Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • I have rules for unhooking. I will make every effort to unhook a survivor that is playing in a manner that is helpful to the team accomplishing the goal of escaping as long as they aren't being camped. Under most circumstances I will not attempt to unhook a survivor that is not playing in a manner helpful to the team…
  • In this scenario the survivors completed 90% of their objectives before the killer was able to take a single one of them down. They did exactly what they were supposed to do. The killer had an ability activate at that point that still gave him the opportunity for a 4k despite being outplayed to that point. As a matter of…
  • Translation: "I got outplayed for the majority of the match and still managed to get 3 kills. However, since it wasn't 4 kills the game is survivor sided. " There are arguments that can be made saying the game is survivor sided. This isn't one of those arguments.
  • Agreed. As a survivor you definitely have to be on your game when you play against Freddy. I don't mind that. A challenge is fun as long as it isn't the same challenge repeatedly. More variety would be great.
  • I do understand why they do it. The four you mentioned are definitely about the only 4 I ever see. I just see Freddy the overwhelming majority of the time. I saw Deathslinger a few times the first day, and barely since then. Maybe the reason I see Freddy so much is he's the best on PS4. I don't know since I don't play…
  • I got doctor for awhile right after they buffed him recently. I've pretty much stopped getting him at this point. Spirit is one of the few others I get. Just not nearly as often as Freddy.
  • I prefer stealth partly because I don't loop well. Probably the biggest reason can be blamed on the Batman Arkham series of games. I loved every challenge and mission where you had to go unnoticed. There was something about the challenge of accomplishing an objective while remaining stealth that I seriously enjoyed, and it…
  • That is a great point. Missed that altogether. Makes a lot of sense.
  • You make a good point. It's been a long time for me too. I could have faced a lot of Huntress and just not remember it. I'm just watching him play and I'm getting tired of seeing Huntress.
  • I'd love to see something where I can trade in the huge amounts of items from bloodwebs that I will never use. I would be thrilled to thin out my inventory to get a few things I would actually use vs having multiple pages worth of items that are 100% useless to me.
  • I understood perfectly. I'm not surprised. I only play as survivor, but survivors are the most ridiculous by far
  • Played a match the other day where I pulled this guy off the hook twice, healed him both times, and then when he was being chased for the third time I intentionally ran in front of the killer taking a hit trying to protect him. It didn't work. The killer ignored me and went after him. Just a few second after he died he has…
  • When I'm playing survivor and get close to a gate that was only 99'd it's going to be 100 real quick. I've seen too many times where you end up with 2 or 3 survivors dead because someone 99'd a gate trying to save one person. The couple of seconds it takes to run beside the gate, hit that last 1 percent, and then get out…
  • Played a match a few minutes ago with a rank 1 killer and the lowest rank rank survivor was a 10. There was actually a rank 17 survivor in the match.
  • Considering the way so many people treat each other I'm going with this one:
  • It sucks. I mean I can understand killers not liking Claudette for that reason. The irony is I had never even really thought about playing Claudette that way, but it didn't matter. The fact I was using her was enough to cause me to get tunneled. At the same time I was at least glad I figured it out. It got frustrating…
  • The first time I played this game I chose Claudette because I thought the self-heal perk would be invaluable. Don't even use it now, but at the time that was my one and only criteria for picking Claudette. I worked extremely hard to get better at this game. I wanted to compete at the highest level I could. Claudette was my…
  • I get the chaos thought. This happens frequently, not just with Lullaby. As for the chaos thing though I personally could do without it. I will never approve of negative consequences for a faulty game mechanic.
  • For those of us that do it's extremely frustrating. The thing is not only have they not done anything about it, but I have seen posts like this on this forum more than once and they simply ignore it. It's another one of those areas they not only refuse to fix, but won't even respond to posts about it.
  • I think you are right on both points. It gets really frustrating sometimes. In a match last night where an injured survivor ran up while working on the last gen. It was just about done, but I wanted to heal them before I finished the gen so we both got a chance to escape. I stood up to heal them and got one of those skill…
  • As a survivor main I despise being stuck with another survivor that just wants to immerse and do nothing regardless of what point in the match they do it. While it most definitely happens at times I don't think that is always what's happening in these situations. If I'm in a match with 2 survivors that decided to play…
  • Tunneling sucks. However, that doesn't mean it isn't a legit strategy. The thing about tunneling is survivors are the reason it's a legit strategy. The majority of survivors are either unwilling to wait until it's safe to unhook or lack the sense necessary to know when it's safe to unhook. The bottom line is an unsafe hook…
  • I am in the same boat as you. I don't loop particularly well. I should say I suck at it. I am much better at stealth. I would say your best stealth build is going to be one that comes from loads of experimentation. I have tried stealth builds I saw on youtube videos, websites, here on the forum, on the steam forums and I…
  • To those debating the merits of certain perks.... Again, we all have our opinions about certain things in the game. We may feel this perk, that perk, or this item, that item or whatever shouldn't be in the game. We may think a certain perk is too strong, too weak, or just right. Those are discussion worth having. They are…
  • The comments you are getting are a perfect example of your point. You could make a post on this forum saying grass is green without someone finding a reason to be terribly offended.
