Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • So you'd actually cleanse a hex if the hassle of the effect were unbearable. Meaning you'd cleanse only if you must. Allowing the killer to actually use his perks even if a survivor spawns right next to it. And you have a grand total of 2 trap hexes... (3 if you count Undying paired Haunted Grounds as being used twice.) An…
  • You can't "Defend the gates just like you defend the gens": More often than not, you can't even walk from one to the other before a survivor finishes opening it. They have no regression under any circumstance. Opening the gates isn't a trade off. There's likely someone on a hook which means it takes 4 minutes of EGC to…
  • And you proved my point. In order for New Ruin to do any work whatsoever you have to put in work. And I don't know what kind of speed hacks you're on but I'm not able to be at 5 places at once as killer. If you get 2 good loopers on one gen, you can't do a thing. Especially if they're on comms. You chase one, the other one…
  • Hexes aren't strong enough from the get go to justify it. Your "best gen regression perk" does absolute jack about that guy that sat on a gen for 80 seconds in the distance. Devour doesn't become strong until you get 3 unhooks while you're 24 meters away. (Unhooking near you with BT gives you ######### all.) And by the…
  • It's funny how Behavior made a game that revolves around brutally murdering people by having them suffer chest impalement on a rusty meat hook, but get their panties twisted if someone says a naughty word in chat... "Yup... Wouldn't want some child seeing the terrible words in chat now, would we?"
  • The inter-team voice communication is a substitute for many information perks. It's also pretty unlikely that you will have 4 completely new players starting up the game for the first time together. Usually it's 2 players in a group which would still allow them 3 perks. The problem are higher tier SWFs of 4 players that…
  • Most of the time, my grabs either turn into M1s instead or the survivor just unhooks despite me grabbing them...
  • Most of my grabs either don't work as a regular M1 happens instead. (Not lunging.) Or they unhook a survivor even though I grabbed them because why would a grab even work... <As can be seen here>
  • SWFs are terrible for the game balance and my suggestion on this topic was to restrict the amount of perks a group can take. (Simply because of the additional information they get from voice chatting together.) Solo = 4 Duo = 3 Trio = 2 Quad = 1 Alternatively, I suggested powering down the effects of perks but that would…
  • Regardless if you hit it or not, you'll get tunneled. A successful DS usually gives a grand total of about 10 seconds to the survivor that uses it and afterwards I can pick them up no problem and don't have to assume DS.
  • Killers and survivors aren't unlocked. That's where your entire "comeback" falls apart. And also the need to have 4 other people who are willing to give up rewards to play. Good luck with that.
  • These people are ruining your own experience. Meaning that if you see those people as killer, you can avoid the lobby or alternatively facecamp them to death which ruins their enjoyment even more or as a survivor if you're up against a killer you don't want to play against, you can simply suicide on hook, which ruins the…
  • Spreading on gens is the best thing you can do as a survivor group. While you don't have a team, you're in the dark on many of the actions that happen. However if you have a friend who will notify you over VoIP that they're getting chased and that they're far from your location, you can sit on a gen care-free and the more…
  • On one fun game all 4 survivors spawned together and the bubba was on us in the first 10 seconds of the match because the game decided it would be fun to spawn a killer right next to survivors. Yeah everyone's a genius in retrospect. An insidious bubba is the most played type of bubba for a reason. And if you don't get why…
  • On the contrary, it should also be disabled when a survivor in chase heroically jumps into a locker in front of the killer's face.
  • I love how every time a nerf Bubba thread comes up, this squad of people just comes in crying how he's fine, doesn't need a nerf, just use windows and other stupidities like that. He is the ONLY killer that has a multi hit instadown at will. That's pretty much the entirety of the BS behind him. When Bubba gets a single…
  • So a quick run around memorized spawn locations by a single person while the rest sit on gens is discouraging gen rushing? You know... Because you can see many locations extremely far away so you don't even need to get remotely close to them as the actually active totem will be very obviously lit up like a christmas tree.…
  • He's not complaining about hooking near the gate. It's a situation of you managing to down multiple survivors in one area. That are has a limited amount of hooks which get taken up by the downed survivors and then when they get used up (Even if they're still hooked or destroyed after a sacrifice.) then there is simply no…
  • Iron Maiden is the counter to that. It's a perk to counter the perk and it's not pay to get. Same way how Lightborn is against flashlights, Stridor is against Iron Will and Nurse's calling is against medkits and Self Care. Stridor, Lightborn and Iron Maiden have pretty much no other use besides hard countering a certain…
  • Why did you come in with the great idea of having two switches that reset if let go and then butcher it by wanting to make gate opening complete RNG?
  • If you let killer ban 4 perks in the game then I'm completely fine with this.
  • Literally named out a reason for each of the perks. Did you miss the bullet points?
  • That counts as working with the killer, which is reportable. Report in game and send video evidence of it over in a ticket.
  • Leveling a new killer to rank 15 before you actually play them is one way. But generally get used to it. SWF bullies are something that the devs likely don't care about.
  • Good for you, be sure to write that into your diary. Getting it from the shrine doesn't guarantee you stridor for anyone apart from nurse. Oh, I guess people who don't waste thousands of hours in the game or people who don't religiously play a single killer shouldn't be allowed to do challenges then.
  • For anyone looking for a TLDR: "I want stuff people pay for for free."
