Thoughts on Blight tech

Do you consider blight tech (ie. moonrushing, hug tech) exploits? If you do think they are exploits, why?
They are part of his skill ceiling
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Do you use any of his tech? What perks do you like to run on him BTW?
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I do think of it as an exploit for additional turn rate. I don’t think its necessary. I don’t get upset with players who use it. It’s not their fault it’s a part of the game mechanics.
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The creator of Blight and former DbD Dev said on his stream that these "techs" are not intented and they're bugs.
There's your answer.
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Sorta confused. Some people state that devs have said that his tech is intended, and other people claim devs have said its a bug. So it turns into a he-said-she-said situation, y'know?
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Unexpected feature or exploit, they sky rocket blight to nurse power level and makes me dislike him, same as nurse.
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Yeah and he specifically said "does not want to call them exploit because people will take me out of context." He explained how Blights velocity changes direction the second you press m1 and all that is intended. He even said that smart blights who turn, then press m1 and push it again to turn further is completely intentional.
The only unintentional thing about it is the turn rate is updated every frame and people with high dpi devices can turn more if you can do 180 in one frame. All gaming mice are high dpi btw, so now we cant use gamer mice?>
Oni, Billy, all have flicks.... and the devs know this and thats why they remain in game.
He specifically stated people would take him out of context and refused to call them exploits
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Everyone should remember that when “hug tech” was first added to the game, it caused Blight to get stuck on an object, and it also caused an M2 bug where he couldn’t use his power until he made an M1 swing. And BHVR actively fixed “hug tech” and made it a useable feature. They fixed this by breaking the secondary collision rules for a while.
It was unintended for Blight to be able to do “Hug tech” while looking forward (which he could because the secondary collision rules were broken), and they fixed that. He now has to look away from the object (e.g. looking down), which uses the secondary collision rules. And “hug tech” is working correctly considering how the secondary collision rules work.
There might be an argument that the secondary collision rules still aren’t working as intended, as BHVR still hasn’t figured out how to make them work properly, and that if the secondary collision rules actually worked as intended, then hug tech wouldn’t be a thing anymore. Bit I think they gave up on fixing it, and he would need a total code rework (like they did with Nurse) to fix this.
Post edited by Coffeecrashing on3 -
His techs are fine
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I'm of the opinion you shouldn't need to do these things to be good with Blight and people shouldn't be considered less skilled if they aren't interested in these techs, exploits, tricks - whatever you personally see them as
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Not bannable because of the way the devs handle unintended mechanics, which they've been consistent about. So, I don't blame anyone who uses them.
Obviously exploits, though (at least the two you listed). Stemming simply from poor coding and oversight, likely becausde the raycast and/or attack cone is tied to the camera on the y-axis for slam detection, instead of being locked at 0° elevation, which allows to bypass triggering slams.
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Those techs are already acknowledged as uninteded. however, devs are just not able to fix it, so they keep it. Other choice would be to disable blight.
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Blight was literally designed with the ability to slide in mind. McLean, who is the creator of Blight, intentionally designed sliding mechanics, as well as stating there were intentional QoL fixes on console because it used to be more difficult to slide for console players.
Blight’s collision is of two components, one of which is attached to the camera intentionally. McLean literally made it that way on purpose for the specific reason to alter collision.
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Even besides intended or not, they are still healthy parts of his skill kit that increases mindgaming potential for both sides in chase, because now there are more methods to play and play against for both sides. Certain tiles prevent bump logic from working well which creates hard counters which are inherently bad game design because that trumps player skill. However, bump logic and sliding have distinctly different mindgaming routes, and so reading correctly lets you evade either. This is directly skillful, as it comes down to which player is better at reading and mindgaming the other.
Furthermore, hug tech was altered so Blight has to look down while doing it, which thus reduces his range to which he can see and thus gives the survivor more options.
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they're not exploits but Holy Christ do they feel like they are sometimes
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McLean said it was a bug to be able to do do those techs, several times on his stream.. and he was one of the designers. So yes, exploits.
He said it fairly recently too? Can't really remember because the months are flying by. But, you can always ask him again. He still streams on Twitch every once in a while.
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Exploits are bannable offenses. Hug tech is not bannable.
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There are degrees of exploits you know. Sometimes they won't ban for it and just fix the problem. Enjoy while you can.
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If those techs are exploits or not is not up to us to decide, the question is simple "Are those techs intended by the developers?" if yes, they are not exploits, if no they are exploits and thats it.
Who decides whats a bug and what not are the guys at BHVR.
True, but that doesnt mean every exploit guarantees a ban, take for example icon textures, it is bannable to change them but they decide not to do it, they do warn everyone one day Easycheat may detect the changed icons and issue a ban, if that happens you dont have any possible defense.
