will there be a future

i am concerned for the longevity of the game, is there a point where you will just cut your losses instead of continuing to work on said game? do the devs have plans on how to boost the already dwindling player numbers or is meet your maker going to end up like death garden?
id hate to see such a great game concept get binned before it is polished
I think the lack of communication and advertisement is hurting the game.
There is like no interaction with the community at all. No life sign. No "we are hearing you loud n clear".
Everything substancial (road map, dev stream) came before the launch.
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3 weeks since launch, the bugs and exploits have gone from a rare mention to a common occurrence.
no hotfixes, no balance changes, no communication other then the twitter spinning up in the last week spitting out things that should of been in a tutorial as if they are new info
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Pretty much.
I mean, DbD started small. But at least it had a weekly dev stream. Which helped bond with the community.
Here we have nothing to look forward. No actual news.