  • The feature should definitely be removed. The downed/hooked survivor has no reason to know the perfect location of everyone. All that's important is that survivors off the hook know where the survivor on the hook is. There's perks that show you the location of other survivors. If you wanna know where they are, use some of…
  • Noone uses it because the effect isn't instant so only really usable on longer stretches of unobstructed ground, it can benefit the survivors and if you use it for map transit while you try to listen in for survivors, you're deafened by the extremely loud WOOOSH sound every few seconds.
  • The range on pallet stuns is already absurd as most of the time I get hit by stuns when I respect and stop in front of the pallet. If you're unable to wait the time for an EXTREMELY lenient save then you deserve to fail. "Oh a killer doesn't look around." The issue here is, that I can look around all I want, the animation…
  • There will always be a META. You can't stop that. BUT I did get two ideas: A kind of Randomizer game mode where both the killer and the survivors get a fully randomized, fully decked loadout which won't use up any items, addons or offerings but not allow you to choose literally anything. This stems from the time I played…
  • Are you mentally defective or something? The guy literally said a slug happens because the killer expects a DS and aims to wait it out. Also you better check if the button works right now. Just to make sure.
  • The main problem with Freddy is that he has too much stuff. He has mobility via teleport, clown-grade survivor slowdown ability and on top of all of that there's the mechanic which rewards him for playing for 60 seconds. Putting survivors into sleep should be something that needs to be earned. Either have players in his…
  • If you thought about what you wrote for about 10 seconds, you'd realize anyone can play offerings and playing an offering as killer guarantees jack squat in terms of playing maps. Beyond that, it's RNG if you even get the offerings in the first place.
  • If a survivor wants to be a waste of space they will be one and there's nothing anyone else can do about it. Plus, the build you set up doesn't block auras from stuff like Bitter Murmur or BBQ and a few others. It will just disable the killer's power when it comes to locating survivors on Legion and Twins. Which sounds…
  • Calm spirit is a great stealth perk at any rank. It's golden against a doctor as it disables his static blast as he can't find you, also counters infectious fright if you want to be nearby for unhooking. It's great at what it does and killer instinct is an issue for any stealthy player since your location gets shown and…
  • Allows you to see where EGC hexes might pop to, where someone cleansed a dull totem and even if you should expect an EGC without an EGC hex.
  • It allows you to have traps where you want them to be. You won't be missing a few traps just because they decided to spawn on the opposite, dead corner of the map. You find the place you want to defend, you open up a few lockers and you have all your traps available. Or maybe have the locker interaction refill it to full…
  • Getting traps from lockers (1 per locker) up to the max amount would be fine. And on the down side the locker opening is loud enough to draw attention of any semi-nearby survivors.
  • Very rarely if ever is what I'm pointing at with how much people here claim that it's such a big issue. Struggling is there indicating effort exertion. In your terms "annoying". All it is is an easy, constant and continuous focus test. A situation is going on around you and a person can only juggle between various tasks…
  • The notification is the main reason why a killer can effectively move away from the hook. If there were no notification, you can rest assured the killer would keep much closer to the hook because of the possibility of not realizing an unhook happened. Especially if the hook happened by the killer's intended 3 gen.…
  • The killer is by default at a disadvantage because that's how asymmetric multiplayer goes. If everyone in the game is of equal ability, the survivors will win. (Especially if you add the typical 3rd party VoIP among teaming survivors into the mix.) If you happen to miss the timing, you died and the killer's game just…
  • I have the worst internet of anyone I know and I have never ran into a lag issue outside of being put in an American match, but that's obvious since they're playing from across the globe. And if you have no choice on the ISP then you have found a business opportunity. Scroll wheel doesn't trivialize anything. It makes it…
  • I'm down with what @SurpriseSurprise and @AnnoyedAtTheGame suggest. Making the actual opening take long enough so that the killer can recover from a hit and not allow them to use the post-attack recovery to escape. Resetting it on every hit from the killer so you can't just power through the hit and still unlock it. I…
  • So your computer can't run a game well and you're trying to complain that the game should compensate mechanically for you not having a good enough computer instead of you actually getting better components. Yup, that mentality will get you reaaaal far in life.
  • Struggling and wiggling has a purpose and: Get better internet. Any online game has the requirement of an internet connection and if you don't have it, well too bad. The timing is very lenient already. Apart from that, everyone will tell you to put struggling on the scroll wheel. Maybe normally press the button with a…
  • Grabs are already about as inconsistent as they can be. And even if you get grabbed, I believe you still get a DS check. If anything, it should be easier to grab survivors when they're doing stuff like gens, unhooks and vaults.
  • Because struggling is meant to be struggling. As in requiring effort. You mess up the timing, you die. I'd love to see someone mess up on holding down a button... Secondly wiggling. Wiggling under default circumstances takes a certain amount of time which the killer has guaranteed. Apart from perks, the player's…
  • How about a feature where you hold a button for a certain length of time and the game wins itself for you?
  • This is exactly why no downgrading. Browns and yellow are usually plentiful everywhere so a few runs on the blood web will likely net you these. But you see Iri much less on webs. The purpose is to allow you to create the rarer things while not getting a single bad iri so you can deconstruct it and make a million brown…
  • A Killer that is very close (1 meter? Basically right there by them within a slightly shorter lunge range.) to a Survivor for a few (3 - 5) seconds, they can grab the survivor right away on a button press. This is intended to combat cheeky bodyblocking survivors who are healthy and dashing for an exit gate at the end. A…