Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • I did get that as both killer and survivor, as a survivor it was only when the killer used the "all survivor's spawn separated" offering tho and usually was easy to not get spotted since you rarely expect a svv to be under your nose 5m into the game as a killer.
  • Yeah, if you get to EGC and are pressured by the killer, you should get out, if not you will get out anyway after doing your safe-ish save. Right now, all a killer is getting from EGC is a chance of survivor playing terribly bad and getting something out of it or the killer continuing to see the same stomping they went…
  • Perfect for my ghostface, I'm tired or only pretending I'm repairing gens on the other side of clueless survivor. Let me actually fully commit to it!
  • For legion, I feel the mori could have had a bit more stabbing to illustrate he frenzy more. it feels more like a calculated murder which only one of them would be 100% capable off while the rest would mostly do it for the adrenaline rush. Right now the mori feel like a killer enjoying their pray, not someone going frenzy…
  • I like ghostface's one for the slight comical effect of it and how close to the movie mentality it does strike (movie killer the in-game Ghostface is most def not based on *wink wink*) Same goes for Michael's morí. After that, I have no particular feeling for them, they are more or less brutal or realistic and suit the…
  • Remind me of the person that keeps and bringing freddy's map mattress and how it is a reference to the sexual abuses he inflicted in children's... Yeah that's too much, but like you said, canibalism, murder, torture, sadism, psychological abuse, that's perfectly acceptable in the game. I'm sadden to see OP feel an issue…
  • Well, killer at red rand is stressful as heck. As a survivor, you have 3 potential meat shield in the game to take the killer's attention while you hold M1 to pip. Killer need to catch survivor's many times, patrol the map to apply pressure, be mindful of not getting punished for playing fair (i.e, good ol DS after you…
  • Them dying has no impact on the game since they were busy trying to annoy and provoke the killer and they got exactly what they wanted. All in all, a survivor going for any form of BM ending up being face camped is exactly what they were looking for. I wouldn't do it myself, ignore it and laugh at them everytime I catch…
  • It's normal, when I play Dbd, be it in killer or survivor, I okay with one rule : never treat your opponent as if they were stupid but never forget that they are. If you are well positioned, you can either get lucky and it work, or you get a hit run to Narnia with the speed buff, use your dead hard / sprint burst to get…
  • Merchs are based on already existing movies, and pretty sure they are subject to international copyright laws. The lawsuit is about US ownership. But because of the legal battle, new content can't be made, since now the dispute moved to the writer more or less wanting credit for everything that was made based on the…
  • No, yui is a biological man that identify as a woman.
  • I'm all up for removing DC penalty! As soon as you remove bloody ass hats who constantly as soon as anything doesn't go their way or that they are faced with anything that could closely resemble a challenge and doesn't let them get the easy cheesy one they wanted. Cant remove all the player who dc and ruin every other…
  • Ignore them, have fun, get better or not, but just have fun. If you get outplayed try to learn from it, if they taunt you simply laugh at them and make fun of yourself even more. One, they won't know how to reply, 2 you may end up getting some advices. Sadly, people in this game think being toxic is normal so they…
  • OK, I can see your point again and get where you coming from. To be fair, I almost always manage to get the totem, if you go at it quick and leave the hex for last, the killer usually doesn't understand what you are doing until it's too late. As for losing teammates so quick, don't see how it has to do with me on totem, I…
  • Ruin staying up all game? Boy, must be hard to ignore all those totem for the whole game and blaming it on the killer perks... A totem is what? 15 sec to cleanse? If you can find 15 sec to cleanse a single totem out of the game cause the killer is always on top of you, killer is hacking video it, report it, no killer can…
  • ? Just look at the current discussion page, count, look how many are from svv, look at killer's look at what killer's post are, look at survivor's post, one ask for nerfing everything, the other ask how to do specific bugged challenge or challenge they find difficult in the rift. 4 svv 1 killer, the chance of complains…
  • All I see is survivor constantly complain, survivor being toxic in game and on the forum, and I mainly play svv lately. Almost every solo queue game that isn't with chat impaired players (aka crossplay) I get survivor blaming the killer for their own mistakes and being the toxic entitled crybabies they always are Killers?…
  • What truth? 5 totem, I can usually do them in 3/4 minutes on the map I'm the most comfortable on. It's so easy to counter and barely takes any time on top of giving something else to do other than to hold M1... Plus, if you don't cleanse totem, what about cheeky NoED? Add to that that most killer cannot humanly protect all…
  • Meh, I did bones before undying, still do now, but now I have even more of an incentive to cleanse it all on top of possibly facing a NoED player. And yeah, with tinkerer, It's a great combo that final brought pressure back to survivor and make it feel more like a killer hunting survivor rather than survivor hunting the…
  • I like the not idea, but bot are either way too strong or plain stupid... And if play stupid, it means having up to 3 free BBQ read for killers, would you feel it to be fair? Because I don't expect bot to have DS xD
  • Good thing the majority of DC didn't come from killers then. Suicide on Hook penalise the survivors majorly, sound fair since a survivor is Dcing, why would the killer be penalised even more than already with the loss of potential hooking? As for suicide on hook, I don't see them as much as I saw DC plaguing the game. On a…
  • Never in public match, almost every single time I played KyF with some folks xD
  • Wait, what? I had dc almost every single game as a killer and most likely more than 1 per game average on some days as a dc usually meant someone else would DC shortly after. The week before the dc penalty got up, i remember streaming a bit of killer gameplay to a friend yo show her that perks were not everthing on a…
  • I love to face clown, pyramid head, pig, ghostface, myers if not a perma T3, demo and blight. Killer I rarely enjoy playing against... Spirit and Doctor.
