Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Visible MMR please

Sensetize94 Member Posts: 38
edited September 26 in Feedback and Suggestions

If you are so afraid to show MMR in the lobby, you can hide it during the queue and after finding a match too so that no one leaves seeing an unfair MMR. You can also show every month what MMR we have achieved in game so that players don't abuse the system by finding out after each match how their MMR has changed. You can also make it so that it is possible to find out the approximate MMR of our killers and survivors through your website, which is updated periodically. Please, I really want to know what MMR I am on at the moment, please give more information to the players

Post edited by Sensetize94 on


  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 522

    Hunt showdown has a good alternative, you can go to the settings to hide your mmr at any time, so if you want to see it, you see it, if you don’t want it, you can easily hide it Win win, as for me

  • Sensetize94
    Sensetize94 Member Posts: 38

    All third-party programs are banned by anti-cheat, if they dare to use it, they will do it at their own risk, because they can easily get a ban for this. We are discussing legitimate things here, not cheats, please do not compare them

  • Sensetize94
    Sensetize94 Member Posts: 38

    Yes, even in mobile dbd the rank is constantly visible, and in general in all online games you know approximately what mmr you are in, in dbd everything is just so blind, in the game there is a lot of information about everything

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,951

    Calling reasons fake problems is not very convincing,
    if you wanna show they are wrong or unwarranted concerns you need to provide reasons and argument instead of dismissal.

    Once you provide a proper debunking, we can discuss it which will be far more convincing and then more people can chime in too.

  • Sensetize94
    Sensetize94 Member Posts: 38

    I don't understand why you are so serious? If you think that dbd is a toxic community and you don't want mmr to be visible, then how are you better than them? We are all here for visible mmr because it won't make things worse if according to you, the dbd community is already toxic, it won't make it any more toxic.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,674

    My reasoning is there literally are a bunch of PvP games, with visible MMR, and it’s not a major overwhelming problem.

    You can go to their forums, and their reddits, and read through thousands of complaints about various game stuff, and visible MMR isn’t one of their major problems.

    Visible MMR is 100% fine, if a game has ranked and unranked modes. If someone doesn’t want to worry about MMR, they can play unranked. If someone cares about MMR, they can play ranked. Having a ranked mode is a completely normal feature of many PvP games.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,674

    I’m not reading all that. Ranked modes are a normal part of many PvP games, and if visible MMR really was controversial, then we would see way more complaints about it for the other PvP games.

    BHVR should just try adding a ranked mode as an experiment, and if it doesn’t work out they can remove it.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,674

    The game could have a ranked and an unranked mode, so people can have their casual experience in the unranked mode.

    And if a ranked mode has more pressure and toxicity, and players don’t want to deal with that, they can play the unranked mode.

    Having a ranked mode means that players can choose what type of experience they want.

  • Sensetize94
    Sensetize94 Member Posts: 38

    I wrote that it is possible to do so that changes in MMR are shown every month, there is no need to show how it has changed after each match, it certainly won't make things worse

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,969
    edited September 26

    I would heavily disagree with that statement. Any game that has a ranking system encounters all of the issues Emeal has described.

    Games like Counter Strike, Rainbow Six, Call Of Duty have very toxic communities that constantly assess and dodge players based on rank.

    Games like League of Legends, Fifa and Battlefront see people encouraged to spend money on powering themselves up with stronger builds and loadouts or buying flavour of the season characters, and are filled with just as much toxicity.

    Games like Overwatch and Sea of Thieves had numerous issues surrounding the boredom and staleness or their metas and had to comepletely rework them to keep their playerbase (or die trying). Sea of Theives straight up removed it's ranking system for PvP.

    All of these issues are already reasonably prevalent in DBD already without MMR being visible... I can only see it getting worse if it were made visible…

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,859

    And this unranked mode would be used as testing grounds for the ones going into ranked. People would be doing their damnedest in both modes keeping the pressure while killing the casual experience. That's our first thought, we might be able to think up more, but we don't particularly care enough since you need to rebuff Emeal, not us.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,859

    But it keeps the same problem. It doesn't fix the problem.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,674

    This game used to have visible MMR! This game literally used to be ranked mode only, and we literally saw everyone's MMR in all their various colors. Has everyone forgotten this? We used to have this!

    And in fact, there was LESS drama back then, when there was visible MMR. It was way better than now, where the forums are constantly flooded with complaints that "MMR doesn't work", and people declaring what MMR they think they have, and people declaring what MMR they think other people have, and people making all sorts of other theories and accusations of the MMR system. We have a constant mess of drama specifically because MMR is hidden from us.

