Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • As a veteran with over 3.5K hours I've seen BHVR make a lot of questionable decisions, but some of them work out, we just kinda forget about them because the bad changes means we were right, and they weren't necessary so they're easier to remember. But these questionable decisions usually just make us think your out of…
  • EDIT: My original essay-length-comment took an extra hour to post for some reason, but it can be located below this comment. If you don't wanna spend 5 minutes reading, this comment is a condensed version. Well there's my more recent comment, so I guess my other comment somehow ended up somewhere else or didn't post. In a…
  • Although I couldn't really careless about 360s and their removal being intentional or unintentional, I gotta laugh at the ppl who're like "Yes! No more 360s!" I know those ppl are either new or they're the ppl who somehow make red ranks that completely lose me when I spin and swing like a mad man. I doubt they were removed…
  • @Rydog Yeah he just starts out way too weak, and then his "surge" (Tier 3) just usually doesn't give him enough to make up for how bad his Tier 1 is. After the release of Plague, I started running Infectious on Myers and it USED to be quite strong and successful. It made him easily a high-mid killer. But more recently when…
  • @terumisan I personally disagree. Unlike other notoriously bad Killers, they were always bad, while Myers has been middle of the road for a long time, because he's grown outdated over time. I wish I included that in my post, because that's crucial. As time has gone on his T1 phase has grown weaker and weaker, as players…
  • Sorry my forums page was glitched, and wouldn't update so I didn't see the comments: @gibblywibblywoo Honestly couldn't have said it better. His Tier 1 is outdated, and just far too weak rn, and his Tier 3 is simply not threatening enough. I'm fine with having weaker killers (everyone shouldn't be high tier, that's fine),…
  • @ALostPuppy Yeah I think anyone who's ever played Wraith will agree he deserves some level of speed increase in his cloak. Also where do you think I should move this too? It should be in General, but it bugged out when I posted it, and somehow posted twice so I don't know if it got messed up. @APoipleTurtle I wasn't sure…
  • @Nicholas The idea is a survivor punishes the killer for tunneling. Not that the you guarantee jump off the Killers shoulder because they tunneled you. Lets say you got downed in 5 seconds because there were no loops nearby. Now if the killer waits it out, you telling me that isn't a punishment for tunneling? Sure the…
  • @Nicholas Alright I see your point now that you've stated it. First of all the skill check isn't that hard. Are we really complaining about that? It can be made easier if that's a problem. If a survivor lasted more then 60 seconds then the other survivors should've gotten a solid amount of gens done, and the survivor can…
  • @hillbillyclaudmain69 Oh for sure, definitely. I saw that same issue, which is why if you're slugged the timer gets longer. It being stopped would be kind of busted. SWFs could just leave people on the ground for as long as they want because that person is immune on the ground, then pick them up when it's safe.
  • @Nicholas Yes it favors the Killer more, because the problems I mentioned are when the killer gets DSed for not tunneling, a Survivor favored issue. And you didn't explain why it was terrible. You didn't say why it wouldn't work just that it wouldn't. I said that Wraith and Pig could circumvent it. They're mid-tier…
  • @hillbillyclaudmain69 There could be problems with it being totally stopped while slugged or chased, just cause then it could last the whole time you're on the ground, which is why I went with the root that the timer goes slower. Also as mentioned earlier using the chase is kind of unreliable since sometimes you enter…
  • @Nicholas Thanks for absolutely nothing helpful. I listed the only way I could think of where it would be countered, tell me how it's bad. @NivlacACE Yeah I thought of that too. Honestly if the killer is moonwalking to end chase, it reaches that other point I made about Wraith and Pig going in stealth. It makes it so they…
  • Tombstone is not very good. If that gets nerfed I'll laugh. The only way you're getting a mori is if you somehow sneak up on someone or catch them in a dead zone. It's pretty balanced for an Iri Addon. It has a powerful effect, but it's really hard to actually capitalize.
