Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • As a pure Hag Main myself (playing only as her a soon she came out) I can only say that trap destruction via flashlight was very strong and needed to go. Wiping is a huge nerf but its a necessary counter. Problem is there are so many counters .. Out of to range, crouching, being seen, wiping, swf, ears (during a chase you…
  • While the basekit changes are nice it requires a lot of testing to see If the brown addons basekit are enough. After testing these I will be able to form a better opinion but so far the changes mentioned above don't strike me as special. But! The big thing you should look out for is the basekit smaller tp range! If this…
  • As someone who plays Hag only I have a few answers to that: Hag is extremely hard to play and Impossible to master. For beginners it is also very difficult to get used to her. The main issue is: She has way too many counters and all of them are easily applied. What happens If you try to learn a power but it won't work over…
  • I am a huge fan of hexes but they are cleansed before doing anything meaningful. Many scourge-hook perks powercrept hexes by a lot. My dream change for totems would be: 12 crates/small boxes spawn on the map at locations where totems could spawn. Totems can spawn only inside of those crates. Survs and Killers can break…
  • All good! (except for the hag nerf) Well maybe basement will be now more bearable for people now. How are you doing? Hopefully you are having a great time!
    in Hag nerf Comment by Michi March 2023
  • I always said that the worst thing they could do to her is adding a basekit removal for her traps (and this happens now without any compensation) It is a gigantic nerf. As example : People will still run around and trigger traps when hag is busy, far away or if they want to lure her away. But guess what happens if you set…
    in Hag nerf Comment by Michi March 2023
  • I have to say I am extremely disappointed. Hag is already one of (if not the) killer with the most counters and now we just got another very generic one. There are already countless flaws with her and her power: While she has to set up very slowly 2-3 gens are usually done before she is able to start the game while other…
    in Hag nerf Comment by Michi March 2023
  • What makes coh different is the fact that it works best when placed far away from the killer while the other boons work better if placed relatively close to the killer. My idea for a coh rework would be that it acts like a reverse haunted ground : When coh gets snuffed or destroyed by the killer then all survivors within…
    in CoH Comment by Michi January 2023
  • At the end the only thing we need is coh working like the other boons. Killer must be close and survs too for it to have a great effect. I think coh would be fine if it would heal all survs inside it's radius by one health state whenever it gets snuffed. Kind of a reverse haunted ground. Now you can even increase the…
  • Hag relies on the cam swing to hit survivors. The cam swing happens only rarely nowadays and it makes it impossible to hit survivors out of a teleport. I recorded some examples even with aura addons to show that the survivor isn't influenced by the trap at all.
  • Hag relies on the cam swing to hit survivors. The cam swing happens only rarely nowadays and it makes it impossible to hit survivors out of a teleport. I recorded some examples even with aura addons to show that the survivor isn't influenced by the trap at all.
  • I couldnt agree more with this. Take these words seriously
  • Alright my turn. (while you described her addons from a survivor standpoint I describe them from her own view) - issue 1 The rarity problem: The green addons to draw traps faster, teleport further, see survivors aura when they trigger traps and to let the phantasm stay up longer are great. No discussion there. The big…
  • I see you keep praising her addons and their diversity. Which is strange to me since my opinion differs 100% on that matter. Can you tell me why you think her addons are that great and,, change the gameplay of this killer". Explain it with examples please, I have a list already why I think her addons are mostly horrible…
  • As a hag only player I actually have a few issues with her : - flashlights - > she shouldnt be,, that" weak to an item. Just barely click a flashie on a trap and it's gone while it takes ages to burn a nurse/wraith or to disarm an artist crow or delete spirits husk. My fix: shine a flashie at her trap for 2,5 seconds and…
  • Last Halloween they made pumpkins spawn at almost every Totem location. They could make Iridescent vases spawn on each map (always 12) and 5 of them would contain a Totem. This way survs wont spot totems easily during a chase or at gens hooks etc. They would first have to interact with them. To spice it up some vases could…
  • It is one of my favourite hex perks. Right now it is okay-ish. But after next patch you will wipe your weapon faster and survs wont get that much of a speed boost after a hit which is an incredible buff for this perk! I used it a ton on the ptb playing as hag (I exclusively play hag) and Survivors could not reach a…
  • Just a heads up regarding hag and franklins: The good hags do not run franklins to get rid of items or to make the experience unfun for survivors. The Hag wants people in her web and a trap ontop of an item often leads to the survivor entering hags web again. The main playstyle of Hag is to set up a danger zone and create…
  • I am experiencing the same. For a longer time now after any teleport the survivor is just out of lunge distance. (it is also always the exact same distance) People might say it happens because they triggered it on purpose or that they looked at the trap. I can confirm that this isn't the cause. I recorded many games and…
    in Hag issues. Comment by Michi March 2022
  • After the release of pain resonace I kept using this perk together with furtive chase to switch Obsessions. This build failed pretty often because the game was almost over before seeing the Initial Obsession the first time. Now without the need of an Obsession this perk seems to be very good. Also is it just me or are devs…
  • Here the build I keep running as surv (it even gives you a 2nd objective/goal to reach) MoM (obvious) Overcome (get hit while killer carries other survs and sprint to your boon) Coh (heal up) Object of Obsession (use it to know where killer is and go in for a protection hit + after you got MoM to work and endured a…
  • Hag is a fantastic killer and the only one I like to play as and against. She is the only true tactical killer in this game where you win with your brain.
  • I would like these addons a lot if you could still teleport. But the main problem is that traps get triggered when you are far away so the block + slowdown does nothing.
