Large outposts aren't worth it, prestige cost is too high

CotePathos Member Posts: 31
edited April 2023 in Feedback

There is no reason for prestige points to be 6 times higher on a large outpost than on a small. Sure, you have more room to get more kills, but less people play large outposts if there are medium or small outposts available. Add in how much longer it takes to build a large outpost and you end up spending more time to make something less people will engage with that is inherently harder to maintain.


Also just realized that size is not taken into account regarding ranking or reward; you lose the same amount of rank per death on a large base as a small.

Given prestige implies a large base is supposed to get 6 times the kills, the game design ACTIVELY DISCOURAGES Raiders playing for progression from choosing large bases.

There needs to be additional incentive to play a large base.

Post edited by CotePathos on


  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    Large outposts are pointless. You can't utilise the capacity because anything much more than 2000 ends up being Brutal difficulty, regardless of how difficult it actually is, which gets a fraction of the traffic of Normal/Dangerous outposts, which means you can't hit 125 Prestige points.

  • chezpizza
    chezpizza Member Posts: 120

    Small outposts aren't worth it either unless you prestige enough to have at 1k capacity, unless you make a killbox build.

    I feel like whether it is big map or small one they should have equal amount of build capacity. Maps are already restricted by thier size and the amount of bedrock is spawned in.

  • CotePathos
    CotePathos Member Posts: 31

    My small outposts are very profitable, you just need to think outside the box in how you build, no capacity upgrade necessary. And even if your particular idea does need the extra capacity, as long as it can get 1 kill in 24 hours you can prestige it.

  • CotePathos
    CotePathos Member Posts: 31

    Also just realized that size is not taken into account regarding ranking or reward; you lose the same amount of rank per death on a large base as a small.

    Given prestige implies a large base is supposed to get 6 times the kills, the game design ACTIVELY DISCOURAGES Raiders playing for progression from choosing large bases.

    There needs to be additional incentive to play a large base.

  • chezpizza
    chezpizza Member Posts: 120

    How much capacity do you believe is in a p1 small outpost?

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    Should be 1500, which is plenty.

    2000 is where you start to become Brutal.

  • chezpizza
    chezpizza Member Posts: 120

    Nope. I bought a small outpost that had a capacity of 750.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited April 2023

    That's unlucky, I haven't seen any less than 1500 yet. Shoulda rerolled.

  • chezpizza
    chezpizza Member Posts: 120

    I tried to make it work. Couldn't get it prestiged. So had to delete it.

    During the beta, 750 wasn't terrible because there wasn't many outposts so people played it and I was able to prestige quickly. Now though, I'm lucky if I'm able to get 1 or 2 per cycle which makes me feel like I need to create killbox levels in order to make it worth it anymore.

  • BillSimmons
    BillSimmons Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 74

    Small and medium outposts are great options given their lower prestige point requirements. Large outposts are too demanding, where if you fall behind with low kills & accolades it's near impossible to come back after resetting.

    I picked up a 750 capacity small outpost and found the challenge of making something with those restrictions pretty fun. It very clearly looks and plays like an outpost that's under construction, but a few prestige levels in you can make something that's pretty solid while still working with a small capacity.

    Previously I was buying only large outposts for the three tombs, but with a poor track record of reaching champion status with them I switched to only small and medium sized outposts for more consistent longevity. As a raider I look forward to playing large outposts for three tombs, but find the occasional very long HRV path/time consuming raid is what pushes me towards appreciating the smaller outpost options.

  • Red_October
    Red_October Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Very much agree. It takes some time to make a fun Brutal/Large base, and the traffic you get makes it so it's irrelevant how effective the base is, you'll never prestige after one or two unless you get lucky. I've seen people suggest a raider attempt # system instead of a flat timer, or tweaking the algorithm that decides what bases you can select, and similar ideas, which all sound like fair suggestions. In it's current state it just feels like a waste of time to build a large base, and I wonder if there's even enough motivation for raiders to choose brutal maps. From a building standpoint, small/normal bases I don't find the least bit interesting, and now large/brutal waste my time. So only a third of the options for building are worth it for me.

  • zbord
    zbord Member Posts: 18

    As things currently are I avoid trying to raid large bases. Too much frustration/time and no incentive to play them over smaller maps.

    My own large had to reset three times because it gets little to no traffic and I wish I just kept the synthite for other things. Watching the couple replays I noticed, despite having clear hints, makeshift frowning face on obvious trap loaded red harvester's path and smiling face on blue secondary path, raiders automatically follow the harvester. I even had a third path, yellow, that utilized the grapple and lands you right next to the GenMat, but even as a quick exit, the raiders just ignored it and tried going back the way they came in. I did have fun building the large base and tested it out multiple times as I built, adjusting things if I didn't enjoy playing it, but won't be doing large maps again.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145
    edited April 2023

    capacity for small bases are 750-1500. medium bases are 2000-3000. large bases are 3500-4500.


    these numbers are during purchase. post purchase base might level up? not sure. i know that you get over 100 capacity for leveling a 4500 base to prestige 2 and 3.

    i currently have a 1500 capacity base that is ready to prestige. which grants 175 build capacity. all level 2 bases get 175 extra capacity. my 4500 base got 175, 200, and 200. so in theory it would have the capacity of a medium base after it reached level 4 since it seems all bases follow the same rules in regards to capacity and prestige.