerful. He feels better to play, imo, then Deathslinger, too.
  • 3 gens out of 5 is 60%. Did we skip 8th grade math? If 3 gens pop, that's 60% of the objective.
  • Corrupt is pretty good, but Ruin is completely useless if the survs stay on gens. It's not good on Huntress because she's 110. Pop or Corrupt are better. Don't play killer X is the wrong answer. Huntress is strong, but the fact that people are resigned to saying "if you want to win, you can't play X" is an indication of…
  • Did he ever say that? Nice strawman. People like you who make braindead arguments like "oh, the killer has so much pressure even though 3 gens popped." If it's a swf, one person goes for save, and 2 are on gens. Why do we, instead of acknowledging the problems with gen speed, defend bad game design?
  • Okay, you're probably bad then. First of all, Deathslinger (hereafter DS) 's power is way worse than Huntresses. The projectile is way harder to aim, and the hitbox is bugged to #########. There are YouTube videos of people shooting someone center mass and nothing happening all over the place, and that ######### happens to…
  • Who did I accuse of anything? Everything I said about his power is 100% accurate.
  • Maybe because he's in the top .1% of killers? The question is "how does an average killer deal with this", and this answer is, "they don't", which is why this game is losing killers. I can't believe people are stupid enough to respond with "but it's a 4k" or posts like yours, ignoring the fact that this guy is an extremely…
  • No it isn't. Like 90% of my red rank games I've 3 or 4k'd with him, and I still think he's trash. Survivors control his power more than him, has 0 map pressure, his power is super buggy and hitboxes are cancer, etc. He is absolutely the worse of the 2 ranged killers, and it isn't even close.
  • I mean, I've played fps games at a high level for years, but the aiming mechanic isn't even comparable. Especially on console. No ads customization, at all, worse projectile hitbox than in Apex (which has famously bad net code)...
  • What a ridiculous evaluation. He would be comparable to other high B/Low A tier killers. He still wouldn't be as good as Billy if he could drag over pallets. As it stands, his power is easy to juke, the hitbox sucks anyway, he's slow, has bad map pressure, survivors have more.control over his power than him, etc. He's a…
  • No he isn't, I have a good build for him (Stbfl, Nurse's, M+A, Pop) and it still depends on the map and the survivors. Against a good swf, he gets bullied hard, and that's all there is to it. He can't punish mistakes nearly as hard as a killer like Oni, Billy, Spirit, so he just isn't as good, because his power has way too…
  • I played like 10, lost 2 (as Deathslinger at red ranks no surprise). The issue is the new killer sucks so bad that I don't even want to play him; might as well go back to killing everyone with Oni, and that's what I did. New map is survivor sided. Big, easy to hide, great for BL, good loops. It isn't as bad as, say, Blood…
  • If you say nerf, you are very obviously not a red rank killer. He is complete trash, C or D tier. He needs a buff. Like several. A few good ideas would be... 115 mvmt speed (his power isn't nearly strong enough to warrant 110) Can drag people over pallets Less stun penalty for his weapon He's honestly top 5 worst killers…
  • Good thing the devs match it with equally terrible balancing. Maybe the community has bad feedback a lot, but the balance is still terrible, and the game is still buggy as hell.