  • Yeah, i hate seeing so few ragequit ever since it has been introduced, it was always fun to see people DC to deny me the point for wining a chase and making the game hell for the 3 other survivor in their team. It would be healthier to reward people for DCing, maybe giving them a double pip each game a few hundred thousand…
  • I'm a red rank survivor. Camping, i rarely ever see it, wouldn't be able to tell you when I last saw a proper camping killer that had no reason to be around the hook. Tunnelling? This happens commonly enough to be noticed but I never really notice it as it rarely if ever happen to me (I'm a sneaky fella) so when the team…
  • 10 quid is infinity time more than the cost of LOL, DOTA, Fortnite, R6 siege and all the other game that apply this price, it's also the price for all the payed game with customisations in a cash shop, like world of warcraft for exemple, what did you try to say? All I could understand was "hur durr, i need to talk someone…
  • Agreed, since the cage would still counter DS, and BT would hardly if ever trigger on getting out of cage, unless on a very tiny map. This would be a huge buff to Pyramid head and an overall nerf to survivor's interaction with cage Imagine getting "make your choice" on cage saving xD
  • Well , 4 survivor, 1 killer, that's 3 chances of a salty survivor if you play one yourself or 4 if you are a killer. And if you play svv... Well, only one killer still xD Add to that people feeling empowered when they see other being toxic and apparently never being punished for it, you get the salty pile of sore loser and…
  • I'd like to see them explore other video game franchise for nostalgia's sake. Legacy of kain would be a first to come to my mind... Hmm... mediEvil too. We have silent Hill so why not go for resident evil.
  • Agreed, just like undertale or JOJO, I hate the game because of how annoyingly toxic the community surrounding it has been. Game were nice for those i played but I guess there's also that I do feel like they were highly over rated.
  • I feel frustrated and gloomy for a few minutes. If I messed up terribly and gave away that win, at myself for not reading the game better or doing dumb mistakes. If playing against a depip squad that simply left me no chance because of the vast gap in skill between them and I, at the game for trying to force me to play…
  • That I agree on, I'm fine with a wall being good for killer if broken or not broken, not with them being good for survivor either way. But I don't think I ever seen one of those... Maybe the school one that gives access to strong loop area when open ?
  • Plague : You can now drink from clean fountain to activate "clean purge" your "healthy" puke doesn't infect but make thing slippery, increasing skill check difficulty and frequency, making vault over pallet or window fail, giving survivor a random skill check not to fall to the ground (injured state if they do?) You cannot…
  • Pyramid head : you lose the trail from the rite of judgment, but holding the sword in the ground now increase the width, lengths and speed of punishment of the damn. (width by 15% at max charge, lengths by 25% at max charge, speed would be to keep the same travel time from start to finish as the base kit ability)
  • Ghostface : you can no longer be taken out of stealth, stalking takes double even triple the time, and you now move at 105% instead of 115% downing a survivor triggers a 30sec CD unless you down someone in the next 30 sec. CD not reduced by other addons (so you could use it with an increase stalk speed or movement speed…
  • Well, if you look at the one on the death singer's map, you get both wall you can leave up to hinder svv or increase your mobility around the map, specially looking at the tavern or killer shack. Just like dropping a pallet at some spot can mean getting yourself in a terrible spot, breakable walls don't have to all be…
  • Which is a good thing, it's good for survivor until the wall is broken, then it's balanced or heavily good for killers. It force survivors to not stay on the same loop for too long, give the killer a chance at easier bloodlust, aka getting a hit/down. I personally feel like breakable environment / gen that open doors is a…
  • Yup, I advised people on reddit to use legion, legion level one using only discordance, you'll still get 8k easy if you chase survivors. I heard that nurse can give 4k a game too? I didn't try it herself as I had a legion daily to do, found out I was getting 8k and did the challenge in 3 games xD
  • If anything I don't feel that killer are enough of a threat Most killers need to be buffed or reworked severely for them to be more fun to play against. In it's current state, a team working on objective will almost always dominate any killer in the game. Remember that the game is 4vs1 not 1vs1
  • No Now to wait for the next time someone will ask the same weird question again
  • I'll disagree, 10 quid a skin has been standard in the industry for over a decade. You also get less interesting skin for lower than that.
  • I fully agree, at this point it's a matter of momentary gain or long term client trust. Although the money they are getting right now is certainly real and more tangible than a potential increase or decrease in future sale. This is a video game and video community tend to have a high turn around in player base, hence…
  • Can't wait for the Star Wars update when you can be a jedi / sith chasing the killer's.
  • When the sale was never planed or advertised in the first place huge difference, almost if not nobody at all, even amongst the most dedicated players, would buy something instantly for shards when they know they can get it for more than 50% less the next day. If the sale WAS planned then they purposely scammed early buyers…
  • If they don't have a log with your purchase date, I'd be surprised. Be it bought for actual real money or shards, dropping a sale on such a short to try to not lose face in front of the community is an exceptional circumstance, and some people may have spent 9k shards instead of 10 bucks if given the choice. All in all…
  • The change didn't touch the reason why people did use the hit or get hit strat for PoD, the problem is that the ability is so telegraphed you cannot hit anyone without basing it majorly on luck if they are not stuck in animation or taken by surprise. An ability that can't be relied on unless some very specific parameters…
  • Like other said, if someone is struggling enough that buying new hardware isn't an option, only a small portion of people are at that fine line where adding another sub to their monthly payment wouldn't be crippling to them. Stadia for DBD is the convenience of crossplay and not needing to move your full hardware when you…
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