    If we got visible MMR back, it certainly won't be a worse situation than what we have now.

  • Sensetize94
    Sensetize94 Member Posts: 38

    But you can think about it, I don't understand why you immediately write that there are no plans for this😭

    Why not release a test update with mmr display, you guys need to be a little bolder in terms of changes! After all, in a dbd mobile, the rank is always visible and knowing the rank, we already have an idea of ​​​​what kind of match it will be, is that bad? I'm silent that in the mobile dbd, the killer is displayed during the loading screen and still no one closes the game when they see, for example, Legion

  • Sensetize94
    Sensetize94 Member Posts: 38

    Exactly, no one complains in dbd mobile that the rank is visible, on the contrary, it even shows what ranks you will play against, for example, if you are rank 5 survivor, the game writes that you will play against ranks 3-8. I don't understand what the problem is in displaying MMR, I think if it was visible, many newbies will come to the game, veterans will make content about it and we will see that they are really in high MMR and not smurfing MMR off stream

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258
    edited September 27

    Seeing MMR would be great for all the competitive people at heart (like me). It gives sense of accomplishment and "bragging rights".

    Unfortunately, I don't think it's good idea to do in DBD. There are way too many "flawed" things for visible MMR (or the game being truly competitive) to give you more sense of accomplishment, rather then pure frustration.

    1, 60% kill rate is inherently unfair in every competitive game. You can't just give freebies to one side and be OK with it especially when both sides compete with each other (this can be partially mitigated with getting higher score for each escape then kill, but it's still a problem)

    2, tunneling exists which means if killer wants someone to loose MMR, he will most likely loose. This will create extra layer of sourness/stress

    3, Personally I consider this game to feel bad when fully optimized for wins. The best tactics for win are actually the most boring ones - killers need to proxy-camp and tunnel survivors out while survivors need to genrush without much interaction with killers. Trying to "force" more people into this boring parts of game doesn't seem like a good idea.

    4, This game is still unbalanced and it feels extra bad when the match is decided for you by outside factors (extreme examples to illustrate the point: as survivor - killer taking you to Haddonfield and on the other side say as mirror Meyers finding yourself in some open map like say Rotten fields).

    5, MMR would need to become very strict - otherwise point 4. And there are already a lot of complaints (by quite a big chunk of players) about sweaty matches.

    6, the game is also too buggy for this. Example like lags/VPN giving that big of an advantage would ruin the experience even more.

    To conclude - if the game changed a lot of problematic things, showing MMR would be actually good idea. But not in a current state of DBD. And if all those things got changed… Could we still call it DBD? The game would be vastly different. That might not be the problem (personally I don't play this game for a long time now), but it's quite a risk for the game itself if the change would bring more players then it would alienate.

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 706

    We already have most of these things happening currently.
    I think the big one is number 6 where people are feeling like MMR doesn’t work accurately or fairly and there’s no way of knowing, just ‘trust us the system is designed to balance these factors and it’s working perfectly like every other aspect of the game promise’.

    A lot of games feel like they have a mix of new players, average players, and god tier players. It doesn’t feel like it’s working for a lot of people and games don’t feel fair, and hiding the only way to know if they are fair makes people think the fact they aren’t is covering that up - in the name of shorter queue times for the players at MMR ratings where there are less players.

    You might argue speculation but that is what comes with hiding things. Especially in a game that’s constantly got it’s share of problems and unresolved issues, technical or otherwise. Especially when everyone knows the MMR system is only based on a binary kill/escape metric and individual skill or anything that happened during the game has no impact. It should matter wether a killer got 12 books with 5 gens left compared to a 4 hook 4K with NoeD during the EGC. It should matter if one person ran the killer for 5 gens then died as their MMR will go down and the other 3 go up despite them being the only reason they escaped.

    The current system is wholly unsatisfactory and hiding everything doesn’t change that just sows more discontent.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,583

    That's the issue though. Quantifying skill by measuring the outcome is inaccurate.

    On one hand you could have a killer that plays Blight on his best map with his 3 best perks and 2 best addons and only gets 1 hook in end game with NOED. If this person manages to successfully camp that hook, that's a kill with only 1 hook (technically 3 hook states). However, if a perkless pallet Freddy finds himself on Garden of Joy and gets 8 hooks but no kills against the same survivors, the game would decide that the Blight was actually more skilled than the Freddy.

    This doesn't seem very representative of actual skill. Of course this is a rather extreme example but for the sake of the argument it should suffice.

