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No i saw it and hear it that i was hitted.
Basic attack. The hit only registered by sound not by state or animation.
So in other words key never got nerfed?
I don't buy any crypto at all. Since radical decentralisation is anarchy in to me.
I think the whole point of block chain is radical decentralization. Either way you sail in dark waters without any regulation or by rules of goverment. Crypto went popular cz of no gov controll in it, i don't think it will ever be under control of the gov...
Thank you for explanation. But i though that every blockchain technology can't be tracked. Therefore for other cryptos that is why i was confused with nft. Anyway thank you for that.
Well when you put it like that yes. But there is another way to do it. Have an organisation that can check chems in gassoline. Yet again what is the hysteria for NFT. All i managed to get is that is some kind of block chain, crypto what ever. Why lossing ######### over nft and not over bit coin?
Yo bro what is the problem with NFT. Why you lose your sh*t for that?
demand REFUND!
I mean why devs just don't up walls more? and other obstacles? So that Stretch can't be used?
Yes. And i am thinking about not putting anymore money on the killers char. I think it is more rational if i gonna continue to play this game to play surv and spend money there...
No because other players that paid the game too should have right to have fun without crybabies that dc for "not fun killer"!
Don't know what is with mmr good or bad. But one thing is certeain every single 5k+ ssurv is toxic as hell. If they die they swear everything to you, if they win they again swear. One thing is for sure for swf too many safe pallets...
Well i still can get palletes destroyed while getting blind or blinded While i get blind from flash bomb i can't do anything but walking around...
It is ok. But atm bugged zombies are the biggest problem. And missing attacks also...
I thought under does it work for his recover time or that only work for his main attack? Like with death slinger.
So many potential! Maybe in time they will hit 200+ chars xD
Hey sometimes it can only be a killer alone.
Feel ya
Ye i know but i came here for advice on tactics xD.
Ye i got that feeling too. Almost imposible to get a hit around when you move around tree or something else...
Demogorgon has insane power can even keep up with top swf
Ye i like her. But i would really like to play and new killer a little, without losing every game. At least to black pip...
Well m2 is kind a strange like the aim is moving while throwing, almost imposible to keep at point while looping around the rock. And chases are tooo long, even if i get one injured other gets heal really fast. I just can't find a way to keep pressure with him at all.
4.4 m/s killer in rank 1 games is imposible to win with only m1... And how not to use main event, that gets activate automaticly while i throwing knifes?
Wait till they nerf freddy xD and OoO stay the same. Cz freddy is op to devs....
Trust me there are faaaar more worse combo from ruin/undying. That ruin/undying let people play other killers so we had some kind of diversity. Without that combo which sacrifice 2 perk slots there will be increase in use of farm worst combos for surv then ruin/undying. But you will see it soon enough.
Minor cheats: Insta heal, slight faster than killer without blood lust, lagswitching. Major cheats: Controling game like you own a server(cheaters can tp you and lock you in place) can spawn dummy survivors as much as they want, can tp around the map, can make you hook them more that three times and soo on. Ofc when you…
I am happy that mories are nerfed too. BUT i am not happy with thing that happened only few secs ago. As always if i see premade team with key i get mori and used only on the key guy. Yet now that you can't mori players after first hook have things like this. Get 3 gen as fast as you can if someone gets moried other player…
There is some point when they have good window that bloodlust t1 can make a difference otherwise it will bee really hard.
I got a dwight. So it is not rigged. The thing is you should find some streamers that give time for console players to type in codes before they relasing the last few codes....
Well people got played by their own fault instead to wait they jup for cosmetics right away....
Perfect or not i had times where i just run in place and move a slight to side while sliding how much i was perpendicular but not even once recorded bounce in those situation. It is like buildings for blight on some points have hitbox for bounce and on some not,....
Feel ya! I even had moments like ok i slided but i bounce on second box and then NOPE! then ok next and then again NOPE!
Agreed. To me trees didn't make so much of a problem. But some wall stoped me from looping at all.
Ok thank you!
Good for you, i missed many hackers cz i didn't record it at the given time...
First my answer will only be for swf groups. BT can't be abused since even if you hit person under BT they need to mend so time wasting. Even if they block your path on choke points and want to force you to tunnel them cz of BT and DS combination that is abuse but not BT abuse but DS. Even that it is team play skill game…
I had few days ago a game where some player was simply standing in the place i came closer as clown to him and attacked him once to see will he move then just like that poof man disappeared like a lag switchers do. I found him later and hooked twice, then after that the man was running like 0.1 m/s faster than me. It was…
Atm i am seriously thinking to go afk killer and to farm rift points with that. Since i can't get more free time to play nearly two hours for one rift lvl... I am currently 10 lvls behind with 2 chalenges not finished. I have other things to do and to learn for univ instead of siting whole day and playing dbd... this is…
Ye that. Ok thanks.
I guess god pallets are still ok... Btw say bye bye to ds soon.
Not much. I hate when they get same map iterations that can be abused really hard but other than that no. Don't like their toxic behavior toward killers and some survs that is not in their team...
It is easy to play on comp as killer against console surv same as against comp surv. The thing is surv on console are full of themselves and act a lot more toxic then surv on comps probably since they could bully killer easly on console. They still think 360 is ultimate evade tactic against killer, while that can work on…
I didn't see why they disable it in the first place?
Fine by me. I would also like that third hook or mori count same points as hook.
First go to support center and submit a ticket with those screenshots under racism tag. That will get them banned if they do that few more times and get banned for that they will get perma ban.
Well for me it works perfect! I get a lot of more purple rank players with full prestige 3 and full perks. A lot more derankers from last system getting into my matches which is good.
Ok i got my answer this thread could be closed by mods now,no need to spam more. Thanks once again for your thoughts guys.
Nice i like that. I general i like reworks and when they shift meta i don't like ground nerfs and so on... I would like to see some other perks at surv buffed too