Hackers and reporting

Smuk Member Posts: 735
edited January 2022 in General Discussions

I met a cheater with a size of sun beamer and Mori offering (that made me laugh tbf).

Sooner or later he revealed all tricks in his sleeve, finished 5 gens, opened doors and went out.

Its not even a week since rank reset - How can he be iri1 and not banned.

Community doesnt even bother reporting - cheater pandemic feels as pay 2 win. Fingers crossed for your mid chapter upgrade and hopefully its not put aside for a next decade.

You cannot manage to go through all reports.

Does ingame reporting even work?



  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047
    edited January 2022

    It’s quite… primitive, to say the least, unlike other games where you can just report them, DBD (or perhaps just EAC as a whole) has you record the issue when it happened, than open a support ticket with video evidence.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    Stuff like this needs a ticket too, I doubt in game reporting alone works, but I can definitely assure you making a ticket with video evidence gets them banned (when it's hackers)

    On the other hand, cheaters like lag switchers or people abusing broken stuff in the game to their advantage won't get banned even with video evidence (broken not meant as "op", but for example survivors going on unreachable locations for killers and so on)

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,051

    Reporting in game is mandatory for any kind of offense, as it flags the match, however for hacking you need also video evidence and you need to open a ticket on the Support website: https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

  • Smuk
    Smuk Member Posts: 735


    Report this player for exploiting bugs, errors in design, or cheats to obtain a competative advantage.

    Regarding “cheats” what is then this ingame functionality.

    By reporting you get players and lobby id. No server logs that provide data - transmitted JSONs of where the data can be visibly seen.

    So this functionality you can confirm that does not work as intended. That I need to record a cheater in action so somebody can see and decide before doing a ban?

  • legrosporc69
    legrosporc69 Applicant Posts: 250

    EAC is not that great of an anti cheat but other game can ban the cheater faster compare to dbd the best example i can give you is Apex legend i sae them ban someone in the middle of a game.

    I think its just bhvr being incompetant in that regard. The fact it take so much just to report a hacker push the player to just ignore them and laught it off or just quit because they know its not worth the 10 to 15 minute for something you are not even sure work

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    Does the team understand just how bad of a system that is? It's essentially placing the onus on players to have third-party programs running at the time of abuse in order to be able to be able to report misbehavior outside of endgame chat. I don't have recording software set up on my computer, as I'm not a content creator and have no use for it. As a result, I cannot make any meaningful reports about cheating or hostage-taking, no matter how diligent I am in-game or how well I understand the rules.

    Better yet, it's not clear from the surface that your reports will be discarded without this third party evidence, so most players just end up making placebo reports and think they're helping to pin down problem players when in actuality they're shouting into the void. I've never even heard of any other game whose report system was this defunct.

    Like, do you guys seriously discard all feedback that doesn't come with a video attached? If a person buys the game today and racks up 50 reports of cheating before the night is over, they won't even be looked at unless one of those reports has supplemental footage?

  • KolbyKolbyKolby
    KolbyKolbyKolby Member Posts: 624

    I'm a little curious. I tried to report and upload a video of the cheating the other day, but the filesize was too big and it simply wouldn't allow it. If we report in game and have the match we upload to youtube, would posting that in the comments section of the report be able to be used since it would not allow me to upload the video itself properly?

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,051

    You can post the video in the description of the report, the website has an upload limit, so it's usually better to upload the video on Youtube as unlisted and link it there.

    If you have an Nvidia graphics card, you can use the replay system to just record the part of the game you need.

    I'm not saying the system is perfect, I'd love to have a replay system in game, as I already expressed multiple times, it would make the job for the Support team way easier, however as long as we don't have that kind of features, this is the procedure to follow.