    This also leads to an unhealthy cycle where some people will begin to play pretty nasty to win and push themself into a MMR where they will automatically lose whenever they don't play this way simply because they haven't learned to play on such a level yet. Thanks to MMR being invisible these players will often think that they are at the absolute top and play against the strongest players that exist. So they will be convinced that the only way to play DBD on that level is this exact way. After all, if you are at the top already, then there is nothing more to learn.

    The least that could be done, is clarifying to newer players that their MMR and grade are not linked to each other. I feel that this is pretty misleading for anyone who doesn't know.

    I think it's good that MMR is invisible but the way it is calculated and explained leaves something to be desired.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,951

    We already have most of these things happening currently.

    Yeah so why should we increase the problem?

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,097
    edited September 27

    I think visible MMR would ruin DBD since everyone would play as competitive as possible to gain higher mmr. Keeping MMR hidden is what makes DBD a casual game.

  • brewingtea
    brewingtea Member Posts: 240

    If y'all gonna be backfilling without respect to MMR, then we should at least be able to see that. There's no need for specific numbers, but if everyone is approximately the same except the Blight with 10k hours, some transparency on that front would be nice.

    Or you could just NOT backfill in the laziest way possible. Either or.

  • Sensetize94
    Sensetize94 Member Posts: 38

    What do you mean? DBD is already comp game with all those tournaments, visible mmr won't hurt like at all!

  • Sensetize94
    Sensetize94 Member Posts: 38

    You are right, because of the community the devs don't make good changes like showing teammates perks/addons and adding voice chat, for me all this is nonsense, it is just information transmitted through the game, it is not a cheat!

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,280

    I think revealing MMR like that would encourage smurfing and lead to targeted harassment of both streamers and regular players. For example, if a group (SWF) figures out that at a certain MMR they consistently run into a particular player, they could intentionally stay at that level to make that player's experience miserable. Giving players too much information about their MMR could easily lead to more toxic behavior and exploitation.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,280

    i could not disagree more, i was a killer main back then… and it was used to demean me all the time, so for killers it was more drama for sure..

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,080
    edited September 27

    I'm fairly certain many mainstream PvP games use MMR across all modes, just that some have dedicated "ranked" modes where participating players are placed in queues with similarly like-minded competitive players and are given visual flair rewards for doing well.

    League of Legends ARAM mode has MMR. (And I think league even recently made it so that your global MMR is applied to new ranked mode players that could have potentially been farming/botting matches in ARAM to unlock Ranked Rift play without having done any actual summoners rift (to prevent seeding their MMR in that mode))

    Asking for a distinct mode category with a better tie-in to emblem rewards and much stricter matchmaking would be a better ask than trying to get the base-line "global" MMR revealed. (though there would be MMR in both modes so you don't get arsemunch stompers just stomping in the "unranked mode", just one labelled as "You must sweat here and there are tighter restrictions"). However it's possible that the asymmetrical nature of DBD would skew which population of survivor/Killer actually play such a mode.

  • Sensetize94
    Sensetize94 Member Posts: 38

    The game already has a hidden queue delay, plus the killer sees survivors during the lobby, he can just leave if the same players are matched with him, also in the settings they can add so that the same players are not matched with you in the 2nd match in a row. All these are really fake problems, if there are any problems, devs can simply fix it if you are afraid of stream sniping...

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,097

    DBD comp scene is tiny compared to other esport games. Very few people care about comp DBD.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,280

    Not really, it takes 2 seconds for me to change my name. - and bypass this.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,089

    We used to have visible mmr with the emblem system and I feel it lead to better match quality, I heavily dislike current matchmaking as it encourages sweaty gameplay as opposed to doing a bit of everything and playing fair.

    Emblem system discouraged campers, genrushing etc. It encouraged doing chases, totems, using your power… sure it wasn't perfect, but that ontop of old BBQ and WGLF encouraged people to be more altruistic and go for unhooks, and killers to also spread their hooks…

    Current MMR is what is making dbd miserable.

  • Sensetize94
    Sensetize94 Member Posts: 38

    Hahaha, who would do something like that, players who have nothing to do in life? It's unlikely that anyone would do that. As I wrote above, they can make it so (in the settings) that the same players don't meet for at least 2 matches, your post literally screams "creating problems out of thin air"

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,280

    people do that… I have seen it.

    You can choose not to believe it and thats up to you, its completley fine with me tho.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,421

    How is changing your name, which takes 2 seconds, equate to having no life? You're a curious one…

    Since you have stated you can't figure this one out, I'll assist. They do it to bypass the hidden queue delay. I think we've come full circle!

  • Sensetize94
    Sensetize94 Member Posts: 38

    All this can be fixed, you are now creating problems out of thin air, they can add in the settings so that there is no meeting with the same players for a couple of matches, there is nothing complicated here