Another replay-list bug

Member Posts: 121
edited February 2023 in Bug Report

Only when i filter for succeeded and failed raids i am able to see entries, not when i select "all raids" or "unwatched"

Edit: Relogging fixed that

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  • Member Posts: 121

    Update on this: I tried to keep some replays that were awesome to watch, and it seems if you exceed a certain amount (which is not big, like 10) the menue starts freaking out. If i open it now i see the replays for a second until it switches back to the "No replays available-screen", cant even see them when i select "succeeded" now and reloging doesnt fix it anymore

  • Member Posts: 121

    Another observation: The bug is "fixed" when i get a new replay, but returns after watching/deleting like 2-3 items...

  • Member Posts: 121

    Ok so i think the patch changed the behaviour but its even weirder now :D

    If i delete an item or scroll to the end of the list the whole list becomes alife and starts duplicating entries over and over and jumps between them, the UI becomes completely unresponsive and i have to alt f4 the game

  • Member Posts: 121
    edited February 2023

    Update: It has normalised somewhat now, trying to scroll to the end of the list still ends in the "no replays available"-screen, changing filter fixes that again though. I guess the above was somewhat caused by downloading replays (read something like that that in another thread here).

    Only weird thing is that i had old replays in the list again, from sometimes yesterday (outpost was 4 in the vid and is 5 for like a day now), but date of the vid was the actual date (probably when it got put into the list?)

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