psa: forbidden tombs

wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145
edited April 2023 in General Discussion

so... probably not many of you newer players know this yet, but...

this is a forbidden tomb.

this baby can fit so many currency drops in it. that it will literally blow your mind. all you gotta do is hit it.

even makes a mechanical churning noise like a freight train would. so you know you're close. some maps have 2 and even 3 of these.


so map builders. i'm talking to you. USE THEM. stop making them impossible to get to when you build your map. you want currency too right? Use their greed against them. Make tombs worth doing and kill the raiders for your own gains. you can get currency from killing raiders that open your vaults. And when they succeed at opening vaults they will become trained to look for more increasing the likelihood that they will die. you lose nothing when they open the tombs. you gain everything if they do.


and i can hear you typing vigorously "but wyd, i can't make them go to these vaults. i only have 750 capacity harrumph"

and to that i say - that's why i didn't give you any accolades. you're neither ingenious, artistic, or fun. and at 750 capacity unless you're a madman of engineering then i doubt i died more than 1 time on my way to steal your booty. so not brutal either.

Post edited by wydyadoit on


  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,142
    edited April 2023

    I found this out by complete accident because it is not explained at all.

    And when I found it out, I started adding little cave systems in my maps for people to find them.

    A little boost for those who go the extra mile to explore the maps I make.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    It is explained in the tutorial. Just not the tutorial you get shown when you start the game. You have to actively search through the tutorial.

    Which is really weird and explains why everyone misses this crucial information.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145
    edited April 2023

    not that weird. most games have short "crucial information" tutorials they automatically throw you into and vast log systems for more in depth details.

    it also tells you when you've built your first base about them in a text popup that most players likely skipped.

  • chezpizza
    chezpizza Member Posts: 120

    If I can't incorporate them in my base design, I usually lead players to them with the medieval carpet wall paper.

    Personally I feel these blocks should be place able by the player.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    it's explained here and pops up when you build a base for the first time.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    the reason you can't place them is because they're meant to reward players that are able to incorporate them as they are. otherwise you'd have players doing the same bases every map.

    same with bedrock. same with the genmat

    they're all challenge blocks.

    bases that use bedrock effectively can utilize the second wave feature and decoy blocks better. it also obviously reatricts open areas without costing capacity.

    bases that protect the genmat with long and complex paths make games longer and more interesting.

    bases that utilize vaults make games more interesting, rewarding, and fun. bases that don't make them less rewarding and by extension less fun. bases that give them away for free... idk. that's neutral i guess.

  • chezpizza
    chezpizza Member Posts: 120

    So I do try to incorporate these vaults when I can but it's a bit difficult trying incorporate them naturally as it consumes alot of resources.

    As a raider, unless the vault is close to the main path I don't tend to venture super far, which I feel others probably might be doing too. So why waste the resources?

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    because it has the benefit of "pay it forward" which ultimately will benefit your long term base building.

    small bases can have up to 1500 capacity. 1 vault.

    mediums can have up to 3000. 2 vaults

    large bases start at 3500. 3 vaults

    assuming your base's capacity is the lowest possible value - which i think is 500? you'd be hard pressed to create anything that is artistic, but to say you couldn't build a 3x3 tunnel to both is a bit exaggerated. even just enclosing the entire space in a dome would work.

    i've seen some players take the prefab and just hide traps in it and add guards. and the interesting thing is that sometimes it works.

    🤷🏻‍♂️idk. maybe i just don't get the point of building houses when all you need is a dungeon.

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    >>you want currency too right? if a vault gets opened, but not picked up then that loot becomes your loot.

    Are you sure about that? Because this insensitivises pretty cheesy setups with huge acid pit under it to prevent players from picking up dropped resources and/or some traps that can destroy tomb before player can reach it. It's already here to piss raiders off, that's enough.

    If players die they don't get those resources, yes, but neither the builder. And now you say I can easily farm my own tombs with self-destructing traps? I don't think it's possible...

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    i meant to erase that part. i was tired and jumbled up my words when i wrote it. basically what i meant was you have a better chance of killing a greedy player trying to go for a tomb.

    more tombs mean more currency for raiders. if you cover it up the. raiders will just go for the genmat and run away. or if you don't defend your vaults then youre essentially missing out on potential kills.

    each tomb drops 50-100 (in my experience) mixed currency.

    so we're talking a possible 250 currency just from tombs. that's practically an entire chimera level in synthite or parts.

    but anyway - point i was making is builders want currency too. so use greed to make players give you currency by dying going for tombs.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    i edited the post to reflect my original meaning now that i'm not half asleep typing.