  • @ClickyClicky "You can't look around if line of sight is blocked" Yup that is the point. So what do you do? The large majority of Gens have at least one side where you have a good view of the killer coming with plenty of reaction time. And that doesn't even matter too much against non-stealth Killers. If you're really…
  • First of all I'll agree his reveal mechanic is pretty buggy but it's so damn easy to reveal him. Just get him to come close to you, ambush him and when he tries to stalk you just stand inside of him. You can phase through Myers and GF when they're stalking. So stand inside of GF and reveal him. You'll almost never get…
  • @jackkn12 I know how you feel. A lot of ppl are toxic especially in this community. But its peoples opinions. Just try and play the game and stuck with your opinion. I'm personally a survivor main (I play both though) and I think killer is weaker. If you go to Red Ranks you'd see why I think that. I realized it a couple…
  • My problem with mori's is that they're super strong, but there's also no hope of pipping as killer with a mori. I don't think they're too op since the killer has to grind for them and all, but I'll also say I've been getting LOTS of Ebonies lately (in my bloodwebs, I've seen an ebony, and then another the next level…
  • Starting from the top, Nurse needs some of her addons changed, because half of them allow bad nurses to do well, and limit a lot of counterplay. But the top tier killers aren't really broken OP by any means. But the bottom 10-12 killers all need changes. Its funny to me that none of the licensed killers are top tier (I…
  • @Boss I've noticed that! You really see the difference when she hasn't found anyone for awhile. She sounds angry and agitated as she hums.
    in Secrets! Comment by su11yboy July 2019
  • The change seems like a pretty cool change. I don't think it's too broken and if it is, I think it only being personal would be a solid nerf to it. I'm also not sure about it effecting speed boosts. I think if it just effecting survivor timers, and negative affects would be enough. It shortening the exhaustion to 26…
  • @ElusivePukka @George_Soros Thank you for at least understanding the point I'm trying to make. Most of the people are just commenting saying I'm lazy for not breaking totems, and saying it's on the team for not breaking totems (which is true). However as I'd assume most of you know playing solo survivor can be pretty…
  • I don't have a problem dying to Noed actually, and I can understand what you're coming from. I get tunneled, facecamped, or knocked from my team's incompetency, but it's just a game so I don't get too frustrated about it. People who use Noed are generally bad at the game because it's a strong end game perk so they don't…
  • @Milo You said "how exactly does 'knowing someone is on the door' give you a guaranteed kill UNLESS its EGC?" (you literally wrote that in both your comments) so I answered that question after I said "As for what you were saying how does it gives you one down?" I'm going mostly over red ranks. If we're talking low ranks…
  • As a survivor main I've never ever had a problem with slugging, even when I was new. As for Camping and Tunneling they aren't really fair, because it kinda sucks for the survivor, but they aren't OP strategies. Camping and Tunneling leaves 3 ppl do whatever (in the case of tunneling it leaves 1 person unhooking, and 2 ppl…
  • Thanks for the corrections. Idk if you were being helpful or trying to make me look dumb but either way thx. As for what you were saying how does it gives you one down? The idea was that the killer is still faster and a lot harder to loop, and gets a little bit of information so they can find one survivor have a quick…
  • Definitely like this idea. Could also be really good if for the Killer gens aura change color to show they've been blocked indicating a nearby survivor. For example the 4 closest gens would show red as normal, the 3 furthest would show white to indicate they'll be blocked. And if a survivor *triggers* the Entity to block…
  • I don't think this is a great idea. I think just adding another objective to the game is a better solution. I don't want to just hold a button down for longer just so its more balanced. Friday the 13th has it so it takes finding multiple things to start the car for example. Have it so survivors have to fix 5 gens and…
  • I like the decreased timer to 20/25/30 along with it not going down during chase. Maybe make it so it goes down slower in killers terror radius instead of just stopping in chase? So the timer is 20/25/30, but if your in the terror radius it can be up to 40/50/60 seconds. Or just have hooking another survivor completely…