Rank is hurting the game

By having it in and telling people you can get these rewards for these ranks will no doubt make the player use any means necessary to keep the rank and it never go down.

makes players who care about those rewards exit application ( rage quit) , while attempting Dangerous / Brutal Bases… while players who bases were raided may or may not care about rank , deprived of anything.. both sides are mad. The raider may not suffer any negative impacts upon amount of deaths is just as equally bad as getting nothing considering the time spent.

the corrosive cube / piston exploit is fixed, that’s the first step, I’m glad you fixed.

perhaps any content you come out with, should be rewarded to players as a reward for successful attempts on Brutals / champion brutals .Cosmetics to whatever, let it be random.

takeing rank out will eliminate the players rage from not gaining anything… I’d rather die 100 time’s trying to get content, than nothing. It’ll make play the bases…

so take it out on a trial run and see the impact now.

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  • Member Posts: 685

    Did you miss the part where there is no way to LOSE rank anymore? you literally can't go down. everyone who bothered to rank up with risk got devalued and didn't get compensated, but now everyone following them just gets easy street. they had no problem awarding prestige retroactively on outposts, so what about the rank?

    you want rank removed, i don't. i rather like my number and working to get it closer and closer to 1. makes me feel acomplished to compete against other players to move up the ladder, thats the point of master rank but the casuals all see it as "oh, i'm master 2000, guess master is easy and everyone here did what did (grinding normals)" because they aren't actually challenging themselves. they don't have any way to track yourself against other players stats outside of master ranking, so no. i don't want it removed.

  • Member Posts: 685
    edited May 2023

    Side note, since rank means literally nothing now, i'm just going into all large maps, taking tombs and leaving with free loot, no deaths, no rank loss, free resources. screw the builder since that seems to be the way the game wants us to play.

    geting about 80-120 synthite and parts per run of 1 minute with 0 deaths easy low risk material farm. have fun everyone since free stuff is all anyone care about now.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 48

    Sry for the wall of text but it is an exensive thematic:

    Casuals like me are not even at master rank, btw.

    I'm still on my way to silver 1 but i don't play for ladder progression. I did that for years in other games and came to the conclusion that i personally have more fun and relaxation if i don't play progress or perhaps i should say i progress at a differnt pace.

    So now we have a devalued rankingsystem and a level system which does nothing to the gameplay for both players and outposts?

    Because well a Rank 10 doesn't seem to have really more value than an Rank 5 both are in the champion bracket, since nobody can see the rank of the outpost before joining that outpost.

    So even the different cap sizes are irrelevant because they are just not there as a criteria for selection. So you don't know if that small outpost which seem to have many blocks build in their design, has many traps or just a few because of the different capsizes between the rank.

    Why is it that every game producer thinks the grind is THE way to get people to stay in games? I mean I don't like repetetive tasks even if i get payed for them in real life with real money - i do them because i need the money but not because i like the tasks. The grind in rpg or other mmo's makes sense because you get better gameplay value from them - here it's just cosmetics. There isn't even a hitpoint pool which can get bigger and rise the surviability of a character. Games should make fun and relax not be an collection of repetetive tasks with no relative meaning.

    It's essentially a shooter with rpg elements smashed in and then to complicate everything s.o. though it a good idea 4 currencys from which exactly one stears the whole economy. Then there are the diffrent expectations at the two "roles" raider and builder.

    The raider just has to raid - hopfully fast and with as less death as possible.

    The builder has to build an "good" outpost, but there is the problem from building perspctive you have to kill as many as often as you can. Your goal is essentially to guard your genetic materials - if you don't you get processed into the sucessful raiders outpost, thats the story.

    But what is a "good" Outpost. Most seem to prefer easy fast paced outpost because time/value, when raiding.

    So it seems that most think it's on the builder to get people to raid their outpost, but from a lore perspective that is simply not what a builder should do - he should want to hold on to all the genmat he doesn't want sucessful raids, he doesn't want to get his genmat extracted. He wants raids and kills for outpost progression.

    Lorewise the raider is the one who should be chomping at the bit to get raiding, because he has to gain the genmat for his own outpost/chimera in anyway possible - which is building outposts to mine genmat from the dead and raiding other outposts and killing their inhabitants. Not nitpicking every outpost for time/value - just raid and go on.

    What most don't seem to get is that this is not a raiders against builders or faction vs. faction scenario - it's essentially an everybody against everybody free for all royal rumble.

    There is no "we" in this game except in coop, everything else is I have to do this or that if I want to do something.

    It's not we raiders and it's not we builders because everybody is a raider and a builder for the gamemechanics. There is no way to build without raiding which is intended - because many build only players and no raid only players can't support that game economy.