  • I agree. If there is one thing I would change about the way bloodpoints are awarded it would be increasing the amount you get for working on gens. It is the objective after all. As it stands now though you can get a lot more bloodpoints unhooking and healing. That's why so many survivors don't play to escape. They play to…
  • For me it was a game where I was still a noob. This was back before the EGC and hatch changes. I managed to be the last survivor. There was still 1 generator to be done. All the remaining gens as well as the hatch were in the same area. The killer was camped out on the hatch. I kept trying to do a gen and couldn't make any…
  • Most people assume the way they play is the right way and if you don't play like them you are playing wrong and useless. I'm a stealthy player. It's funny how many times I have a game where I did 2 or 3 gens by myself, performed 3 or 4 safe hook removals, healed several people, and maybe even knocked out a hex totem only…
  • 100% agree. That's why I very rarely agree with any post on this forum where survivors are asking for killer nerfs. Nerfing killers because survivors play stupid shouldn't happen.
  • I have 2 major issues with the game. 1) Dedicated servers - my experience with everything from wait times to slight lags that make great skill checks much harder has been worse since the introduction of dedicated servers. I don't expect anything to be done about this because I honestly don't think BHVR cares at all about…
  • You're absolutely right. I really don't get why this is so hard for most survivors to understand. I say it all the time though. IF, and that's a big if, even 50% of survivor would learn to play using anything resembling an intelligent strategy BHVR would have to make radical changes to this game to make it even close to…
  • I'm a survivor main and I will readily admit that 90% of those that play survivor are either toxic to the game with their attitudes or with their inability to think strategically and likely many are both.
  • As a survivor main I have no problem saying that survivors are far far far more toxic than killers and it isn't even close.
  • Even though others read what I wrote and understood it completely different you were the only one that was able to use your mind reading skills to delve deeper. I bow in deference to your ability to use words on a screen to read the mind of the person that posted them to know what they really meant. You nailed me. Good job.
  • Obviously I don't expect it to stop it. Just thought others might find it a little entertaining. I leave messages on because I have run across some of my best gaming friends from little random conversations. Most messages I receive never get a second thought. This one was just unique.
  • I think you are right on that. For me the definition of a good player isn't even necessarily whether or not you have attained a level 1 ranking. It's more about being well rounded. For example. If a survivor takes a key into every match and then runs around hiding in lockers until the hatch is available they might be…
  • As a survivor main the overwhelming majority of the horrible and nasty comments I get are from other survivors. I don't post about those because I know it wouldn't surprise anyone. I posted about this one because of the combination of sheer arrogance and length of the message. It was especially weird considering I RARELY…
  • And you should. I mean if they used a key to escape so be it, but messaging afterwards like they somehow outplayed you at that point is beyond clueless.
  • I can understand. As a survivor main I think 90% of the issues in this game come from the survivor side. Makes me wish I enjoyed playing killer, but I've tried several times and just hated it. Loved playing survivor from the start. Regardless, the biggest issue in this game is that the majority of survivors have absolutely…
  • Did you even attempt to comprehend my post? I specifically said it was a legit strategy. I didn't say the killer was wrong for using it. But since you chose to ignore that let me clue you in to a little secret. What I said and your "translation" mean the same thing. You are one of those people that goes looking for ways to…
  • I did ignore his message. Knew that would drive someone like that crazy to not get a response
  • That's the thing.... As a survivor main I get far more nasty messages from survivors pissed off that I didn't do something the way they think I should have done it. I rarely get a message from killers at all other than an occasional gg. I don't think I have ever sent a killer a salty message after a match. I was just…
  • Exactly. There are so many legit strategies in this game (on both sides) that take little to no skill. There's nothing wrong with utilizing them, but to presume utilizing such a strategy makes you a "good player" is ridiculous. They might even make you effective, but effective doesn't necessarily equate to good.
  • That they do. I just found his arrogance totally unwarranted in that situation.
  • No. Not what I'm saying. If that's the way it sounds it was just badly worded
  • They are close most of the time. Occasionally though, they are REALLY close. Had one earlier where the killer stood between the two gates and when you approached either one you were in the terror radius. That's the situation I would use a key if I had one. Being able to open the gate in that situation goes from being…
  • I wasn't trying to say they weren't there before the end of the match. I realize they are there from the start. And yes they are fairly close together the majority of the time. There are those times though when they are REALLY close. Had a game earlier where gates were so close the killer stood between them and you were in…
  • I like keys, but I think they should only be able to be used under certain circumstances. For example: If I'm in a match where the killer has closed the hatch and the gates have powered up, but they are so close to each other that there is no chance I am going to be able to get either of them open I will happily use a key…
  • The thing I've noticed is if there are 2 or more survivors still alive when the gates activate it's highly likely there will be a pretty decent amount of distance between them and the hatch will likely be a decent amount of distance from either. However, if there is only 1 survivor alive when the gates activate the chances…
  • I have been bouncing back and forth between rank 10 and rank 11 survivor since the reset. The amount of times I have been in matches where all 3 of the other survivors have been dead within the first 3 minutes is unreal. From what I am told when you get to red rank survivors you actually run into smart survivors. All I can…
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