Companion App

Seraphor Member Posts: 9,215

I realise this might be a tad ambitious, and probably something for several years down the line when and if MYM is a huge success.

But it would be pretty neat to have a companion app that I could use to track stats on my outposts, see when they get kills, when they expire (particularly useful if you want to use Overdrive), etc.


  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    lol. tbh this game is perfect for a companion app. rather than log into the game at all just access the terminal from the app. raid and build in the actual game. watch replays and manage bases from the app.

  • TheLegalCustodian
    TheLegalCustodian Member Posts: 13

    A companion app would be absolutely perfect for Meet Your Maker. Getting notifications and stats would be amazing - maybe someday?

    As much as I personally love MYM, I think we are at the veeeeeeeeery beginning of the game with so much potential and designspace to explore. IF MYM is successful enough in the long run.

  • magic1236
    magic1236 Member Posts: 106

    Just reminding those that like this idea to vote it up. I think in theory the more up votes a post has the more likely the devs may see about making it happen. In theory

  • RicSimane
    RicSimane Member Posts: 42

    OK. Honestly I would be happy even with some kind of website account were that we could connect with our Steam/Whatever and just see the bare stats of our outpost and raid history.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,173

    Really damn good idea!