Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • I have both console and pc and can confirm that both are the same in terms of camping etc; but pc killers are generally better, and also more likely to use different killers (I'm looking at you Huntress and Nurse).
  • No problem with NOED (from a survivor main). It does feel cheap at times but to be honest, the whole game does at certain points. Also, the bones argument is very valid. Instead of spending time breaking every totem you see, try only breaking hidden ones, that way you won't waste your time breaking them, and they'll be…
  • Nice idea dude, I think this is a great mid point between old Nurse and current Nurse! It should definitely keep the Nurse mains happy too xD
  • I wasn't saying it's not possible to loop nurse. It was very possible; however, just because it was possible doesn't mean it's okay. I've come back from games where a survivor DC'd straight away multiple times, but i'm sure that doesn't mean that there should only be 3 survivors right? My point being that there are always…
  • Come on guys, can anyone really deny that it was unfair for her to see you from like 20m away, to mind game her, and then for her to be right behind you (or even on you) in 3seconds despite having a wall/pallet separating us? I get that it's not fun, and maybe there could have been a different way to tweak her power…
  • Adam main here, and yup I can confirm that 99% of the time i'm the only Adam. Works out well though because I feel unique xD. I'd like to see more Detective Tapp, I don't remember the last time I saw him; and I'd like to see less Claudette (she's my old main and I love her but there's almost always at least 2 per game)
  • It needs to be situational because who would the game decide is the winner? If it's a draw then the losing side would have sore losers that will just hide till the time limit is up to avoid a loss. What I said was just an example that could easily be tweaked hence me saying perhaps. It could easily be changed to having to…
  • I agree with the time limit, but it would need to be very situational. Perhaps if it started once there were 2 survivors left and only if they haven't touched a gen/been chased in 3 minutes?
  • That's one of the things I'm saying. Alongside others that you chose not to address... I also said that he's "one of the most balanced in the games current state" where maps are too big for killers to traverse, gens go too quickly for killers to apply adequate pressure, and chases take too long; but yet again, you chose…
  • I guess it's an endless loop haha. I personally only use it because I get tunneled.
  • Can you not read? I specifically said "Gen rushing isn't a valid reason tho imo. At least it's not unless all gens are complete and it's to secure a kill". You talk about attacking, but you attacked me for no apparent reason.
  • If they're t-bagging then fair enough, I understand the facecamp/tunnel. They basically asked for it. Gen rushing isn't a valid reason tho imo. At least it's not unless all gens are complete and it's to secure a kill. Otherwise you're just denying yourself more chases, more bloodpoints, and making the game go even faster.…
  • DS, BT and unbreakable are basically necessities in the games current climate to be honest. Literally every other game someone is camping/tunnelling me or a teammate (at red ranks), and if they aren't, then they're slugging everyone. I try to run different perks but always end up wishing I had one of the aforementioned…
  • If Billy couldn't hold his chainsaw then he would have to predict exactly where a survivor is going and how long they will take to get there. Not to mention taking away all of his mind game potential. What you're saying is basically the equivalent of if Huntress couldn't hold a hatchet and had to let it go as soon as she…
  • As someone who plays controller on PC (personal preference), and also owns the game on console; I can confirm that it makes a huge difference. Survivor becomes slightly easier on keyboard because the movements are less fluid, making you harder to predict vs killers like Huntress. Killer becomes a lot easier because for…
  • It has to be DS for me. The feeling of chasing a survivor for 2 gens, finally downing them, and then they DS you was heartbreaking. It was usually followed by another gen popping shortly after, or beginning another chase and then they DS you too. I'm not even sure I can talk about it without crying, it's still too soon…
  • I guess it's for the same reason that Ash doesn't have a chainsaw haha. Would be cool to see though.
  • No reason to touch Spine Chill. Not everyone wants to be jump scared, and it takes up one perk slot with a good (neither amazing, nor terrible) perk. Besides that it's my favourite perk so delete this thread pls 😂
  • Trapper should never start with all of his traps, that's absurd. Imagine being put in the basement and he traps around the hook, every entrance, and the loops around the basement. That's a guaranteed death. It's nothing like Hag or Freddy before anyone says anything, because their powers don't cause damage, nor will they…
  • Agreed. I don't even know why everyone's complaining when it breaks in the first minute either way 😂. Overall this game is so hard to balance by nature that it's hard for the devs not to rely on statistics instead of anecdotal evidence.
  • He's more powerful than a lot of people realise, but by no means over powered. I don't like going against him though so I wouldn't lose my ######### if he got nerfed lmao.
  • I get you, that makes sense. Personally I think she's fine as is, but I never play as her so I guess I'm not as qualified to comment on her viability as others.
  • I'm just curious, why do you think Huntress shouldn't be 110?
  • I totally agree. I've been saying for ages that it's one of the most balanced killer perks. I just don't understand why people cry about something with such an easy counter. People cry about gen rushing all the time, yet they have a counter in NOED and choose not to use it. I'm never mad when I get hit by it because I know…
  • I'm glad someone else can see the bigger picture when it comes to balancing! You actually raised some points I hadn't even considered too, I.e. teammates being mad at you for muting, and SWF using DC instead. I really hope this change never happens. I do agree with others about the chat wheel though, I've been an advocate…
  • Did you not read what I said? I said I would personally mute it, but as killers would obviously be buffed accordingly, it would make the "solo survivor" even weaker than they already are. By solo survivor I mean people that play with no comms.