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The screenshot of me saying that it is a bug is true, one of the design team member said it in febuary via ticket to me, if you search my comments on my profile you will find it for sure.
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To stop the argument that is brewing here, "hug tech" is not intended and is classed as a bug and will be fixed.
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New collision rework patch in works? Nice
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Will another killer leave the game?
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We have this bug since his release, when will be fixed? Next year? This is why they should do less chapter releases and focus on game health, is just ridiculous the actual state of the game but let's release more content that will broke the game even more.
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Blight not being able to bounce off of objects shorter than his waist is a bug too. Is that getting fixed too?
Hug tech exists because one of the devs created a secondary collision system to try to fix this collision problem. But all it did was allow Blight to slide on things he wasn’t able to slide on beforehand (which I don’t think was intended), but it never allowed him to bounce on the short objects (which I thought was the entire point of the secondary collision system).
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I wouldn't say exactly since his release. He's had a series of bugs since his release that when patched introduced something else that could be exploited. Sometimes, those were discovered in minutes after the update with the fixes.
So, let's say they go ahead and remove hug 'techs'. There's no guarantee another bug won't come along and then we'll wait months or years for a fix that never comes, repeating the cycle all over again.
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Why remove this technique if it adds interest and spice to the gameplay?
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Because instead of nerfing his op add ons, some people ask for nerfing anything they can classed as problematic. Basically getting ######### on by blight too many times does that to you
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All BHVR needs is to recycle or remove the alchemist's ring and Iri Tag. But they're trying to break character mechanics that have been honed for months.
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It wasn’t on release. Blight was built with the intention that his camera view was supposed to be obnoxiously low to the ground. When Blight’s camera view was raised, he became unable to bounce off of objects shorter than his waist.
The devs created a secondary collision system to fix this, but this caused a “hug bug” where he would get stuck on an object if he started a rush while directly touching it while also facing it. The “hug bug” also glitched Blight so he couldn’t use his M2 power until he pressed M1.
Instead of removing the secondary collision system (which never did what it was supposed to do), they sort of broke Blight’s collision (even more than usual) for a few months instead, and that is what caused the hug tech to be what it is today. Eventually, the devs figured out how to fix the extra broken collision, but kept the hug tech in the game.
Blight still can’t bounce off of objects that are shorter than Blight’s waist, and it has been well over a year since this bug started happening. The devs tried for months to fix it, then it seemed like they all gave up.
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All need is to remove or recycle the alchemist's ring and iri tag. But they are trying to break the character's mechanics, which have been perfected for months
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I just wonder how long it gonna take to "fix" this bug.
And at the same time I suspect it gonna just make another "tech" kek
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How is a bug perfected mechanic xd
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Well, you must admit that it adds new sensations to the game?
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What? I thought hug tech is kinda okay since this is in the game for very long time now. We just suddenly gona remove it? What?
This is will be serious nerf for him and his skill celling as well. How about just nerf that OP addons that he has instead, sounds way better.
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Mclean: "I hesitate to use the word exploit because someone gonna quote me out of context."
Which happens in every one of these threads, he didnt want to label them exploits. Period.
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Pssst, let them think they getting ######### on because of hug tech and not something else
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Nature is healing praise be. I'll wait to celebrate in a couple years tho when this finally gets fixed 😭
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why did u said " locker DS is technic"? i can't find why hug tech is bug, and locker ds is not bug. did u really think so?
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Now am I dumb? Because...I need a thorough explanation as to how locker DS could even be considered a bug lmfao.
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Yes!!! Thanks for information.
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With or without hug tech, blight is strong. If you want to nerf him, removing hug tech is not the way to go. It wouldn't make him much worse, it would just lower his skill ceiling and make him less fun to play. Besides the broken add-ons, I think blight is fine. His hug tech and other things can be read and have counter play. Many times the devs have created bugs that have turned into actual features, so I don't understand whats different about blight.
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It won't hurt him, just removes a big part of him that was fun to use, and took skill to use correctly.
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Probably because you're good at blight and understand different tiles. Granted, it is much easier to use against players who have little understanding of blight. Against good survivors - like the ones that make flashcards to study killers weaknesses - it is significantly harder to hit them on a hug tech because they're knowledgeable enough to know what you are doing and how to respond.
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I doubt that he is well versed in blight. If you completely remove the hug technology, then the blight will crash into an object in 100% of cases when trying to make a 90 turn with a 90 flick. Hug tech allows for impressive turns followed by a hit
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The whole "Its ok now because it has been on the game for so long so its not a bug anymore is a feature" is a ridiculous argument, Surveillance bug was in the game for how much? 2 years? and it got fixed eventually.
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Wow they actually fixed Surveillance? Thats good to hear
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Great news Mandy. That will definitely help against the bug abusers and stop the killer mains on forums for making their own assumptions like they are devs or something.