So who's excited then...
@GoodBoyKaru lemme know when you post it and I'll pin it for you, just gib me a poke to let me know.
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Ooh. If that's the case, good afternoon!
2 hours left :D
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@glitchboi the Twitch channel is already getting busy! And thank you <3
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will do, it'll probably be on twitter :)
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I'm hoping to see some qol changes announced. I know the next chapter will be amazing lol ^^
I'm super excited no matter what!
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This'll be my first anniversary, so I'm pretty excited. I really want a new map.
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It's gonna be a big lookback since the game has changed so much and will continue to grow more. But personally I'd like a new game mechanic been a while since we've had one.
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While the chapter etc. Is exciting I'm hoping for overall game health and improvements. Would be great If we have info on reducing the grind, map balance (size), buffing old and outdated perks etc.
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I'm hoping to hear the following outside of just the RE reveal:
- Legion and Trapper Minor Reworks
- Trickster, Twins and Pig Buffs
- Spirit, Nurse and Hag Nerfs
- Haddonfield God House Rework
- Springwood Map Rework
- Silent Hill Map Extension
As for the RE reveal...I just hope I can give it to survivors.
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My favorite memory is discovering all these new maps and all these killers all at once around when clown came out and all for free.
I'd like to see more dynamic maps and more dynamic killer powers and plans to change the meta.
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I'm excited they are doing a road map. I'm hoping the road map has optimization and game health on it.
Best memory was KYF session with my family, my sister that never plays video games (last time was button mashing in street fighter on Sega) was Trapper. Lots of laughing like when I was crouch walking away (UE not equipped) and she couldn't hit me, then my nephew that was downed was crawling around a tree (no Tenacity) and she couldn't pick him up. Just ridiculous time joking around while my sister learns controls and tries to kill us. She loved when we showed her how to mori so she could skip hooks. 😂
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Really excited for this too! I'm really looking forward to know more about the DLC and the Anniversary event. Let's hope it's really good and not a fiasco like Eternal Blight.
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Where are they streaming this info at again?
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Their official Twitch:
And also here on YouTube:
They should go live at around 12:25pm EST (like 25 minutes) however there's usually 35 minutes of still images and trailers and other such content before they begin the juicy stuff
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I think a way to fix Midwich is to reduce the size of the building itself (preferably by just closing areas off) and incorporating the actual town of Silent Hill into it.
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Please Claire Redfield
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I hope it's something from the "real" RE games..RE 1-3 and Code Veronica. The modern games are ok but I'm not a fan. RE4 was good but very different.
But I would more like to see Trapper buffs and a new map + a mode where you don't have to play against real people. Offline games is more my thing 😀
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Looks like it might be Jack Baker? Lots of mold on the skull, and one of the fog whisperers was wearing an old man mask.
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Is the ptb today?
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Lol i was kidding, i didn't think i'd actually get to see a Wraith-specific thing.
Definitely gonna earn that outfit, looks nice.
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I really wanted Chris and Jill as survivors. But Jill has always been my favorite and re3 was my fav game so I'm extremely happy. I also hope we get a Chris legendary skin. Excited to see how moris will be changed and have the killer actually work for them. Excited about the survivor hex totem thing. I'm just excited lol
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I'm so ecstatic it's not boring Claire. Jill is the best
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I was hoping for at least one of the Redfield's.
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For console or in general? I haven't heard much about controller issues but I'm relatively new to DBD still.
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The new chapter and the new year both look really great! I like that there's a step forwards in relation to dealing with toxicity and helping newer players. There's a big change towards improving the community aspect, which will be very much appreciated.
I love the AI zombies! I had imagined a "Silent Hill 4: The Room" chapter, where Walter could raise ghosts to stalk survivors, so to see a killer which does have minions within the game is brilliant!
Perks are fun and add explosions everywhere, as well as a decent opening-of-trial killer perk. I also think Nemesis' red add-on which spawns zombies by the exit gate could be pretty neat too.
Basically, it's looking extremely promising! Am definately looking forward to the new year.
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AI tutorial bots.
Its a step closer to a genuine solo play AI custom game experience so yes I'm excited.
Also the nemesis looks great and is the first DLC since slinger to realy draw me in, I'm looking forward to this one.
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Dang, serious engagement today! Im excited about the new power, it feels like the zombies are going to be the real lynch pin in lethality. Like a trap you never had to set.
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New dlc apart I'm disappointed, nothing at all to keep veterans like me playing and interested, why devotion does nothing? Why mmr is taking that much? Incentivate players to play other role it's a start but we need a mmr for each individual killer cause I'm not a good nurse like i am with bubba(example)
Where are rank rewards?
Why anniversary event is just a recycled event of previous year?
I don't know about others but i can speak for myself and re dlc apart it was a complete disappointment
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Oh yes, good old Freddy, i miss him too, even though he was no where near as powerful as current Freddy he was way more fun and unique. He had his own playstyl, often just pulling survivors into the dream and moving on, you had to play tactical to use him, thats what most players couldnt do, use your head and plan your attack, determine the weak link.
I would love to have 2 Freddys in the game, original Freddy with Robert Englund Skin and reworked Freddy with the new movie Skin, like he is right now.