  • Most likely because of language barriers, and toxicness. Also, remember every time you've been abused in end game chat? Now imagine that during game. Sounds like a terrible idea now right? Lastly, I would personally disable in game comms, but with the inevitable killer buffs, I would get destroyed every game. Remember that…
  • I can agree that you can have more consistent results with Spirit or Billy. I also know for a fact that as soon as Nurse was toned down, she disappeared. I have literally seen maybe 4 Nurses max and I play pretty much every day, and this is starting from day one of the nerf, not a gradual decrease in player numbers. Surely…
  • Oh ok I meant are the kills averaged out. I still believe its due to her high skill cap and also because she's less fun to play. You can disagree that her power is game breaking, but it still is. The whole premise of the chase is that survivors have limited defences against the killer I.e. pallets and windows. Introducing…
  • Where do I get what from? If you're going to be sarcastic and act like a douche for no reason, at least explain yourself. Do you think that she has the lowest kill rate because she has the highest skill cap and hardly anyone plays her, therefore hardly anyone practices her? Or do you always look at data at face value? All…
  • Is the kill rate taking pick rate into account? Furthermore, like I said; she's high risk and high reward. She needs to have a massive downside to counter her power. Also where did I describe old Nurse? Was it the part where I said she bypasses survivor defences and has a game breaking power? Because that still stands.
  • Nurse is a perfect example of why this game is unable to be balanced based on the best players (as I would usually advocate). Can you imagine balancing Nurse around average killers? She would be all you see, and she would be destroying every game! She is a rare exception whereby if you are amazing you will be able to…
  • Unpopular opinion but I actually like the new ruin (playing with and going against it). I'd say removing the great skill check bonus and making toolboxes 5/10/15% less effective would be a healthy buff. It's funny though because old ruin forced survivors to get better. New ruin forces killers to get better. Regardless,…
  • It is a nerf because not all SWF coordinate on how many totems are left. I can only recall doing it 1 time ever. Whereas if there was a counter then everybody would go out of their way to break them.
  • Totem counter would kill NOED and buff inner strength. IMO it should only be available while using perks like small game and inner strength. Otherwise it's a huge nerf to NOED. I think the game is fine as it is, if you're so concerned about there being more totems then take a stroll around the map to check. Thats the whole…
  • Trapper would be ridiculous if he started with every trap. Imagine he downed someone at the shack and could place 10 traps without leaving; that survivor is effectively dead. As another example, he could trap up every loop he comes across without any downside. People compare his traps to Freddy and Hag, but neither of…
  • Wraith is fine as he is. The only thing I think he could do with is to be completely invisible outside of 20m (just an example).
  • When are we gonna fix Shelter Woods? It's ridiculous for survivor (even when I'm killer I feel really bad at times haha)
  • This sums up my thoughts haha, I like that you mentioned Shelter Woods because that map has a crazy abundance of dead zones. I totally agree with your point on the RNG, its perhaps one of the more important things to consider in this discussion.
  • The RNG on that map spawn was pretty ridiculous I'll be honest, but that LF messed up completely.. There were 2 gens in close proximity (most likely a 3rd nearby), so once those pallets are gone there's minimal safety, a 3 gen, and then it's gg. The fact that LF didn't run those loops correctly made them seem better than…
  • I agree that those loops are annoying (survivor main here). What would you change though? If those loops didn't spawn then it means one survivor can loop till they drop the pallet and then it's gg for every other survivor that goes to that area from there on because it's now a massive dead zone. Every one of those loops…
  • I really like your ideas! I've been an advocate of in game chat for a while now but the 2nd idea is new to me. It isn't a team game though. There's a slight difference between a 4v1 and a 1v1 x4. What I mean by this is that, points are given individually, other survivors can choose whether to help me or not, and as Apple2o…
  • Fair enough. I do think you're in the minority regarding enjoying being camped tbh though lol. I also don't think that instaheals, keys etc are in the same category. If I find and camp a survivor straight away, that's an instant depip with no chance for them to do anything. Whereas, instaheals/keys etc are very annoying…
  • No one complains because no one ever plays her. I've played against 2 Nurse's since the rework and I play pretty much every day (with exceptions). She's still OP, it's just not as fun to play as her any more.
  • You don't have to abandon chase though? It's just as much a tracking tool as it is for injuring survivors. Legions ability is fine (albeit annoying), the problem is that most people only use it to deal damage.
  • Honestly camping is annoying but I can live with it most of the time. However, the one killer that generally makes me salty when he camps is LF and its because: 1) My teammates keep coming to save me after realising he's camping (survivor fault) 2) I die on hook and there's almost nothing anyone can do about it 3) My SWF…
  • Spirit without a doubt. Trapper and Freddy are joint second: Trapper because of the tall grass and Forever Freddy because I'm scared of commitment (jk, its actually his snares)
  • If you think Oni is above Nurse, then who are your top 5 killers?
  • I'm really glad someone said this. I was literally saying this to a friend earlier today lol; the only good thing is that I rarely see her anymore (which is probably why the complaints have subsided).
  • I wish I didn't read this. I need it now 😭