Re: What is the chapter you want most?
Will never happen, but...1 -
Re: A question for players who play on console and PC
The other thing to note is that analog sticks can ware out in such a way that holding up will actually be slower, when I only played on PS4 I went through 2 controllers and was on a 3rd before making…1 -
Re: Infinite Loading Screens
Loading into a regular match as a survivor. 3-4 matches last night. Platform: Steam Crossplay: On Solo Queue.1 -
Re: Got to play against Billy twice in a row just now
I saw 2 last weekend and thanked them both for playing Billy, as they are rare for me to see. They were both descent at curving too.1 -
Re: SoloQ has become free for all
I personally don't care about my mmr, so I still play like I did before MMR and will still trade 1 for 1 for randoms in solo queue, but I would assume overall more people will just leave than going i…1