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    Ahhh, now it makes sense, thanks. I was right about to go and test this to be sure xD

    Everything else is true. I wish they advertise tombs more. A lot of people who raid my bases skip tombs even though couple of them are free on the route. People look at them and don't even bother to click the mouse. So I guess they just don't know what's that and why they need it :c

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,183

    So, I'm a little confused about the death/currency mechanics here.

    • If you die, you lose everything you picked up?
    • If you abandon a raid, you keep your currencies, but lose any genmat you collected.

    So when you find an outpost that has the vaults out in the open, is there any reason not to just grab the loot and abandon? Then jump back in and complete it, without the risk of losing your currency gains.

    Yes you lose some rank progress, but I don't see any reason to care about that right now. You gain about 150 for a win and lose about 10-15 for abandoning.

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580
    edited April 2023

    You don't loose any currency except genmat. You can safely search for tombs first, grab them and then raid normally without abandoning. Moreover, if you need synth more than rank, you can clear base, die somehow and clear it again just for resources (but over time the game will nerf your incomes on this base). You keep everything.

    You loose all unpicked resources. Like if you open tomb and die before you pick up resources then you won't be able to get them anymore. Resources just dissappear due to base reset, and tombs don't reset themselves after opening.

  • chezpizza
    chezpizza Member Posts: 120

    I have started to quit bases that have clearly and purposely covered the tombs without trying to incorporate them.

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    I give them a try because sometimes there are secret paths inside bases that covered with corrosive/second wave cubes and other creative stuff. I love this and have several second wave tombs myself, they look blocked at first glance but reward those who understand game mechanics and take time to explore.

    But if tombs are clearly blocked or surrounded by robbing setups - no accolades from me then. I also shake my camera in front of those setups to give the builder a clue I don't like it xD

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    that counts as a death and awards the builder free money.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,183

    I just played one where they purposely surround theirs with window boxes.

    What's the opposite of an Accolade? Can we get those for these people please?

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    🤦🏻‍♂️that player literally shooting himself in the foot by doing that.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    death resets the map. you bank everything you've picked up. you don't lose anything.

    builders get genmat for killing raiders and you get an amount of currency that drops based on the raider's level.

    my recommendation is to look at the normal difficulty bases for a capacity level 3 base with a normal danger level. then go open all the vaults and run away with the genmat. you'll get the most out of those. capacity level 2 base and capacity level 1 bases only have 2 and 1 forbidden tomb respectively. so you'll end up getting less currency.

  • chezpizza
    chezpizza Member Posts: 120
  • Ghorhammer
    Ghorhammer Member Posts: 9

    So I know there are some unsportsmanly folks out there, but I'm starting to encounter an OVERWHELMING number of Outposts where folks have walled off the Tombs. This is extremely distasteful, it doesn't hurt you if your opponent robs the Tomb, it doesn't cost you anything.

    Stop doing this.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145
    edited April 2023

    if anything it hurts your bases to wall them off. because there are less goals. less goals means less player interest in your map. less interest means less chances for deaths and less likely get accolades. which means less prestige and less currency. which means your base becomes unsustainable. it's a slippery slope. tread carefully.

  • magic1236
    magic1236 Member Posts: 106
    edited April 2023

    I have to admit I always go searching for these the very moment I begin the map, since I know people either don’t bother incorporating them or don’t know about them. Or they just give them free witch is nice. I definitely think it’s awesome when they use them creatively. I say it’s fine if they are ignored, just given to for free/ free path to them, or in operated or used to kill. Only thing one shouldn’t do Is block them off to be trolls and such.

    I will say I have decided to make it a signature style of mine, to use the necropolis deco pack around the forbidden tombs due to their names. Make it like an ancient tomb or ruin was in this burial site before the outpost was built and such in a sense.

    Only down side to this is makes it where I only have 4 option deco packs to choose from instead of five

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    I have a signature style i use also. If you ever end up on one of my bases you’ll know by the tombs.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,183

    I like to build a little extra thing around a tomb, with a couple of traps. Makes it feel earned, and if they die it's a fair trade, a death for some loot.

    Eats into my rating quota though, making otherwise non-brutal outposts ending up rated Brutal anyway...

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    i try to avoid using explosives near it so that way if they die to my traps it won’t open the tomb and they can try again.