  • I am fine with flashlights destroying hag traps, I even think every killer power should have an interaction with flashies. But it should take longer to disarm them. Not as long as a light-burn but they shouldn't be removeable by just a click
  • Legion camped me on hook, survs could still rescue me and she tunneled me. After a longer chase she slugged me and waited very close to me (which is weird since the chase was around 2 mins long, I had no ds equipped but still). After recovering 20% the boon close to me lights up and a few secs later I could stand up and…
  • I think the spawns and the visibility are the problem. An easy fix would be to just let 12-15 crates spawn around the map (they only appear at Totem spots) and 5 of them can contain a Totem. They can be destroyed by killers and survivors the same way they could destroy the pumpkins. With this addition survs will not find…
  • For me personally she is the most fun killer. I am not a friend of chases. I like to be 100% strategical which is not possible with other killers
  • I rly wonder why people keep saying that this boon is bad for hag.. All it does is creating a new point of interest and with the right traps around that you can easily down them
  • If I am correct current MMR tries to give you opponents that have a very similar MMR number to yours. This results in the effects you just described. What I would do is create 3 brackets: [1] [2] [3] New players or low mmr players will be in bracket 1, medium in 2 and high in 3. Bracket 1 players can vs bracket 1-2…
  • For hag you can add the massive strategical aspect and the option to play with any perks + fun builds and still have amazing results. I just wonder how do boons affect her? In all my games boons were never any issue for me
  • I think they butchered this perk completely. They buffed its numbers just by a few seconds but removed the part why people used it. It already was a very underused perk. It isnt protecting totems anymore and it is in no way a counter to boons. After many games of using undying or thrill it turned out that undying is…
  • 12-15 crates are created everytime a game starts. Totems can only appear inside crates. Now survs have to kick them to reach totems (kick a box to check if there is a Totem at all in there) -gives 250 points per kick -Mindgames: killers can kick boxes to mindgame survs (example kick the crate with haunted ground open so…
  • Since I always have huge fun reworking or inventing perks here is my predador idea: Scratch Marks spawned by a survivor not being in a chase behave,, normal". Scratchmarks of a surv in a chase are affected by predator. After chasing and not hitting a surv for 7 seconds, that surv becomes the Obsession (imagine the combos…
  • As far as I know they are able to bind sound files to skins. Take pig as example : she has different attack sounds if you equip the saw
  • I am using this combo pretty often and I can tell you it works like this : 3 totems ignite. If they cleanse the hg one, undying will respawn it somewhere else and you get 1 min of oneshot. Also youre able to use hg again. If they cleanse the undying Totem nothing happens. Hg can only trigger once in that match. You were…
  • During dead mans switch duration if any surv stops repairing a gen that gen + all gens that are getting repaired currently will be blocked. So if one surv leaves the gen all are affected. To make Obsession swap better (to use dead mans switch) change furtive chase into a scorched hook perk where the surv getting hooked on…
  • Name is Michii (picture is the middle node of the blood Web)
  • Discord would be the best to share via Text. By any Chance are you in the dbd group?
  • No need to thank me. I am glad that you put so much time into learning her and creating this thread. It would be great if you join the scenes for the next hag guide. I dont need any vods, I know the situation. I will try the egg tech, sounds fun
  • If it is about hag or totems or perk rework then yes! Basing on my own experience with hag, the fact she is s Tier, that survs refuse to use the counterplay they have and some other factors I would say that this is entirely possible. Of course you also need a ton of luck because you can be skilled with any killer as much…
  • This has to be my favourite thread so far! @QwQw Thank you for the mention! @Raccoon what exactly do you want me to analyze/say?
  • Remove cooldown, pallets are blocked for 20 seconds and make it Block pallets from 16-40m. After a hit survs can choose to stay inside the 16m range to continue to use pallets but the sprint is wasted, or they run away after the hit but it will be hard to run out of the 40m zone before the killer can Hit you again. Buffs…
  • Interesting! Since hex perks are my fav perks by far I also had a hex rework for that. Hex: monstrous shrine As long as the Totem is standing the sacrifice timer of the 1st hook phase progresses 100% faster. Survivors on their first hook have a 100% chance to unhook themselves. If a survivor unhook themselves they gain the…
  • Actually a few years ago a friend and me had an idea regarding insidiois. The idea was to change it into a hex and apply the following change : At the start of the trial all dull totems become hexed. For each hex Totem in the trial the tr of the killer is reduced by 4m. My non hex buff would be: Stay still for 3/2/1…
  • Regarding the,, Not earned part": Noed is a Totem perk. Totem perks are meant to be extraordinary powerful. Yes I am annoyed and roll my eyes if I see that the killer is using noed but it is a hex perk, and as a hex perk it is fine. Tbh other Totem perks should be brought to this power Level instead. The only other hex…
  • Plaything is a very combo heavy perk. It works well with all hexes: - alone it is a good time waster since survs have to do 4 totems - with retribution you get a nice aura read every time a Totem is broken so as long as retribution is up you can get up to 5 aura reads -pair it with thrill of the hunt and they wont you hear…
  • How I would change it (it also gives counter play for Survivors) - cooldown removed - instead of 15 seconds it blocks pallets for 20 seconds - after a hit it blocks pallets in a radius of 16-40m This means pallets in a radius of 16m or less are not blocked. After a hit survs can choose if they waste their hit speed and…
  • I guess the best and most balanced way to protect hex perks with the entity blocking them is by scorched hooks. 3 random hooks and the basement hooks are changed into scorched hooks at the start of the trial. When a surv gets hooked on a scorched hook all totems get blocked by the entity. These totems remain blocked as…
  • I think the solution is pretty easy. During map Generation 10 boxes will spawn at locations where totems are normally placed. If a Box would spawn at the same locations a Totem is already placed the Totem will be Set inside that Box. This means we will have many empty boxes, some totems inside boxes and some totems still…