Can You Restore Genmat For A Base Without Having To Prestige?

Long story short...
It seems like my base is too good at doing it's job, which leads to people rage quitting when dealing with my base (because making things not easy is apparently a bad thing); because of this, I might not have enough kills (or prestige points) needed to actually be able to prestige my base and restore the Genmat.
(Also yes, it is massive, but 70% of the inside is hollow, and thousands of capacity was taken up just to build the fancy exterior; this barely even made it into the "dangerous" category because it barely uses that many traps, the base just has really smart trap and tile placement.)
So, is there anyway to circumvent this issue? Or am I just screwed for having a base that is just too good at it's job (despite having many counters)?
Well, at least I will be able to prestige it (thankfully), since someone was dedicated enough to die 27 times trying to collect my Genmat.
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I'm that guy, I'll die in your base 30 times if the base is at least enjoyable. Bases I will quit are ones that repeatedly use the same trap combos over and over again, overload an area with a ridiculous amount of one trap (looking at you incinerator boys) or the path to the GenMat is so convoluted I spend more time looking for it than dealing with any traps or guards. Do you think your base is enjoyable? Do you perhaps have one or just a couple of areas that constantly destroy people? Maybe consider making a few areas slightly easier so players are less frustrated and more intrigued. Nothing is fun when it feels impossible. Good luck and gz on your prestige!
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My base rewards making quick decisions and having good movement. Going too slow or making poor decisions is a good way of getting yourself killed.
It also makes great use of traps you never really see used properly (Iron Claw and Corrosive Cube).
A lot of bases punish you for rushing, which is why a lot of people rage quit when they face something different. My goal is to never make a base impossible, just to make something different from most people make, something that makes you use your brain.
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Iron claw + corrosive cube is definitely one of my favorite combos. Done right in the right spot it catches just about everyone. I imagine the reason people are struggling with your base is because much of the player base hasn't developed the movement skills to actually perform such a raid. I notice a lot of people that really take their sweet time in my outposts, which I punish in some spots. I feel if you make the entire outpost focused on speed and rapid reaction, you're frustrating players who are still struggling to master movement mechanics. Not that this is a bad thing by any means, I'd love to raid your outpost tbh, but it may hinder you from being able to prestige that beast.
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I guess it makes sense.
But I wish restoring base Genmat was not based on Prestige, just so people who do have bases like mine are not immediately shafted, I feel like having a good base in general should not be something you are punished for.
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Honestly I just think it comes down to how young the game is. Players who didn't get in on the beta haven't even had a full week to figure out movement, some people are slower learners. I bet in a month or so, bases like yours will do just fine as people are more comfortable navigating and acting with speed over caution.
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pretty sure the reason why bases eventually die out is to promote replayability. and i have to agree with the decision.
if a base is rated high enough it should be memorialized and used periodically as a "legendary base" or something and reward the builder a "good job" bonus of some kind.
but i don't think bases that are avoided for being too intense (either because they're intimidating or just outright frustrating) should be left to free farm genmat. build something else. stop sitting on one base like "yep. that's my contribution to maker society". your talent is being wasted.
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We have 200 base slots, and give it a few weeks/months and most of them are going to be filled with dead bases that will never see the light of day because the Genmat mechanics are not good; and I think that just kind of sucks.
I do understand that they want us to try and build new things, but there are some stuff that I have a lot of time decorating only for it to basically be left to rot.
And Im not asking for a constant Genmat farm with my bases, since I too agree it would be boring for the game, I just want to make sure I can at least use them again; not constantly, but a periodic thing. Like maybe once a week, I can restore a few bases' Genmats?
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i get what you're saying. that's why i suggested the "legendary" bases mechanic.
prestige a base 10 times and it's dead. but if it's good enough it can be turned into a legendary base.
another way to reward good base design and filter out the players doing loot farm speed run bases or killboxes.
because the alternative would be 200 times the number of active players of just hot garbage.