    And for raid only players there is not much incentive to stay longtime in the game atm. So we all have to do both because else the system won't run properly. Oh... wait.. maybe... it doesn't atm.

    Which we cannot really gauge because we don't even know why some outposts get traffic while others doesn't. Because we can't see how many players got the option to chose that outpost in the first place. Was the outpost not chosen deliberatly because well it wasn't attractive enough or because not enough got it in their raidselection as an option? That's the first question that is to solve than you can really determine if an outpost is sucessful or if it just got more visibility and so more had the option to chose this outpost than another outpost.

  • Member Posts: 685

    make a base that is normal, has a single tunnel to the genmat, then write XP on it. watch how many raids it gets compared to everything else you post.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 48

    But that's not on the casuals, thats lazy progress players who want to join this kind of sorry, crappy outpost.

    Casuals - are players who play seldom or not in the ladder (by the wider definition).

    I think we are generally the same opinion but nitpicking the details...

  • Member Posts: 685
  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Players can be both/all types.

    I choose outposts based on genmat/guard type, and if the one I want is a Free XP raid, I'll still do it, and reap as much synthite as I can get out of it because I'm a starving builder.

  • Member Posts: 22

    Lol I said gaining nothing is as bad as losing rank if you die an amount of times and spent more than 10 minutes

  • Member Posts: 685
  • Member Posts: 22

    I know … … so for people who care about rank… why bother going after brutals, if you die and can’t rank… or spent 20 minutes for experience only ,that does nothing.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Ranks should be simply removed. Just let it run through this season, so everyone can get the reward they want and then remove the ranks.

    Before the rewards were officially announced, people speculated that it could be this or that and i warned them, that it could be something completely useless, meaningless. Thats simply not worth the effort. People instead went on and started to alt-f4 to prevent losing rank points. Which just defeats the purpose of the game. To learn and adapt.

    Ranks hurt builders and raiders. Builders, because getting a couple of 0 kill raids could really tear down the rank points, which resulted in unmotivated builders. Raiders, because they were not allowed to die anymore after reaching gold.

    Removing the penalty was a good thing, now remove the rest and watch how people slowly change their behavior.

  • Member Posts: 685

    i'm on the other end, grace period to quit in the first 60 seconds of a raid, after that penalty for quitting is HARSH because you made a choice to stay, getting genmat and getting out would completely negate that penalty and maybe come with a small reward for beating the challenge, i've floated the idea of tenacity rewards for completing things with high death counts or time spent in the raid (with a cutoff to prevent farming with it) but there are no consequences for anything in this game for raiders, because they don't every have to use a consumable, don't ever have to buy a base but builders have the consequences that they have to pay resources constantly for their bases, and that if a base gets no raids it stagnates. there is no accountability for the raider whatsoever right now.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    A grace period would just pressure slow players and benefit fast players (that finish a raid in less than 60 seconds).

    I´d like to have a bigger variety of consumables. Like sticky grenades, bait that triggers traps/guards, magazines that reload your ammo if you run out, etc. With more versatility, there would be more incentive to use consumables.

    Hell, they could even add spray paint for raiders as a consumable, to leave a mark (like the feng ming decal) when raiding. Just as a "XXX was here" or "XXX beat this base in 60 seconds" and stuff like that.

  • Member Posts: 685

    then shorten the timer to 20-30 seconds so everyone is on a tighter timer. i'm all for equality in available assets

    players already complain if we take ammo away in any way, why do they need ANOTHER ammo cartridge when their 3 bolts are more or less capable of destroying an entire outpost 100%? as for bait i have a hardware suggested called hologram for that in the new equipment thread please take a look and upvote it if you like it. sticky grenades could be nice depending on implementation i guess. and what do you mean more incentive to use consumables? it's in the name "CONSUME"able how much incentive do you need and why do you need to be incentivized to use a tool you have?

    i really prefer not to have raiders tagging up my base thanks, they have access to tons of decal and the build menu just like me. my base is for my expression.

  • Member Posts: 34

    Ranks is the only thing pumping this game. Why i will play a if i got everything in the game? More upgrades will come and soon they will add battle pass and guess what it will be like the rank.

    This is how all online games work and the reason why they stay alive.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Well the ammo catridge would be for exactly that. Bases with ammo traps. Or rooms with 50 plasma guns aiming at the entrance. I´d like to see more variety with approaches to certain rooms. I often don´t use any consumables at all.

    The tagging could be like in Elden Ring or Dark Souls. Small things that might help or not. Which you can delete or also leave a false message. But yeah, maybe not.

  • Member Posts: 685

    why bring in ammo stockpiles when you can just leave bases with ammo traps for no penalty? *shrug*

  • Member Posts: 685

    those people don't also want to have an engaging dungeon where each shot has to be consciously made rather than blindly firing at every target?

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