  • Ok, I also got multiple 4ks at R1. My example, just like yours, is anecdotal evidence and means nothing at all. Just because you can get a 4k at red ranks, which are new flooded with noobs because of the stupid rank reset changes, doesn't mean he isn't bad. He's a weak killer with a bunch of problems, and a couple 4ks…
  • They barely listen to community feedback, ever. They haven't listened to feedback about Bubba, Pig, Spirit, and they also haven't listened to any feedback at all about the maps and gen speed. They haven't demonstrated that they listen to or care at all what the community thinks. They don't fix major balance issues that…
  • Bro, the toolbox change is a buff. They do gens faster, and now that you don't lose items upon depletion, people will just not use boxes for the first part of the match when the killer has no pressure anyway, and do the latter gens even faster. Ruin was a band aid fix for trash map design (because the map design in this…
  • I mean, I play 10+ killers at red ranks, but I'm better than most killers. Not trying to be a douche, but that's just how I see it, since I'm r1 kill and surv. Most people aren't Scott Jund or Tru3 or Otz or Zubat, and will have a hard time at red ranks with non A or S tier killers. People dont want to sweat their balls…
  • This is entirely on the devs for making so few killers viable and driving off a large percentage of killers with bad design choices. If you want to play against a more varied cast of killers, you should support more killer buffs, because it's far too rough for most killers for most people right now.
  • They told us like a day or two before "normal" release that it would be delayed because they wanted to add an extra week. Bhvr never technically promises to release stuff on a certain day, so when there's inevitably some bug or other issue (which happens pretty frequently), they can do this. Whether or not it will fix…
  • Imagine complaining about a B tier killer. While it is funny that BHVR failed spectacularly at their stated goal of making him less frustrating, Doc needed a buff, because he was awful. Now he gets elevated from C tier to B tier and people immediately cry about it. This post shows what's wrong with the DbD survivor…
  • I don't want to come off as a douche, but I think I'm better than most killers. If I has to guess, at least 90%. It takes a pretty good team to beat me at R1, and even then, it won't happen on certain killers unless I have a bad game. I don't like to lose and I've always been above average at most vga's, so I guess that…
  • Even with Oni or Billy or other strong kier's, you have to slug at high ranks. It's not possible to win against a good team otherwise. Whoever designs maps for this game is just so fantastically bad at what they do. That's the real problem with this game; terrible, terrible map design. It's not balanced in over 90% of…
  • It will just make bad queue times worse. There are few viable killers already, so making the most balanced killer in the game weaker because survivors like to cry about his chainsaw isn't the way to fix the problem. I remember in one of Scott Jund's vids he pointed out that 90%+ of players are terrible at this game. Which…
  • This is something that isn't pointed out enough. Since the devs reworked rank reset (and made it worse, like usual) , there are even more potatoes than ever at red ranks. Now rank, while.not entirely meaningless, means the least that it ever has. If how they handle the MMR system is anything like they have handled the…
  • Considering their track record, we'll still probably get something buggy and unfinished, just delayed by a week. The new killer is still going to be C tier at best if they don't adjust him. He's going to be played for a week or less, then you'll never see him again. More Oni, Nurse, Billy, etc
  • 40% of the time this nonsense happens to me. Oddly enough, it started the very day dedicated servers were implemented. Honestly, I know they'll deny it, but the impression the devs are giving with the current state of the game is that they really don't care, almost at all. Such a shame.
  • Literally no one with any game knowledge thinks Oni is bad. He's a very strong killer. In some senses, he is stronger than Billy. I agree on Demo though. He's easy A tier when played properly, and he applies a lot of map pressure with good/frequent portal placements and a good build.
  • I don't even think it's that it's being ignored, it seems more that they devs aren't capable of recognizing the problems. We've seen before, every time it's a dev streaming gameplay (most notably M Cote) ,that most ( I don't want to say all ) of the devs just don't play this game at a high level. I'm not saying everyone on…
  • Yeah, but killer isn't survivor, so devs don't care about making it fun for them.
  • Not really, power creepy almost doesn't exist in this game for killers, because killers haven't received any significant buffs recently. Just nerfs. Oni is a very strong killer, bit other than that? Legion Nerf, Pig Nerf, Ruin nerf, small Trapper and Plague buffs (but they suck already, so it doesn't change things). It's a…
  • Power Creep is one thing; having multiple chapters in a row where nearly every killer and survivor perk is total garbage is another. The latter is the state of the game. The meta has been the same for a long time, other than the balance team destroying Ruin, because only a few perks are viable in this era. Killers are…
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